Comments 5

Re: Feature: A Tribute To Jason Brookes


Mine passed away from lymphatic cancer in 2016. It hit hard in the first 12-18 months after he was gone and I won’t be the same again I don’t think. It took away some of my confidence. Hope your doing ok.

Re: Polymega Slips Into Early 2020, But It's Bringing Some Cool Stuff With It


This article says they have started production.
They have NOT.
On their Facebook page they just said they are still finalising the final build before commencing production.
Why is the article telling porkies -did they tell you a different story or did you mis-read their release?
This is important considering these guys have had shocking communication, many delays and are saying shipping in 2 months when production has t even started.
We need you to be critical questioning journalists, not their PR people!

Re: Feature: A Tribute To Jason Brookes


I chatted briefly with him about a week ago.
I had absolutely no idea he wasn’t doing well.
Can’t believe he took the time to chat when he must have been feeling not great.
Such a lovely and talented guy, I’m glad I got to tell him I really enjoyed his work. So sad.
Sending out my best wishes to all his loved ones, I’m so sorry for your loss. Xxx