Comments 4

Re: The Cost Of Owning A MiSTer FPGA Is About To Come Down Dramatically


@vicviper001 In a word, yes, if you use the widely-available UpdateAll script which downloads everything you need to get started and all of the arcade ROMs it supports. Just add your own games into the appropriate folders, define your controls, and off you go.

I ditched my Pis for the same reason, and although my experience with the Pis helped for setting up a MiSTer, once it was set up I've had no issues whatsoever as long as I periodically run the aforementioned UpdateAll script which grabs any new cores or core updates released.

Re: Do You Remember Scavengers, The Alien-Style UK Game Show From The '90s?


Trust a YouTube video to make up things which were not true in reality.

Fact check time.

1. The series was not taken off-air midway through its run. It was originally two series one shown in 1994 and the other in 1995. That was always the plan.

2. The second series was not placed at 9:25am, at least not in the Granada region where it was shown at the usual Sunday evening slot.

Additional things the YouTuber missed because they've probably only seen what was uploaded to YouTube:

1. The champions of both seasons returned for one final champion of champions episode.

2. In that episode, Android was moving around the complex giving the mission briefings after the command centre they usually occupied was attacked.

Re: 'Tricky Madness' Is An Exciting New Indie Game Inspired By SSX Tricky


"Back in February, Dearth tried to crowdfund the project's development on Kickstarter but unfortunately failed to raise half of his £3990 goal. Despite that, he's continued working on the game ever since"

Because it wasn't about crowdfunding, it was about taking pre-orders for a game which may never be delivered.

If it were actual crowdfunding then development wouldn't have continued despite missing their fundraising goal.