Comments 8

Re: Pre-Orders Go Live For The Evercade Retro Handheld System


I hope it finds enough people who are interested. It is being released in the same month as the Final Fantasy remake and Animal Crossing. Not saying that will effect sales so much, but the press won’t really be talking about it much.

Since they are a relatively small enterprise, getting the press to report on their hardware and release schedules will be very important.

Re: A Second Namco Collection Has Been Revealed For The Evercade Handheld System


I’m not sure if this machine will be worth the money. Most of these titles have nostalgia sure, but aren’t really going to hold many people’s attention. So you can connect to your TV with an HDMI cable. That’s not going to be conformable. How do you play these games with two players? Daisy chain two together by a cable like an old Gameboy? If I want to play the game with a friend on a TV well... is that even possible? Can I connect a joystick to this thing, considering most of these are arcade games? So many design choices are just so ill advised.

I do like the cartridges though.

Re: Introducing The Playdate, Panic's New Handheld Video Game System With A Crank


Honestly this looks like a lot of fun. I really like all the developers involved in making games for it.

Still it might be shortsighted to pay 150 for this device without finding out if the games are any good. If they are able to amass a library of 30-50 games of relative good quality then it will be worth it. It would be really interesting if they had a fishing game that had feedback/ resistance on the crank so it felt like you were actually reeling one in.

Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


Problem with the NES is that over time the cartridge slot gets bent due to overuse. Same thing with the cartridges themselves if you leave them in the console too long. Even upon release though this was an issue, with coarse lines running along the screen and the infamous repeating title card flashing indefinitely. I don’t remember this being an issue on the SNES or N64.