Comments 14

Re: Looks Like We're Getting Another GBA SP Clone This Year


  • 6
  • Nua

@Ziondood Hi, sorry for the random ping. In the fabulous first picture of that GBA SP, Sonic and Tails are posing nearby. Just wondered if those were yours, and if so, you'd know where I might be able to buy some? Extra brownie points if there is a Knuckles figure too.

Re: Game Boy Color's Medarot 3 Gets Translated Into English


  • 8
  • Nua

@Damo I have a somewhat bad habit of reading Hookshot Media sites before my eyes and brain have completely woke up. With that out of the way, is there a word like "not" missing from the opening sentence about Pokemon and Digimon? Something feels off, but I could just be reading it wrong.

Edit: I also fancy myself somewhat of a Digimon fan, and the series never had a GBC release to my knowledge, just some Wonderswan games before the GBA games.

Re: Wii Fans Are Reviving The Console's eShop With 'RiiShop'


  • 9
  • Nua

It feels very weird for this to be called the Wii eShop in the title instead of the Wii Shop Channel. I think the article could have easily been titled "Fans are reviving the Wii Shop Channel with Riishop" and it would convey the same information while being a bit more accurate.