Comments 13

Re: Review: Playdate - Picking Things Up Where The Game Boy Left Off?


@Rosalinho it already is successful.

It’s not meant to sell like the Switch or even an Analogue Pocket. It’s niche and it knows it, it embraces that fact fully. But they originally planned to make 20,000 units available for pre-order and then they’d make more if there was demand. Those 20,000 sold out in 20mins and they got 50,000 pre-orders.

It’s still niche and it may never sell more than those 50,000 preorders, but that’s 2.5 times it’s success target.

Re: Review: Playdate - Picking Things Up Where The Game Boy Left Off?


I guess you could call it the hipster console but that feels cynical. I preordered one because it looked like the focus was on being fun first and foremost. It had a sense of pure playfulness that I think sometimes even Nintendo products lack. No part of it was about being impressive or sleek or cool or useful. It’s a bright yellow square with a 2-bit screen that plays simple games and has a crank because maybe that could be fun for some things and that appealed to me greatly!

Re: Review: Playdate - Picking Things Up Where The Game Boy Left Off?


@KoiTenchi “ I have a hard time believing there’s much of a market for a $179 black and white non backlit screened handheld in 2022 “

Well even it’s creators massively under assumed the market for it. They planned to make 20,000 in the initial pre-order run and then if there was demand they would make a second run. That initial number sold out in 20mins and they currently have around 50,000 pre-orders according to the latest update email. I’m in batch #4 due hopefully later this year.

I think people are a little confused about the aim of this product. This isn’t intended to be a new Switch or anything, it’s not meant to be something that gets crazy sales and everyone has one. It’s a knowingly niche product for a relatively small group of people who will enjoy it.

Re: Save Yourself The Bother Of Completing NES Games With This New Book


@krisrk1 yes well exploding heads are still what most would consider not family friendly or safe for work, pixel art or otherwise. Overall game rating is kind of irrelevant. It's a head exploding, eyes popping out, skin rupturing and blood spraying forth in all directions. In many ways it's more graphic than most of Hotline Miami even though that has a higher age rating because of all the other stuff as well. That was my only point. Seems out of character for NL to not warn of those things in advance.

Re: Feature: The Making Of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem


Maybe one day Nintendo will venture into these realms once more.

I mean investors are excited about the DeNA mobile stuff sure. But they must also be looking at the success of the PS4 and XB1 and the games they're selling on and asking Nintendo "why aren't you guys making this too?". I love that Nintendo gives me the games that the others don't, but when I'm sitting playing Bloodbourne or Uncharted or even Ratchet & Clank, I find myself wishing I had more of this on my Nintendo systems too.