Comments 8

Re: The Truth About Retro Game Hunting In A Post-Pandemic Japan


I was lucky enough to be one of the first non natives allowed back in Japan after COVID for a business trip. I had a couple of afternoons free to visit stores and book offs, and ended up buying a Saturn and way too many games, something like 60. It was so hard to stop when they were all so cheap, with the games in Japan generally in such good condition too. It was all so quiet , with only a few other people in the book offs, and everyone was so pleased to see me, it was like the stores were open just for me. I don't expect to ever get such a great shopping spree opportunity again.

I guess I'm part of the problem, but I don't regret taking the chance to swipe a substantial Saturn library in one go.

Re: Hideo Kojima Claims Konami Wanted Metal Gear Solid 3 To Be More "Normal"


MGS3 is a truly great video game that needs to be played multiple times in order to understand how amazing it really is.

The river of the dead from all your victims to leaving the game for a week and a boss dying from old age, are just a few of many bonkers little things that can happen each time you play it.

The healing, camo and hunting stuff was great too. I would love to have the three games on switch. Heck, it's time MGS4 was released from its PS3 shackles.

Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good


@-wc- right? It's always nice to be told 'we' have never had it so good and should count ourselves lucky we can give more money to these multi-billiion dollar profit companies by someone who most likely receives the majority of their game codes for free.

Wind your neck in scribe. I think no one should be allowed to review a game unless they've paid full price for it, then we'd see how quickly the journos would be championing £70 video games.