Comments 33

Re: Best Electronic Table-Top Games Of All Time


I came in here wondering if a game that I absolutely loved as a child but could never remember its name, would be mentioned... and there it is, Firefox F7. I even remember the box.

Caveman was another tabletop game I had and loved.

Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?


I have spent an absolute fortune on games across my 40 odd years of gaming. So in the rare times I want to play something that I can't or don't want to buy, I will do so without feeling in the slightest bit guilty. My conscience is clear. However ,I would never make illegally downloading games my main way of playing.

Re: The Worst SNES Games Of All Time


I remember spending many hours playing Pit Fighter on the Megadrive. I knew it wasn't great, far from it in fact, but I had a good time with it. Perhaps the MD port was a little better than the

As bad as these games were at the time, I imagine it would be easy to find ten games on the Eshop that are much worse. You could blindly pick ten random games from Pix Arts enormous library of dross and you'd have a list that tops this one.

Re: Feature: Five Frantic Years - A Brief History of Aleste


@Kimimi You are a star for mentioning Robo Aleste. You've just solved a puzzle that has boggled me for a very long time. For many years I've been trying to remember what that excellent 90's vertical shmup involving a flying robot was called. I have asked on forums, searched through lists and even convinced myself that it was a different game. The biggest problem I had it turns out, was thinking I had played it on Saturn or Dreamcast, when in actual fact it was for Mega CD. As soon as I read 'Robo Aleste', I said out loud "That is it, THAT IS IT".

Thank you. Now I really want to play it again.

Re: Hardware Review: PC Engine Mini - Still An Acquired Taste, Even After 30 Years


My first experience of Turbo Grafx games was on Wii VC,I think I bought most, if not all of them. Absolutely loved Lords of Thunder and Gate of Thunder. It's a shame the latter didn't make it, seems like a glaring omission. I'm sure it'll be hacked in time though, so that's not a problem. Rondo of Blood is my favourite though, superb game. Really tempted to get one.

Re: Pre-Orders Go Live For The Evercade Retro Handheld System


To be fair, Nintendolife have been running articles on modern retro consoles for several years now. Retro-bit, Polymega etc etc. There will be articles when a new console is revealed, perhaps a hands on as its launch approaches and then finally a review by Damo. Considering how popular retro gaming is with many Nintendo fans and Nintendolifes original crew, plus the age of many of its members, I totally understand why these consoles are covered as well as others like the Neo Geo Mini and Megadrive Mini, despite having nothing to do with Nintendo.

It does seem this Evercade has been getting more coverage than most though and perhaps that is due to some staff being mates with its developers but does it really matter? I'm sure Damo will review it once it's ready and there's no doubt it'll be given an honest review, mates or not. I'm not interested in it myself but it's clearly a passion project rather than something slapped together to make a quick buck. I look forward to see how it reviews!

Re: Polymega Launch Trailer Reveals Sega Saturn Support


Disappointed there's no Atari Lynx, 3DO or CDi support.

No seriously, I'd really love a machine that could play just Saturn & Dreamcast games,or even better an all in one official SEGA console with a Saturn pad and a Netflix style subscription with all their classics.

Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure


Cheers for this,I'll have a read of this later. I owned and loved the 32X. Me and my mate were huge fans of Virtua Racing and Fighter in the arcades so to be able to play both of them at home was an incredible experience. They were pretty decent ports too, Virtua Racing especially. If memory serves me right, I got VR and Star Wars Arcade with it day one and later bought Fighter and Doom. As much as I loved it though I did think at the time, what on earth are SEGA up to.

Re: Feature: The Making Of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes


Never did play this but always wanted to.I moved over to Holland for work a few months after getting my Gamecube and never took it with me.I didn't get back to playing on it till a coupe of years later and had a lot of catching up to do.Sadly never got round to this.

Re: ​Feature: Say Hello To The CPS Changer, Capcom's First And Only Attempt At A Home Console


Great article,I had no idea this existed.

"The Japanese bubble had only just popped and Japanese companies were still flush with cash and no crazy ideas were too crazy. Look at the Sharp X68000 computer system, the Nissan Skyline R32, the Sony Minidisc"

I had a Minidisc player and Hifi and I absolutely loved them.,the sound quality was fantastic.At the time I first got my player I told everyone this was the future,even though I was the only person I ever knew who used them.Still didn't stop me from spending ₤450 on a hi fi that served me well for many years,it seemed to get better with age too.Good to know I was an owner of such niche items,just like the Dreamcast was and the Wii U will be.