Comments 59

Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy


@Hexapus Look up the Plaza Accord. Back then the Japanese economy was seriously challenging the USA's and was on the verge of becoming an economic superpower, so the US's finance minister pressured those of several developed countries to "reduce trade imbalances". Japan's bubble eventually bursted in the early 90s.

Of course, the USA will always put its own interests first, even if it screws the interests of its allies.

Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy


It's a friendly rivalry, and the original author is seriously overthinking it. It's like saying SF1 has an anti-Thai agenda because Sagat is the final boss.

Also there were plenty of other works teaming up an American and a Japanese back then, from Black Rain to Showdown in Little Tokyo, and while they have their fair share of stereotypes, they are are more like "two people from opposing culturws overcoming their differences to work together".

Re: The Worst Castlevania Game Is Getting Remade


I've played the remake and it's very good, akin to the remake of Castlevania Adventure. Simon no longer has slippery controls and all the attacks feel powerful.

The original game is also included, and there's also an option to remove the limited continues.

Re: SNES Fighter Rushing Beat Is Getting A New Entry, 'Rushing Beat X: Return Of Brawl Brothers'


The second and third games aren't bad at all, and they have some interesting gimmicks setting them aside from the average Final Fight clone.

The problem is that the Western releases were heavily butchered to the degree of Streets of Rage 3. The localizers of Peace Keepers were convinced that Americans hate anything resembling anime, so they replaced the anime-style portraits with something out of Mortal Kombat. Special attacking based on East Asian mythological creatures? Nah let's replace it with characters shouting words. And that's not mentioning the removal of entire cutscenes and enemies, cut the number of continues, and replace the music with ambient background noise.

Re: SNK Vs. Capcom's Promotional Artwork Has Been Censored To Cover Mai's Modesty


And censorship the least of the game's problems. The game is based on the AES version and has limited options compared to the Arcade Archives rereleases or the original Xbox version.

*No voices for Zero
*No transformations and interactions for Athena and Red Arremer
*No transparency effects
*No selecting the amount of continues
*No stage select in training mode

Re: Two Months After Shipping CD-Rs To Customers, Limited Run Games Still Hasn't Issued Replacements


I've given up on LRG and its ilk, save for a few games which are very big in download size like Alien Isolation. As much as I'd like to physical copies of some games, in this economy I can no longer justify their costs plus shipping and delays. For small games like retro releases digital is far more convenient.

And the annoying thing is, it seems like LRG's competitors are far worse in terms of customer service.

Re: VS. Star Luster Is This Week's Arcade Archives Title


@MontyCircus Yeah it sounds like a missed opportunity considering that the popularity of the NES exploded in the USA during the late 80s and many unconventional games appeared on it, including a few flight simulators which brought the NES's processor to a crawl. In contrast Star Luster ran very well for a 3D game.

Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It


Their rival Strictly Limited/ININ is just as bad. I was burnt several times by them offering a limited retro collection initially, then a more complete one down the line thus rendering my purchase pointless. They did it with Space Invaders, Turrican, Wonder Boy, and a few others.

As for Limited Run, my biggest issue with their emulation efforts is that the Carbon Engine is plain limited, compared to the efforts of M2, Digital Eclipse, or even Ratalaika. The Boy and His Blob collections for instance, offer limited screen options, doesn't save your border settings, and the only way to save is to quit the game completely.

Re: PS1 Doom Has Been Backported To PC, Along With Its Amazing Soundtrack


@Sketcz I'm pretty sure the vast majority of Doom fans prefer the original PC version's music. Athough that's not saying the PS1 version's music is bad, as it conveys an atmosphere of horror and dread as opposed to the original's "rip and tear", and suits as a decent remix of the original game.

Speaking of which, the 3DO version actually has live instrumentals, which only came about because the CEO of the porting company was absolutely clueless about game design. He also thought you could easily port Doom to a new platform by purchasing a retail copy of the PC version of Doom, and add new monsters and weapons using a paint program.

Re: Outgoing PlayStation CEO Claims PS2 Has Sold 160 Million, Yet Some Don't Believe Him


I'll always remember Jim Ryan as the guy who refused to greenlight Days Gone 2 simply because the game didn't meet a high Metacritic score despite selling millions.

And Sony has made some really bad business decisions under his tenure. Still don't know why Sony agreed to the decision to allow Disney to take up to 50% in royalties for every copy of the Spiderman games sold, and now Sony has somehow lost billions in stock because they're forecast to sell 5 million less PS5s.

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