Comments 35

Re: More Than 20 Years Later, Acclaim Is Back From The Dead, And WWE Legend Jeff Jarrett Is Involved


This is like the third time the name has been resurrected. It came back as a free-to-play publisher that blew up similarly to the original one, an indie studio in Montreal that makes new games for the NES was using the name (curious how that worked out), and now this. It's funny to me because while it's a name many in retro circles remember, it's often also remembered for publishing a lot of shovelware.

Re: Please, Please, Please Treasure Your Offline Multiplayer Buddy


Didn't expect an article from Time Extension to hit me in the feels, but here we are. I still play games with friends online all the time and love it, plus I play a lot of single player stuff too. But I agree, it's just not the same. I used to play games in person with friends all the time in the 80s and 90s and even in the 2000s, I remember hanging with my buddy and his stoner friends in the house they shared, playing hours and hours of 4 player Gamecube games. It was a blast and something I still treasure greatly. Time to get some people over for some retro nights I think.

Re: Anniversary: Gradius V Is 20 Years Old, And We Still Don't Have A Remaster


I absolutely adored Gradius V and along with Ikaruga, I think it some of Treasure's best work in the genre. I bought it launch day for the PS2 and convinced a friend of mine to play it with me. None of my friends were into shmups, but he actually quite enjoyed co-opping this one. Still have that copy and it's quite precious to me. I would love to see an updated version or just the original capable of running in 4K would be good enough for me. Konami though so...

Re: Limited Run Games Accused Of Shipping "Premium" 3DO Games On CD-Rs


As a previously suffering customer of Limited Run, do not buy from this company. The Internet is littered with stories, videos and TrustPilot reviews about how horrible dealing with them is and how they always overpromise and underdeliver.

I don't know if the comments here allow people to post links, but here's my story:

Re: Did Mad Catz Really Create "The Worst Video Game Controllers Ever"?


I was one of the rare people who actually owned a good product from the old Mad Catz: The Street Fighter IV Tournament Edition arcade stick. I bought two of them in 2009 and gave one to a friend of mine who let me stay with him for a while after a breakup. We both still own them and he's modded his to support newer consoles, while I still use mine on PC. They were built like tanks using real arcade components and were made in collaboration with Capcom. Now, they cost almost $200CDN each at the time so needless to say, they weren't aimed at the budget market like most Mad Catz products, but it did show that they were capable of building quality stuff if they cared to try.

Re: Star Control II Coming To Steam (Again) As 'Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters'


The funny thing is, Star Control II has been open-sourced and available on SourceForge for like a billion years, with an optional replacement soundtrack to boot. It's cool to see it back on Steam and it's good that everyone's playing nice togeher (Brad, Paul & Fred are apparently friends now and their lawsuit settlement is hilarious, it included honey and mead), but you've been able to get one of the best games ever made for free for a long time now.

Re: Pinball Wizard's 'Balls Of Steel' Is Back On Steam, With 2 New Atari-Themed Tables


I'm waiting to get a press code from Atari to make a video on this. I played a bazillion hours of the original back in the day. I'm curious how Atari ended up with the rights, but I'm guessing it's because this was originally published by GT Interactive, which was absorbed into Infogrames (later Atari) like 20 years ago. It's a shame the Duke Nukem table is missing as it was fantastic, but hopefully they can make up for it with the new ones. I've seen a couple of negative reviews saying that the modernization job seems kind of half-baked, but we shall see.

Re: Best Ghostbusters Games Of All Time


TIL there are WAY more Ghostbusters games than I thought!

For me, I think Ghostbusters for the C64 will always be my number one as I played I don't know how many hours of that back in the day and honestly, the core mechanics of it still hold up to this day. Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed is way up there though. Some friends and I recently started playing that after it came off Epic exclusivity and it is a blast! Asymmetric multiplayer where the matches don't take half an hour and it manages to be goofy, while also having a ton of depth.