Comments 22

Re: Hands On: Polymega Is Shaping Up To Be The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Emulation Box


@ramu-chan I actually went back and read the article in its entirety after I posted and I will admit it did get better and he appeared to be honest about the system (he pointed several negative things), I still stand by my comment. It still reads like an ad. And for the record, I never called him a shill, nor did I imply that he was one. That's the interpretation that you got from my comment and I won't apologize for that.

Re: Hands On: Polymega Is Shaping Up To Be The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Emulation Box


@KennyBania I understand the excitement (and also all of the concerns) surrounding the Polymega. I was at one point head over heals for this system (specifically for Sega CD and Saturn games) but the way the company has been acting has raised way too many red flags. I have a feeling if this does indeed get released, it's going to lose support and die. The people behind it are going to get rich and disappear. Just another investment scam.

Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Mega Sg: Forget The Mega Drive Mini, This Is The Real Deal


Nice. Now get to work on a system that plays Genesis, Sega CD, 32x and Saturn games and I'll gladly fork over $200, maybe even $300 if it includes 2 controllers and a game but for just one system, I can't justify that. I would rather dig out a CRT from my garage, clean it off, find a place for it, and get yelled at by my wife than to fork over basically MSRP for a system that came out in what 89.

Re: Analogue Mega Sg To Feature Unreleased Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Game


@Jokerwolf I agree with you wholeheartedly. I've dabbled in emulation since the 90's when I played Pokemon on my PC. Played it. Enjoyed it. Saved the money for a Gameboy Color and bought Pokemon Yellow. I still emulate older consoles and games for the same reasons you stated. I refuse to give someone on Ebay $100 or $200 for a copy of GI Joe for the NES. Who benefits there other than the seller. Is the publisher Taxan still around? What about the developer KID? The answer to both is NO. So who am I harming? No one. If GI Joe made its to the Switch as a digital download or as part of a collection, I would immediately throw my money towards whoever made it happen. I've always believed that when it comes to pirating/emulating, there are two types of people. People like us and then people that will NEVER give anyone their money for a game, movie, music, etc. I am not one of those so I have no guilt whatsoever.

Re: Analogue Mega Sg To Feature Unreleased Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Game


@masterLEON Nice! But unfortunately I own a Sega CDX so that wouldn't work. Not that I'm complaining about my Sega CDX. Just would love to play it on one of my HDTV's without spending 100 plus dollars for an upscaler or resorting to emulation which I might just end up doing. Zero guilt on my part since I own the systems and the games so technically it's not illegal.

Re: Feature: How Mortal Kombat Defined The Console War Between Sega And Nintendo


Great article! I absolutely love reading 16 bit behind the scenes articles. I read an article once that quoted someone who worked back in the 90's and he said that the reason why ports were different back then wasn't always a hardware issue. There were backroom deals between Sega, Nintendo and third party publishers and they would negotiate exclusives like an extra character in a fighting game. But no one spoke or reported on that in the AOL days of the internet. When GamePro and EGM ruled the shelves. Nope. Reviewers chalked it up to hardware limitations or cartridge size when it was a little more than that. Secret coke and stripper parties, followed by briefcases of money. Sometimes. Other times it was something as simple as reducing cost fees on cartridges. Good times.