Comments 36

Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards


When i played FFVIII and i found out there was a pocketstation mini game, I made the point to import the ($100!) device. I did eventually find out that I was missing out on so many import only mini games for the device. I found a fun Pop n Music game, and the Pocket Fighter Alpha 3 game (which i was able to unlock via Gameshark).

I definitely miss that portion of memory cards, but I dont miss the constantly losing files like I had with the Mega Memory Card. And I also miss how cheap they were compared to expanding storage now.

Re: Guide: Best Wonder Boy Games, Ranked By You


@smoreon So I had a friend do a translation, here is what is said.

"Just as I thought!
I will create an opening for you to attack!"

dark Prince destroys blaster cannon

" Heh.... Don't worry... about me..
I had... to pay you back... somehow.."

"Dying isn't... in my repertoire..."

"Lastly, I'll.. heal you back... to full..."

Hero is healed

"So! Legendary.. Hero !!!"

Very different from what was said in the american version.

Re: Guide: Best Wonder Boy Games, Ranked By You


@no_donatello yeah that last boss in US Monster World is the worst. You should try beating him with only 3 hearts. I'm very curious about what the prince of Dark world says in the japanese version. Right when you get your power back, he says something else before he fades.

Truth be told...I pretty much whole heartedly agree with this list. WBiMW is my all time favorite, but I feel like Dragon's Trap did introduce alot of innovation after Monster Land and helped the series get new life and a formula that later games would follow. MWIV imo plays better than WBiMW but I feel it's a bit shorter and more linear compared to the other. Finally Monster Boy is amazing and should just be played.

Re: The Making Of: Secret Of Evermore, Square's Western 'Secret Of Mana'


@Tasuki that's totally how I felt too...well that and the fact that I couldn't beat the first boss (couldn't figure out to wait for the claws to open)

I do a panel about forgotten JRPGs at cons and this is one that I put on my list because of alot of the reasons mentioned in this article. I think it's a good game. It's nothing too serious, and that's fine because not every game has to have that epic story. I liked how silly it was at times and some of the B-movie moments.

I hope it gets put on NSO or gets some sort of re-release. I'm not looking for a Live a Live style release, but at least one with some QoL updates.

Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


This was an interesting read. Ive definitely had systems fail on me in the past.

My PS2 that ive had for almost 10 years (Launch Model) had to be repaired because of the disk read error that plagued it. Then the lens started to give out, and I had to fix it myself. And recently, it finally kicked the bucket and i had to buy a new one.

My Sega Game Gear stopped playing sound (though everything else works just fine).

My First SNES fell apart, and I had to replace it.

Sometimes i feel like most game developers just want us to forget the past and move on.