Comments 6

Re: The PC-88 Adventure-RPG 'Märchen Veil' Is Coming To Nintendo Switch


@KingMike Sunsoft's version is more of a remake, with mostly redesigned levels and some changes to mechanics like shooting, saving, etc. The original game itself was something of a hit on PC-88, though its sequel only released for 98. (I suspect that's because System Sacom originally made both games with 98 in mind, a platform that lacked hit games/exclusives at the time but which Sacom had more presence on.)

Re: PC-88 Action RPG Hydlide Ventures Onto Nintendo Switch On December 21st


@TheWingedAvenger If you asked random gamers on forums, imageboards, etc. if they'd rather play Hydlide or Adventure, most wouldn't even know enough to answer before consulting Google. Neither game's as fun as they can be without some kind of guide; anyone playing the original Zelda today without its manual might also call it unintuitive junk. I've had fun with both games you mentioned for reasons similar and different, but it took some effort on my part to understand them. As for "wherever else the game went", we really don't have enough scientific studies to prove or disprove that claim. People who laugh at Hydlide whenever they watch an angry gamer critic video likely weren't ever going to play it seriously, either.

Mario Bros. may be likable, but it's also seen as a Golden Age Arcade Game, meaning players expect it to be simpler, harder, and less accommodating than early NES titles. There's a more accurate public image of what the game's trying to be; Hydlide's never had anything like that. That's why I recommend a spiritual successor like Fairune instead, knowing how much it stays true to 1984 but with modern quality-of-life design. It's hardly as if masochistic and/or highly investigative players ceased to exist going into the 2000s—many of them ended up playing MMOs and then Souls-likes instead of classic ARPGs. Then and now, certain genres appealed most when advertised well and when they reached the kinds of players most receptive to their systems.

I'm already seeing younger Japanese users on Twitter completing EGGCONSOLE's Hydlide release, and most seem pleased with what they played. Maybe they're going all old-school, no saves or guides allowed, or using every internet-age tool we've got, but I see these patterns with anyone trying Atari 2600 legends like Adventure or Pitfall. Context is everything, and even good games suffer during a lack of it. I see a lot of people rag on the original Dragon Buster these days, so it's lucky that Hydlide's more visible and takes even more of the punishment, warranted or not.

Re: D4 Enterprise Wants To Know What Classic Japanese Computer Games It Should Bring To Switch


So far I've voted for Bouken Roman (the PC-88 Commander Keen-like platformer) and Star Cruiser for X68000 (what if Elite, Wolfenstein, and classic JRPGs had a baby?). Will probably dig through what's cool and already on EGG for more ideas.

@Fighting_Game_Loser EGG/D4 actually owns a majority of Compile's non-Puyo, non-Aleste back catalog. They're very likely going to get the PC-98 Disc Station games up on eShop later on, maybe in bundles or as lower-priced releases. WRT Konami, I think they know the high demand for those games already, and both companies have worked together before.

@Poodlestargenerica If there's any Koei game coming to eShop that would impress me, Progenitor's high on the list (just below Kamigami no Daichi). We're more likely to see the usual RoTK/Nobunaga's Ambition or Rekoeition sims, though.

@Sketcz That would be an interesting pick, just to confuse everyone more familiar with Energy. And it's a better play than Legend by the same studio FWIW.

Re: PC-88 Action RPG Hydlide Ventures Onto Nintendo Switch On December 21st


The very original Hydlide definitely deserves more appreciation than it gets, all thanks to the barebones (yet disappointing) NES port. Yes it's grindy and opaque, but that's what Japanese players wanted in 1984: a more open-world take on Tower of Druaga with secrets and puzzles galore.

You're also not getting the forced Indiana Jones music in this version, for what it's worth. I think that's honestly an upgrade.

Re: The PC-88 Classic Silpheed Blasts Its Way Onto The Switch eShop on December 21st


@PinballBuzzbro It's not like Project EGG can suddenly release the SEGA CD version when they haven't (yet) licensed that version and everything needed to emulate the console.

Besides, the original Silpheed is still damn good! It doesn't look or sound as nice as the later remake, but I feel y'all should reserve judgement on these PC-88 games before trying them. The SEGA CD version just built off the (generic, so I'm told) bones of this game, after all.