Comments 1

Re: Feature: The Tragic Story Behind The Man Who Helped Create Tetris



Well, you're not wrong--I'm a writer, and depression (though not always debt) is a daily part of the process of creating any art. Most people who consume art really have zero idea just how much darkness is involved in creating it. And I'm one of the more sane ones...some of the writer friends I know? Hoo boy, you don't even want to know the issues they wrestle with.

As for homicidal and suicidal urges...that takes an entirely different level of mental issues. Specifically homicide--it takes certain high-level personality disorders to reach that point. Suicide would be--and IS, to be honest--a much more common thing for creators to do. That's why you don't see this kind of thing as much as a "pained artist" taking their own life.

To kill others, ESPECIALLY those who aren't threatening and in fact are close to you, takes severe personality disorder. This man likely had this issue well before his troubles started. And treatment is mostly ineffective. Often, these individuals actually CAUSE the problems and circumstances they face in life, albeit unconsciously, thanks to their underlying issues. It really is unfortunate...especially for his family, who ended up caught in it all.

Well, psychology lesson over, lol. Back to being a regular old video game fan...