Comments 2

Re: Review: Victory Heat Rally (Steam) - A Fun But Shallow Tribute To Sega's "Super Scaler" Classics


I have to agree with you AJB83, I'm also glad that there are no weapons in this game. A title like this is based around drifting and speed.

It think it's kinda ridiculous that people are expecting weapons in every game that has some sort of visual similarity to Mario Kart.

Weapons completely ruined what would have been a great bunch of titles with the Sonic All Stars and Team Sonic Racing titles. Others have equally suffered because of it.

I don't play PC games these days, so holding out for a Switch release. If it does come to be, I will probably buy.

As you mentioned, this is the kind of racer you play for Time Trials, etc. Or, you play for the joy of racing ala Sega Rally and Daytona on the Sega Saturn.