Comments 218

Re: "Only Zombies Buy Physical Games" Says Digital Code Retailer CDKeys


i see this as one of two things


A. Some out of touch foreign guy running an account who thinks that this is the hip way to advertise and talk about your product due to the language and culture barrier

B. Some out of touch guy trying to be hip and cool with the kids!!! YEAH. GNARLY LETS GO THROW EGGS AT MRS FINCHFIELDS HOUSE WOOOAAAAHHHHHH RADICAL DONT BE A BABY SEGAGRAFX DOES WHAT NINTENDEGA GEO DONT!!!! not realizing that marketing strategy has been like. out of date for nearly 20 years

cant help but kinda sympathize with em either way since judging by the commercial its clearly a local thing run by some old guy who wants to make his product look fun, the title of this article made me think it would be some "Piko interactive ceo saying all prototypes should be trashed" level a-holery on twitter or smth but this is kinda charming. I'm kinda endeared by it. like yeah you go grandpa stick it to the physical game buyers😭

Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free


I’m. Mixed on this.
Gameplay looks near perfect to how the snes version played, no complaints there.
But man, the random metal slug and streets of rage sound effects really take me out of the whole thing, the game was perfectly fine without them and if they REALLY wanted to give enemies voice lines, they should’ve used actual grunts and laughs from the movie.

Also I hope the strongman being at the end of the first screen is just a thing for the trailer/demo and not the final game cause if the levels are gonna be shortened and mixed around like that it’ll be a HUGE turnoff from me

Still super invested in this tho! Cool to see ppl bringing one of the best Batman games to more platforms and the Christmas release date is just perfect😂

Re: How X8's Contra: Super Wall Storm Is Taking Konami's Series Into The Realm Of VR


@Leynos series has always been a mixed bag. The first two arcade cabinet games were terrible, contra force is mediocre slop, 3 has those awful top down stages, the ps1 games are terrible and despite having fantastic tunnel stages and some of the best boss fights I’ve ever experienced in a run and gun contra 4’s actual level design left a lot to be desired personally. Also having limited continues and no proper save files or passwords in a 2007 ds game is inexcusable, I’m all for making games hard but they should also be accessible, make that a feature for the hardest difficulties, not how the game is just by default.

Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder


@KitsuneNight This! Sure, it was SLIGHTLY better technically with 2d effects but the system was super clunky to develop for, compared to the ps1 which was not only cheaper, but had a better range of capabilities, had a wide game library in all regions, and was much simpler and easy to create games for. This isn’t even a knock against the Saturn, it’s probably my favorite Sega console, it’s just there’s a very good reason the ps1 trampled both it and the n64 to a lesser extent on the market.

Re: Genesis Cult Classics El Viento And Earnest Evans Are Making A Comeback


@slider1983 Earnest Evans was honestly ahead of its time, imo it’s the Freddy got fingered of video games since it predicted the recent slew of games all about overcoming weird janky physics like sprint, getting over it, steppy pants, goat simulator etc. always respected it for how weird and experimental it was.

Anne Futatabi just plain sucks though that game has 0 redeemable qualities outside of the cutscenes😂

Re: Bleem, The Company That Took On Sony And Won, Is Crowdfunding For The "Largest Retro Gaming Project" Ever


@PopetheRev28 Their ceo believes prototype roms should be destroyed and abandoned because they “play like crap” and they use stolen fanart for some of their game releases on top of going after emulation communities so that they’re releases are the only way to play the game.

Also their collections are crap, the Jim power one is held together with sticks and spit and bugged out to the point half the screen was glitched and torn out all because I used the save state feature😂💀

Re: Lunar Remastered Won't (Currently) Include The Original English Voice Acting, But It's Been Offered "For Cheap"


@NinChocolate I wouldn’t really say that about M2 either since they intentionally went out of their way to not include rondo or the European version of bloodlines on the Castlevania anniversary collection, nor the pc-engine cd Darius games for the Darius Cozmic collection console, on top of having no museum content for that awful collection either. Not to mention how every single one of their home console rereleases intentionally make none of the cheat codes originally coded into the game accessible. Another example albeit less egregious imo is how for the sega ages lineup a few years ago, they only ported the arcade version of Thunder force 3, rather than having the Sega Genesis version be available too. I like M2 as a company, but their rerelease track record is nowhere near as perfect as everyone hypes them up to be, IMO.

Re: Lunar Remastered Won't (Currently) Include The Original English Voice Acting, But It's Been Offered "For Cheap"


Working Designs were always a double edged sword. Sure, they were some of the first to localize more obscure Japanese games and bring them to the West/Eu, but at the same time, they did so by making so many unecessary changes to the gameplay that turned the games into miserable unfun slogs, because god forbid Little Jimmy try buying his games NOT through Blockbuster's Insanely sleezy rental pipeline😃!

Re: Irem Collection Volume 2 Finally Gets Western Release Date After Delay


Literally cannot be excited for this due to the fact ININ are an incompetent sloppy company who overprice their 30 yo rom compilations to exhorbent prices and lie to customers about physical game exclusivity. They can bite my a@$, they should be giving all these old arcade games to Ratalaika instead, since they're honest, put care into their compilations and don't give their rereleases the same price as a first party Nintendo game.

I'll stick with MAME.

Re: The US Copyright Office Doesn't Want To Give You Access To Video Game History


seems like another reminder that emulation will always be morally viable in this day and age.

If companies don’t wanna give me access to their super old products that aren’t available anymore, I feel perfectly justified to experience them through my own means! Something like switch emulators getting taken down I can understand, but no dmca takedown in the universe is gonna stop me from playing joy mech fight on my pc for free😂

Re: Castlevania: Nocturne Director Hints Season 3 Will Only Happen If You Support Season 2


I’m not too sad about Castlevania being Dormant since bloodstained is made by the ppl who worked under Konami and both curse of the moon games are up there with the classicvanias’ peaks like rondo and bloodlines.

Ritual was rly good too even if it wasn’t as good as the ds trilogy or aria!

At this point p much every dormant Konami franchise aside from the Hudson soft stuff and Gradius has a successor made by the people who worked on the originals, or people who understood what made the series work so well.

Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Tekken Collection


“Nobody wants to see these old 3D games because they don’t look impressive”
Oh yeah like the games YALL make nowadays look like high art too and aren’t overly ugly gray rtx bloomfests that don’t even function properly 90% of the time💀😂