It doesn’t work with Genesis games atm tho???? That headline is innacurate
Also @helbertpina It helps to play it with a Bluetooth controller or connectable iPhone controller. I used to use it irregularly as well but after getting a razer controller it became one of my most used apps lol
@cawley1 wouldn’t be the first time they did smth like this. Ganryu 2 had none of the weird surrealism or open strider like level design of the original on top of completely banishing the second protagonist from existence and instead just turned it into “what if shinobi 3 was bad?”
Maybe at not aaa full price tags this would be good treatment but I see no good reason why I should pay 70$ for games that can be easily played elsewhere for cheaper or nonexistent price tags. Collection is probably decent as well, but imo nobody should have to pay more than at the very, VERY most 30$ for any game from before the 2010s, ESPECIALLY ones from the 80’s and 90’s.
Hot take but honestly nmk deserved to be remembered as one of the shmup greats along with psikyo, Zun and technosoft, every single game they made was pure fun start to finish and their games were rly easy to pick up and play as well. Helps a lot of their work is available on modern systems
While this IS a fantastic looking and conceptual piece of Batman gaming media, knowing what happened with similar tie in games and how they’d get rushed into oblivion to reach deadlines (something Spider-Man has been facing ever since the early 2000’s and still faces to this day as recent as last year) I can’t see this coming out in a desirable state. Plus, we still have the Arkham trilogy…….and Arkham knight so it’s not the end of the world lol
@Sketcz its all because of this stupid neckbeard obsession with treating games as trophies or mountpieces by focusing on boxes and cartridges and proping them up on display units rather, than, yknow, actually focusing on accessing and playing the @#$% things like they were meant to be played, which has now spread throughout the industry like a virus to the point pretty much anything remotely old now sells for 500$ prices or more since the sellers think everyone who wants these old games are some disgusting john hancock tier collector who wants to show them off rather than a normal person who simply wants to buy and play the game cause' it's fun. i dont even have a problem with people who just enjoy collecting games, its just the loudest and most influential ones are always the basement ogres who dont give a crap about the games themselves and just want some "totally rad retro!!1!!" item to place on a shelf and never be used.
Mfs will port literally anything aside from the super Star Wars games😂😂😂 I legit won’t be surprised if we get a modern port of that jar jar binks activity center game before them💀💀
shinobi 3 imo. doesn't have the weird difficulty spikes shadow dancer has, it's movement is much more refined and smooth compared to revenge or the game gear games, and it's simply one of the best looking and sounding genesis games. It's such a banger standout game that almost any 16 bit ninja game that came after it whether on real hardware or a newer indie game tends to take influence from it's foundations.
Always preferred this over most isometric games like landstalker or equinox cause you actually have full 360 degree movement as opposed to the weird perspective inverted d pad thing
oh nice i didnt know this was from the same dude as buccaneers! lookin forward to this, would kill to see him do back from the sewers as well since i feel that'd fit into his style like a puzzle piece
This is stupid. I can understand buying games to display on a shelf and play on actual hardware but just buying a ludicrously expensive game in a box in a medical container with some cheap buzzword attached to it is one of the worst possible ways you could spend your money.
🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱, no reason to get this especially for that price, if they wanna give us a good way to replay this game officially it has to be a collection or rerelease, not this neckbeard shelf collector garbage. If these came out alongside modern rereleases I’d be okay with it but this is just not how you treat your legacy content.
@-wc- a painting anyone can look at even if not in person and japanese super famicom cartridges you could only get by mailing in to someone (something that was not mentioned much if at all while the game was previously shown off) and hoping you get chosen to receive one that will likely never be uploaded for the wider public to experience are insanely different things, this is not the own you think it is bro
These corporate pigs who treat games like Star Wars films with all these limited edition botched rereleases can try and take preservation away from us, but you can never stop the preservationists and pirates, we’ll always come out on top and for every rom site you take down, another one will take its place>; )
@PinballBuzzbro What baffles me especially is that he had a spot in the recent indie showcase video, so why even advertise your game to people like this if you're only gonna make it available via this outdated darius alpha garbage. Feel bad for all the people that made this dude fanart knowing they won't even get to experience the freakin' project they got invested in
idgaf what this numbskull's intentions are you do NOT make your game intentionally hard to buy unless you want people to NOT talk about it. The same thing was done with Craprium and Demon throttle and nobody ever talks about those either. Way to actively crap on accessibility and preservation, it's not like the retro gaming scene already has enough of a @#!% problem with that already .
@Steel76 the game itself is much better than it looks, plays sorta like Megaman or black tiger but with a more atmospheric tone and slower pace with power ups as you go similar to altered beast or Felix the cat. I’d still recommend trying it out!
I’d be excited for this if Nintendo has proven incapable of even emulating the n64 library well without game ruining glitches. I want to get hyped for a new nso expansion but I simply can’t trust Nintendo with the GameCubes library as of now.
Glad to know we live in a state where blatant misinformation and false achievements can get reinstated even after being proven wrong just by threatening legal action whereas games and fan projects get lost and taken down like prehistoric animals
@RootsGenoa rather than do something interesting with expanding the original arcade game the ps2 is just a generic janky beat em up, i wouldn't bother.
On the bright side, CORE's WolfChild is another great game that imo serves as a good spiritual sequel to altered beast, even having similar themeing!
@RootsGenoa altered beast is fun imo! its not as good as other games in it's style like black belt or the ninja warriors but it's a serviceable and short little game that has great visual design and a fun gimmick. Honestly dissapointed they didn't try advancing it's forumla or anything further in future sequels like they did with Shinobi or Streets of rage as games like felix the cat and sengoku 2 show that the transformation gimmick could be awesome when twisted or expanded.
@gb_nes_gamer the pc-88 version is a p generic arcade style shoot ‘em up that’s very much a product of its time, the sega cd port is a completely different game that blows it out of the water lmfao
@-wc- inin as far as I know haven’t done anything SUPER slimy but they sell retro games and compilations for unreasonably High prices and claim that strictly limited’s releases have exclusive games only to dump them on the eshop months later.
Eh. Not losing any sleep over this tbh, these were terrible mame rom dumps that had frequent graphical glitches, blur you couldn’t turn off, and virtually no quality of life improvements above a basic and slow save system. But hey, they were worthy of the Johnny Turbo name at least!😂😂😂
Eh. I respect the og versions for their historical importance, but only having these crummy versions and not the peak sega cd version is so lame, dude…
This is great but seeing ININ’s scummy name attatched to this kinda killed my interest ngl. I’d prefer not to buy steel empire for 45 bucks, thank you very much.
Lmfaoooo. This was a horrible concept from the start, funded by a deranged loser who only got where he was by stealing the credit from talented composers pat sullivan style. No dollar store iOS looking earthworm Jim sequel would ever make this living wii parody a worthwhile investment released or not.
I hope these games get archived but at the same time I’m not losing much sleep over this cause the homebrew section was infrequently updated and mostly had crummy slapjobs or glorified tech demos on it, nothing like the crazy stuff people are currently doing in the community
Not feeling this tbh. Sprites have that horrid tweeny earnest evans look to them and everything is super saturated and rusty looking, all the originals personality is p much lost here. No clue why anyone would buy this over the original which is available via Johnny turbos arcade or on mame for free with better accuracy.
Especially with those amazing shadow of the ninja and hebereke/ufouria remakes out likely at the same time and Mario rpg plus paper Mario on the horizon, this is just pathetic in comparison.
This looks absolutely incredible omfgsjsjskwi, like genuinely on par with if not a little bit better than Mario wonder visually , day 1 purchase for me EASILY and I’d kill to see more sunsoft remakes in this vain, especially if they get to do their licensed stuff like gremlins 2 or Batman
@gojiguy They had always fallen, will never forgive them for how they almost took 2 f()<|<ing years to deliver my turrican crap before they announced it on the eshop a week after🤬
Istfg if they tie games/features as timed exclusive to the physical releases like they did with turrican and wonder boy I’m gonna become the green goblin
Comments 218
Re: Delta Emulator Brings NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, GBA, DS, & N64 Emulation To The iPhone App Store
It doesn’t work with Genesis games atm tho???? That headline is innacurate
Also @helbertpina It helps to play it with a Bluetooth controller or connectable iPhone controller. I used to use it irregularly as well but after getting a razer controller it became one of my most used apps lol
Re: 'Beyond The Ice Palace' Is Getting A Sequel, 36 Years Later
@cawley1 wouldn’t be the first time they did smth like this. Ganryu 2 had none of the weird surrealism or open strider like level design of the original on top of completely banishing the second protagonist from existence and instead just turned it into “what if shinobi 3 was bad?”
Re: 'Beyond The Ice Palace' Is Getting A Sequel, 36 Years Later
This looks really interesting but considering how god awful ganryu 2 was I’m definitely going to wait and see reviews for it before trying it.
Re: Over 20 Classic SNK Games Have Just Been Released On GOG
Re: Random: Gamers Are Using 3DSen To Play NES Games In Mixed Reality
Me going into Detroit at 12:AM and playing Batman the video game on this
Re: Toaplan Arcade Shoot ‘Em Up Ultimate Collection Includes 16 Games, Costs $70
Maybe at not aaa full price tags this would be good treatment but I see no good reason why I should pay 70$ for games that can be easily played elsewhere for cheaper or nonexistent price tags. Collection is probably decent as well, but imo nobody should have to pay more than at the very, VERY most 30$ for any game from before the 2010s, ESPECIALLY ones from the 80’s and 90’s.
Re: 30 Years Later, P47's Cancelled Mega Drive Port Is Finally Being Released
Hot take but honestly nmk deserved to be remembered as one of the shmup greats along with psikyo, Zun and technosoft, every single game they made was pure fun start to finish and their games were rly easy to pick up and play as well. Helps a lot of their work is available on modern systems
Re: A Bunch Of Sealed NES Games Just Sold For Utterly Insane Amounts On eBay
Imagine spending nearly a million on games you can play on modern systems for 20 dollars MAX.
Re: Remarkable Footage Resurfaces Of Monolith's Cancelled Batman Game
While this IS a fantastic looking and conceptual piece of Batman gaming media, knowing what happened with similar tie in games and how they’d get rushed into oblivion to reach deadlines (something Spider-Man has been facing ever since the early 2000’s and still faces to this day as recent as last year) I can’t see this coming out in a desirable state. Plus, we still have the Arkham trilogy…….and Arkham knight so it’s not the end of the world lol
Re: Controversial Retro Store DK Oldies Just Got Hacked
@Sketcz its all because of this stupid neckbeard obsession with treating games as trophies or mountpieces by focusing on boxes and cartridges and proping them up on display units rather, than, yknow, actually focusing on accessing and playing the @#$% things like they were meant to be played, which has now spread throughout the industry like a virus to the point pretty much anything remotely old now sells for 500$ prices or more since the sellers think everyone who wants these old games are some disgusting john hancock tier collector who wants to show them off rather than a normal person who simply wants to buy and play the game cause' it's fun. i dont even have a problem with people who just enjoy collecting games, its just the loudest and most influential ones are always the basement ogres who dont give a crap about the games themselves and just want some "totally rad retro!!1!!" item to place on a shelf and never be used.
Re: Classic PS1 Star Wars Title Coming To PS4, PS5 This April
Mfs will port literally anything aside from the super Star Wars games😂😂😂 I legit won’t be surprised if we get a modern port of that jar jar binks activity center game before them💀💀
Re: Sonic Fan Creates Devious 'Desert Bus' Mod For Sonic Frontiers
Re: Poll: What's The Best Shinobi Game?
shinobi 3 imo. doesn't have the weird difficulty spikes shadow dancer has, it's movement is much more refined and smooth compared to revenge or the game gear games, and it's simply one of the best looking and sounding genesis games. It's such a banger standout game that almost any 16 bit ninja game that came after it whether on real hardware or a newer indie game tends to take influence from it's foundations.
Re: Anniversary: Castlevania: Bloodlines Is 30 Years Old
Re: ROM Hack For Treasure's Divisive Light Crusader Makes It Easier To Play
Always preferred this over most isometric games like landstalker or equinox cause you actually have full 360 degree movement as opposed to the weird perspective inverted d pad thing
Re: Mandalorian, Thor And Cowboy Bebop Writer Behind Upcoming Live-Action Pac-Man Movie
Oh hey a cowboy bebop write-
(The 2021 Netflix adaptation)
Re: Fans Are Remaking Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan
oh nice i didnt know this was from the same dude as buccaneers! lookin forward to this, would kill to see him do back from the sewers as well since i feel that'd fit into his style like a puzzle piece
Re: Rare SNES Game 'Dottie Flowers' Is Now Available To Download For Free
he was a hero....i just couldn't see it......
Re: "Holy Grail" NES Zelda "Worth $700,000" Was Almost Sold For $17,000
This is stupid. I can understand buying games to display on a shelf and play on actual hardware but just buying a ludicrously expensive game in a box in a medical container with some cheap buzzword attached to it is one of the worst possible ways you could spend your money.
Re: Arcade1UP's X-Men 97 'Marvel VS. Capcom 2' Cabinet Re-Announced
🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱, no reason to get this especially for that price, if they wanna give us a good way to replay this game officially it has to be a collection or rerelease, not this neckbeard shelf collector garbage. If these came out alongside modern rereleases I’d be okay with it but this is just not how you treat your legacy content.
Re: You Can Own Tommy Tallarico's House If You Have $3 Million To Spare
Honestly knowing Tommy I’m genuinely convinced this isn’t even his own house and he’s just been renting it off of someone this whole time
Re: Hop Top Is A New PC Game That Is Basically Doodle Jump Meets Galaga
I dig the aesthetic of this one so much, it reminds me of space kids or dynamite headdy. Definitely gonna try it out when it releases!
Re: What The Heck Is This Mystery Object In Super Castlevania IV?
I always just saw it as a random unrelated castle for ambience sake, either that or the optical illusion catacomb castle from stage 4
Re: Death Stranding On iPhone Includes A Feature Kojima Pioneered 13 Years Ago
Death stranding on WHAT?!?!?!?!????!??!??
Re: SNES Dev Explains Why He Spent 600 Hours And $2370 Just To Give His Game Away For Free
@-wc- a painting anyone can look at even if not in person and japanese super famicom cartridges you could only get by mailing in to someone (something that was not mentioned much if at all while the game was previously shown off) and hoping you get chosen to receive one that will likely never be uploaded for the wider public to experience are insanely different things, this is not the own you think it is bro
Re: Fan Translation And ROM Hack-Sharing Site CDRomance Forced Underground After Legal Threat
These corporate pigs who treat games like Star Wars films with all these limited edition botched rereleases can try and take preservation away from us, but you can never stop the preservationists and pirates, we’ll always come out on top and for every rom site you take down, another one will take its place>; )
Re: SNES Dev Explains Why He Spent 600 Hours And $2370 Just To Give His Game Away For Free
@PinballBuzzbro What baffles me especially is that he had a spot in the recent indie showcase video, so why even advertise your game to people like this if you're only gonna make it available via this outdated darius alpha garbage. Feel bad for all the people that made this dude fanart knowing they won't even get to experience the freakin' project they got invested in
Re: SNES Dev Explains Why He Spent 600 Hours And $2370 Just To Give His Game Away For Free
idgaf what this numbskull's intentions are you do NOT make your game intentionally hard to buy unless you want people to NOT talk about it. The same thing was done with Craprium and Demon throttle and nobody ever talks about those either. Way to actively crap on accessibility and preservation, it's not like the retro gaming scene already has enough of a @#!% problem with that already .
Re: Retro-Bit Bringing SNES Cult Classic 'Majyūō - King Of Demons' To The West For The First Time
@Steel76 the game itself is much better than it looks, plays sorta like Megaman or black tiger but with a more atmospheric tone and slower pace with power ups as you go similar to altered beast or Felix the cat. I’d still recommend trying it out!
Re: Retro-Bit Bringing SNES Cult Classic 'Majyūō - King Of Demons' To The West For The First Time
Re: Nintendo Just Filed Multiple Trademarks For The GameCube Controller
I’d be excited for this if Nintendo has proven incapable of even emulating the n64 library well without game ruining glitches. I want to get hyped for a new nso expansion but I simply can’t trust Nintendo with the GameCubes library as of now.
Re: Twin Galaxies Restores Billy Mitchell's Donkey Kong Scores To "Historical Database"
Glad to know we live in a state where blatant misinformation and false achievements can get reinstated even after being proven wrong just by threatening legal action whereas games and fan projects get lost and taken down like prehistoric animals
Re: We Never Got A Good Altered Beast 2, So A Fan Is Making One
@RootsGenoa rather than do something interesting with expanding the original arcade game the ps2 is just a generic janky beat em up, i wouldn't bother.
On the bright side, CORE's WolfChild is another great game that imo serves as a good spiritual sequel to altered beast, even having similar themeing!
Re: We Never Got A Good Altered Beast 2, So A Fan Is Making One
@RootsGenoa altered beast is fun imo! its not as good as other games in it's style like black belt or the ninja warriors but it's a serviceable and short little game that has great visual design and a fun gimmick. Honestly dissapointed they didn't try advancing it's forumla or anything further in future sequels like they did with Shinobi or Streets of rage as games like felix the cat and sengoku 2 show that the transformation gimmick could be awesome when twisted or expanded.
Re: We Never Got A Good Altered Beast 2, So A Fan Is Making One
There actually is a good altered beast 2 and it's called felix the cat for the nes but ya'll aren't ready for that conversation yet ;>
This looks p cool tho! excited to see how it progresses!
Re: The PC-88 Classic Silpheed Blasts Its Way Onto The Switch eShop on December 21st
@gb_nes_gamer the pc-88 version is a p generic arcade style shoot ‘em up that’s very much a product of its time, the sega cd port is a completely different game that blows it out of the water lmfao
Re: 'The Legend Of Steel Empire' Resurrects The Famous Steampunk Shmup (Again)
@-wc- inin as far as I know haven’t done anything SUPER slimy but they sell retro games and compilations for unreasonably High prices and claim that strictly limited’s releases have exclusive games only to dump them on the eshop months later.
Re: A Bunch Of Data East Games Have Vanished From The Switch eShop
Eh. Not losing any sleep over this tbh, these were terrible mame rom dumps that had frequent graphical glitches, blur you couldn’t turn off, and virtually no quality of life improvements above a basic and slow save system. But hey, they were worthy of the Johnny Turbo name at least!😂😂😂
Re: The PC-88 Classic Silpheed Blasts Its Way Onto The Switch eShop on December 21st
Eh. I respect the og versions for their historical importance, but only having these crummy versions and not the peak sega cd version is so lame, dude…
Re: 'The Legend Of Steel Empire' Resurrects The Famous Steampunk Shmup (Again)
This is great but seeing ININ’s scummy name attatched to this kinda killed my interest ngl. I’d prefer not to buy steel empire for 45 bucks, thank you very much.
Re: Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Adds 12 New Games With Free Update
Hrhsgdhfn give us the Batman arcade game at some pointtttt pleeeeaaase😩
Re: Intellivision Admits It Doesn't Have The Funds To Make The Amico
Lmfaoooo. This was a horrible concept from the start, funded by a deranged loser who only got where he was by stealing the credit from talented composers pat sullivan style. No dollar store iOS looking earthworm Jim sequel would ever make this living wii parody a worthwhile investment released or not.
Re: Review: Irem Arcade 1 - Come For R-Type, Stay For Genuine Coin-Op History
me staring at the lack of undercover cops/gunforce 2 on the table:
Re: Castlevania's Richter Belmont Is Joining The World Of Nendoroid
YEAH a richter nendoroid FINALL-
It’s based off the anime
|: (
Re: ROM Hacking Website No Longer Accepting Homebrew Games "Of Any Kind"
I hope these games get archived but at the same time I’m not losing much sleep over this cause the homebrew section was infrequently updated and mostly had crummy slapjobs or glorified tech demos on it, nothing like the crazy stuff people are currently doing in the community
Re: Data East's Gory '90s Brawler 'Night Slashers' Is Getting A Remake
Not feeling this tbh. Sprites have that horrid tweeny earnest evans look to them and everything is super saturated and rusty looking, all the originals personality is p much lost here. No clue why anyone would buy this over the original which is available via Johnny turbos arcade or on mame for free with better accuracy.
Especially with those amazing shadow of the ninja and hebereke/ufouria remakes out likely at the same time and Mario rpg plus paper Mario on the horizon, this is just pathetic in comparison.
Re: Sunsoft's 'Ufouria The Saga' Switch Sequel Is Looking Absolutely Adorable
This looks absolutely incredible omfgsjsjskwi, like genuinely on par with if not a little bit better than Mario wonder visually , day 1 purchase for me EASILY and I’d kill to see more sunsoft remakes in this vain, especially if they get to do their licensed stuff like gremlins 2 or Batman
Re: Sunsoft's 'Ufouria The Saga' Switch Sequel Is Looking Absolutely Adorable
@Poodlestargenerica do you have a soul or better yet, a life?
Re: Strictly Limited Games Appears To Be Teasing Something Dragon Breed-Related
@gojiguy They had always fallen, will never forgive them for how they almost took 2 f()<|<ing years to deliver my turrican crap before they announced it on the eshop a week after🤬
Re: Strictly Limited Games Appears To Be Teasing Something Dragon Breed-Related
Istfg if they tie games/features as timed exclusive to the physical releases like they did with turrican and wonder boy I’m gonna become the green goblin