@ueI I backed it on KS but having read it I would happily pay full price had I not backed it. Its enormous, packed full of content without padding and something you won't find anywhere else. Great write up Damo you really nail what makes the book so good, cheers.
RIP Dale DeSharone, my thoughts go out to his family.
John Szczepaniak is a walking encyclopaedia of obscure video games. I recently received his untold history of Japanese game developers after backing it on kickstarter and my god it's a great read. Thoroughly recommended to anyone with an interest in reading great stories about Japanese games that you just wont find anywhere else in the English language. His stuff in Retro Gamer is so well researched too.
Comments 2
Re: Book Review: The Untold Story Of Japanese Game Developers: Volume 1
@ueI I backed it on KS but having read it I would happily pay full price had I not backed it. Its enormous, packed full of content without padding and something you won't find anywhere else. Great write up Damo you really nail what makes the book so good, cheers.
Re: Feature: Meet The Unsung Pioneer Behind The Most Reviled Zelda Games Of All Time
RIP Dale DeSharone, my thoughts go out to his family.
John Szczepaniak is a walking encyclopaedia of obscure video games. I recently received his untold history of Japanese game developers after backing it on kickstarter and my god it's a great read. Thoroughly recommended to anyone with an interest in reading great stories about Japanese games that you just wont find anywhere else in the English language. His stuff in Retro Gamer is so well researched too.