Comments 1,004

Re: The Game Boy Color Is Getting A New Top Gear-Style "Pseudo 3D" Racer


@jmbenetti No thanks, I decide to base my definitions off of my extensive knowledge of video games, and the experience, especially having played every GBC racer, as well as most racers for every handheld console ever. Pseudo 3D does not mean every attempt to add depth to a game, otherwise shading on a 2d Sprite would be considered pseudo 3D. I reserve the term for stuff like tiertex’s video playback work, most notably on the Game boy color, as well as certain uses of pre-rendered graphics and isometric angles, such as rock and roll racers, as well as scaling and properly textured 2D sprites, such as Konami crazy racers. The game references here looks mediocre at best, certainly less good than V&D's offerings such as wacky races, or similar games such as Looney tune racing on the same console. I have a passion for both 3D and pseudo 3D on old consoles, and then basically familiar with all the games that fit it, this one does not, any more than outrun does. If you're calling out run pseudo 3d, you might as well throw the term out the window because terms begin to lose their meaning.

Re: Don't Worry, Old-School Croc Fans – The HD Remaster Will Let You Use Tank Controls


I didn't even know that Yoshi thing. Saying their relationship with Nintendo cooled off is sort of funny. They essentially went from boundary pushing 3D graphics on low-powered systems, to janky stuff like this, you wouldn't expect Nintendo to want to close a relationship. It feels like they mostly just liked Dylan Cuthbert anyway.

Also this game sold 3 million copies? And none of the jumping flash games even hit a million. There's no justice in this world.

Re: Interview: "Creating Cores Isn't Profitable" - Pr4m0d On The Challenges Of FPGA Retro Gaming


@Damo People are just so entitled. Give them a free emulator, and they complain that it doesn't have the features they want. Put it behind a paywall so you can develop it, and they act like you're stealing lunch money from children.

Unfortunately until fpga can utilize the same enhancements as software emulation, it's really not going to be more than niche. On the plus side though, if you already love it, enjoy it while it's still niche!

Re: History Has Just Been Made On NES Tetris


@somnambulance It's the version they use for competitive play, it's not just the past few years, though people have been admittedly trying to break it more in the past few years. It's also one of the only couple versions to play if you really like Tetris.

Re: "An Evil Disguised As Good" - Dragon Quest Vets Rail Against Censorship In Candid Interview


@KingMike So the first time you play the GBC game, and to be clear it's the only version I've played, you are given a personality test, and one of the tests makes you like a giant demon thing that breathes fire, and you can destroy the village, or leave it be, so presumably someone on the ratings board got that intro and realized you could be a giant fire breathing demon and destroy villages and that's why it got a t rating.

Re: This Useful Zelda: Link’s Awakening ROM Hack Unlocks Super Game Boy Support


@Geonjaha The changes are not "for the best", they're adding in features which were not part of the original game, and not oversights by the developers, or hardware based limitations which they faced. By your logic, all of the Star Wars special edition changes were for the best. Leaving things in generally the state they were originally made is always the better choice, also as I already said, there's already a better rom hack than this.

Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month


@Razieluigi These are basically my thoughts. What I wouldn't give for a real remaster of 3.

Burnout Paradise was like this stepping stone between the good open world racers of the early 2000s, and the mess that is racing games today. It's not a bad game, but it basically killed the two best arcade racing franchises.

Did you play dominator? People always crap on it, but I thought it was a really good sequel to those other two.

Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month


@845H I didn't say it was a racing Sim, you said you like the game that focused on racing, I said if I want to play a game that focuses on racing then I will play Gran Turismo 3. Perfectly logical, end of story. If you couldn't follow that, that's your own issue, and maybe try not being so unpleasant to other people.

Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month


This, along with Legends for PSP which is basically just an expanded port, is my favorite arcade racer of all time. Actually Legends is a bit better in my opinion as a single player experience, with the benefits of emulation.

@Gs69 Revenge was a bit too easy where you can knock everything out of your way, though it's still a great game, I like take down and dominator better, but I sort of think of them as a trilogy. Though I think my girlfriend prefers revenge because it's so hard to crash

@845H Yeah because being eliminated from races for missing checkpoints is much more fun than seeing how much stuff I can destroy. If I want realistic racing I'll play Gran Turismo 3.

Re: 'Kawaii' Nintendo Wii Keychain Is Finally Taking Shape


@Bunkerneath Some wii ROMs are dodgy? I've never had a problem with a Wii ROM, except that nkit isos don't play on some emulators, if you download them from some site that gave you fake files, that's on you. This device seems amazing, though with the sensor bar issue, probably best suited for GameCube or classic controller.

Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone


AI is to art what the microwave is to food, and you will not stop people from using either unfortunately. I could not be more anti-ai, or anti microwave for that matter, but people will take easy over quality everyday. Easiness is actually an addiction, I think that's pretty plain to see when you look at every step of our development.

Re: Some Capcom Staff Thought Marvel Crossovers "Tarnished Street Fighter"


I get what they mean, because if you're familiar with marvel, it sort of cannibalizes everything. I don't mean the movies and stuff, long before that, the entire universe is kind of about making everything that touches it a part of it, which is why I've always sort of hated marvel comics, with a few exceptions.

That being said, it's just a weird silly thing, and street fighter is fine.

Re: Opinion: Electronic Arts Used To Empower Developers; Now It Looks To Replace Them With AI


@Sketcz "So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't people get rid of the lizards?"
"It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want."
"You mean they actually vote for the lizards?"
"Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course."
"But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?"
"Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?"

Re: It's Game Over For Italian Retro Gaming "Trafficking Ring" Worth $55 Million


Yeah the main difference between Italy and China in these regards, is that China has very little respect for Western copyright law, so the government essentially sanctions that sort of intellectual property theft. Italy on the other hand, has to deal with the mafia, who I assume are somewhat intertwined with this sort of crime, given that they're essentially the largest money making organization in the country.