Wow, yeah anyone who still buys from this company is making a pretty grave error. Odds on that a quick Etsy search for engraved usb drive finds just where these came from.
@Sketcz Yeah well they took advantage of our military occupation and stole our technology in order to grow their electronics economy into one the US couldn't compete with, so there was good reason to fear their dominance in that field because they were dominant. Don't get me wrong this isn't anti Japanese sentiment, it's just what happened. Rising Sun by Michael Crichton is an interesting and entertaining look into the xenophobic views of the time, which went both ways for sure. Good thing they did steal our tech though it turns out the Japanese have a knack for video games.
My initial reaction wast hat I haven't heard of the dude, then I saw he did the snes version of batman forever. What a weird soundtrack choice on those first couple levels (that's as far as I got before dying every time), but I can still here the music in my head.
@Grackler It sound like you're very obsessed with legality to me, so yeah, we won't agree on anything. I spend hundreds supporting games every year because I want there to be more, but I could not care less if the devs of glover get to double dip on their royalties.
@Grackler A subscription box had nothing to do with a subscription service, they are also one time purchases. A subscription box is where you get an alloted curated selection with very little control over what you receive. People with an evercade do get to choose what to buy, but so little is released that it's basically a curated selection and often will come with things they don't want. Everything is packaged to look fancy but is basically just an overpriced overblown version of what any phone or emulation device can do, but on you've bought it you are kind of priced into buying more because why else would you own the device. I do not think people don't enjoy the games they play on the evercade, but I find those sorts of limitations to be indicative of people who are more casual and like playing games more than they like games themselves. Which is fine. Not everyone can like everything the same amount. All that said I don't really appreciate their business model and I think it's sort of all smoke and mirrors for what is essentially a very limited emulation machine, which they basically trickle out a very limited amount of overpriced games for.
He's just... Some guy, with brown hair. He looks like Michael Madsen mixed with Nicolas Cage. This is why you stop listening to high level creatives when they start getting old. They start Jar Jar -ing everything.
The evercade is like a really expensive subscription box for people who don't really like video games that much. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's really their business model.
@LowDefAl Yeah he's definitely arguing to be difficult, he knows. Even not in Japan pink is definitely more sexual than, say, navy blue. I mean let's face it, we all know what body parts are most pink.
People have already mentioned the games that actually influenced Zelda. Though anyone who knows anything about video game history knows that whatever some of the people may have been influenced by, that the aesthetic of games back then were a mask for simple mechanics and ideas, and the ones embodied in Zelda were so much more sophisticated, original, and well thought out, that any comparisons to similar games are basically delusions of grandeur from those games' developers. Not to mention things like music, and redefining open worlds.
@Sketcz You don't make textures on rocks, silly, Unreal engine does that for you. But seriously, you don't have to do the technical side to be a game developer though. I couldn't program a file a sorting utility in python, and I still design games which I plan on making at some point. I have like fifty or so that I'm working on though obviously some are better than others.
@Sketcz Honestly if people don't want to take the small effort to learn retroarch then they don't deserve it. I always try to help and encourage new users because it's basically magic. At one point saturn emulation was a bit trickier I will admit, but now it's basically plug and play.
@Sketcz To be fair, there is nothing thing stopping basically everyone with any sort of computer or smartphone from playing it, and with upscaled graphics if they so choose.
@Bonggon5 What a tone deaf and weird comment. Yeah they can enjoy nature, hence hikes. You're the sad one, since you can't enjoy hiking and video games together.
@BulkSlash I am literally the opposite but just for the reasons I mentioned already.
@Max_the_German My favorite layout is the N64/gcn a/b, and many Playstation games also used that layout, especially for stuff like racing games. I remember reading an article about why the Japanese used the reverse layout but I can't remember where. My vitas/psps have all been Japanese so I always have to reverse them.
@nocdaes Yunno, I've always resented the square and circle being within the same color spectrum, because a pink circle and red square aren't dissimilar enough for my brain. This is probably a me thing, but also I am fairly capable person and still have to check. I wish the square was blue.
Wow, very interesting. That can go right at the top of the list with sonys slide out controller, and bamco's loading screen minigame. Too bad for them they can't stop invisible walls from happening because of glitches.
Of course they didn't want hints and cheats, they wanted to run their 1-900 lines, that was one of their biggest sources of income. Remember though, all that Larry Flynt stuff, and Vanilla Ice stuff was still being decided back then, copyright law was in the wild west.
Remakes are cool, but I wish so many old Japanese horror/detective/adventure games would just get a translation, its probably the least translated genre from that era because of so much text, and a lot of Americans being lazy and illiterate.
I basically hate wrestling and this still looks amazing. Too bad it never got releasd.
@gingerbeardman I believe the only exclusive powerstone clone for 3ds is Toriko Guru Mega Battle, I could be wrong of course, but that's the only one I know of.
Very impressive stuff, though not really in the spirit of the original game at all since the best stars told unique environmental stories with non standard assets. But this is pretty damn cool.
I haven't know what anything about this story was about this whole time, but I love upset kickstarter backers so I'm along for the ride.
And in case anyone thinks that's mean. I've both been scammed, AND accused of being a burner account for a famous comic writer because I tried to help people make a cbz file. Kickstarter users are mostly awful and entitled.
Comments 1,004
Re: Limited Run's New "PC Micro Edition" Hasn't Gone Down Well With Some Fans
Wow, yeah anyone who still buys from this company is making a pretty grave error. Odds on that a quick Etsy search for engraved usb drive finds just where these came from.
Re: Did You Know Ireland Has A Secret History Of Coin-Ops?
Interesting. I became mildly obsessed with games like these late last year. I guess I still am I just have limted time.
Re: Review: Anbernic RG35XX SP - Superb GBA SP Clone That's Worth Every Penny At $70
Funny I was just eyeing these again today. I've basically been driving the miyoo flip train, but one of these in the meantime is tempting.
Re: Remember When PS2 And Dreamcast Had Cross-Play In 2001?
@Sketcz More have crossplay than splitscreen. Sad state of affairs.
Re: Star Wars And Stellar Assault Dev Is Working On A New 3D Space Shmup
Seminal lol. I love those cusp 32 bit era 3d shooters though, it was fascinating period in game development.
Re: 26 Years Later, Sega Classic Burning Rangers Gets A Two-Player Mode
Nice. Co-op was just so rare back then, especially that generation.
Re: Two Previously-Lost Katamari Damacy Games Have Been Preserved
Love the idea of sidescrolling, though these understandably don't really do it justice.
Re: Cosmo Knight ZiON Is A New Game Boy Color Title Inspired By Saint Seiya
@ZeichiGames You'll be receiving an email from backerkit shortly, please make sure your address is correct so I know where to send the thank you note.
Re: StreetPass Fans, Take Note - NetPass Resurrects One Of The 3DS' Best Features
@Lorfarius Gee that sure explained the appeal of street pass, and didn't just reiterate the point I made in my original comment.
Re: Angel Pop Is A Surreal New Bullet Hell Coming To Playdate This Week
Not a bullet hell fan but this looks pretty appealing
Re: Did Masahiro Sakurai Consult On Def Jam: Fight For NY?
Almost undoubtedly he consulted given the comment he made in the meteos video, and this timeline. Good spot.
Re: StreetPass Fans, Take Note - NetPass Resurrects One Of The 3DS' Best Features
I do not understand why people miss street pass so much, I never used it, but even so, I just don't get the appeal.
Re: Retail Therapy: Nintendo Stores, Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto)
@mjharper Incredible experience? That is a very strong reaction, it's just a store, except more busy and expensive.
Re: 10 Forgotten Gaming Magazines That Are Worth Remembering
@Sketcz Yeah well they took advantage of our military occupation and stole our technology in order to grow their electronics economy into one the US couldn't compete with, so there was good reason to fear their dominance in that field because they were dominant. Don't get me wrong this isn't anti Japanese sentiment, it's just what happened. Rising Sun by Michael Crichton is an interesting and entertaining look into the xenophobic views of the time, which went both ways for sure. Good thing they did steal our tech though it turns out the Japanese have a knack for video games.
Re: Check Out This Previously Unseen Footage Of Splatterhouse RPG "Splatter World"
I hope this gets leaked. It looks genuinely great, and I'm not a big rpg person.
Re: Shadow The Hedgehog Almost Became A F***-Filled Swearfest
I think targeting an M Rating sheds a lot of light on why this game was poorly received.
Re: Video Game Music Legend Geoff Follin Has Passed Away
My initial reaction wast hat I haven't heard of the dude, then I saw he did the snes version of batman forever. What a weird soundtrack choice on those first couple levels (that's as far as I got before dying every time), but I can still here the music in my head.
Re: Remember That $400,000 Haul Of Stolen Playdate Consoles? They've Been Found
Great. Can we get a celebration sale? 150 for today only.
Re: More Effort Went Into This Portable N64 Than You Might Imagine
It's ugly, and my phone can do all of the same things as this device.
Re: This Free Fan-Made Remaster Of Game & Watch Gallery's Modern Chef Is Très Bon
I hate the artstyle, but a game and watch gallery remake with a multiplayer focus that's kind of like this would be great.
Re: Anniversary: 25 Years Ago, One Of The Worst Video Games Of All Time Hit The N64
Probably the only well known N64 game that Ive never played. Remember Vroom in the Night Sky? People were so angry about that back in 2017.
Re: Professor Layton Mobile Game Gets English Translation
Cool aesthetic. Sad we never got a good quality Layton show.
Re: Blaze Confirms One Million Evercade Cartridge Milestone, Ex-Eidos Boss Joins As Chairman
@Grackler It sound like you're very obsessed with legality to me, so yeah, we won't agree on anything. I spend hundreds supporting games every year because I want there to be more, but I could not care less if the devs of glover get to double dip on their royalties.
Re: Blaze Confirms One Million Evercade Cartridge Milestone, Ex-Eidos Boss Joins As Chairman
@Grackler A subscription box had nothing to do with a subscription service, they are also one time purchases. A subscription box is where you get an alloted curated selection with very little control over what you receive. People with an evercade do get to choose what to buy, but so little is released that it's basically a curated selection and often will come with things they don't want. Everything is packaged to look fancy but is basically just an overpriced overblown version of what any phone or emulation device can do, but on you've bought it you are kind of priced into buying more because why else would you own the device. I do not think people don't enjoy the games they play on the evercade, but I find those sorts of limitations to be indicative of people who are more casual and like playing games more than they like games themselves. Which is fine. Not everyone can like everything the same amount. All that said I don't really appreciate their business model and I think it's sort of all smoke and mirrors for what is essentially a very limited emulation machine, which they basically trickle out a very limited amount of overpriced games for.
Re: Hideo Kojima Has Found His "Perfect" Solid Snake Actor
He's just... Some guy, with brown hair. He looks like Michael Madsen mixed with Nicolas Cage. This is why you stop listening to high level creatives when they start getting old. They start Jar Jar -ing everything.
Re: Blaze Confirms One Million Evercade Cartridge Milestone, Ex-Eidos Boss Joins As Chairman
The evercade is like a really expensive subscription box for people who don't really like video games that much. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's really their business model.
Re: "The Colour Pink Is Associated With Sex" - Yakuza Creator's Battle With Sega Over Video Game Nookie
@LowDefAl Yeah he's definitely arguing to be difficult, he knows. Even not in Japan pink is definitely more sexual than, say, navy blue. I mean let's face it, we all know what body parts are most pink.
Re: Did The Stampers Really Think Miyamoto Copied Sabre Wulf With Zelda?
People have already mentioned the games that actually influenced Zelda. Though anyone who knows anything about video game history knows that whatever some of the people may have been influenced by, that the aesthetic of games back then were a mask for simple mechanics and ideas, and the ones embodied in Zelda were so much more sophisticated, original, and well thought out, that any comparisons to similar games are basically delusions of grandeur from those games' developers. Not to mention things like music, and redefining open worlds.
Re: Flashback: It's 1997, And The BBC Is Hyping Up The Battle Between N64, PS1 And Saturn
@Sketcz You don't make textures on rocks, silly, Unreal engine does that for you. But seriously, you don't have to do the technical side to be a game developer though. I couldn't program a file a sorting utility in python, and I still design games which I plan on making at some point. I have like fifty or so that I'm working on though obviously some are better than others.
Re: We Never Got A Panzer Dragoon Saturn Console, But This Is The Next Best Thing
@Sketcz Honestly if people don't want to take the small effort to learn retroarch then they don't deserve it. I always try to help and encourage new users because it's basically magic. At one point saturn emulation was a bit trickier I will admit, but now it's basically plug and play.
Re: We Never Got A Panzer Dragoon Saturn Console, But This Is The Next Best Thing
@Sketcz To be fair, there is nothing thing stopping basically everyone with any sort of computer or smartphone from playing it, and with upscaled graphics if they so choose.
Re: Anniversary: Dating Sim Tokimeki Memorial Turns 30
Dating Sims are one of the worst genre of games
Re: Apple's Unreleased iPod Tetris Clone Has Been Discovered
Why do people who make tetris demo videos always suck at it?
Re: 32 Years Later, Super Mario Kart Gets Fan-Made 'Horizons' Expansion
It's hard to get too excited about mode 7 style racing games, but I'm intrigued by their confidence that they did a good job.
Re: Review: Anbernic RG28XX - A Delightfully Dinky Emulation Handheld
@Bonggon5 What a tone deaf and weird comment. Yeah they can enjoy nature, hence hikes. You're the sad one, since you can't enjoy hiking and video games together.
Re: Ever Wondered What The Symbols On The PlayStation Controller Really Mean?
@BulkSlash I am literally the opposite but just for the reasons I mentioned already.
@Max_the_German My favorite layout is the N64/gcn a/b, and many Playstation games also used that layout, especially for stuff like racing games. I remember reading an article about why the Japanese used the reverse layout but I can't remember where. My vitas/psps have all been Japanese so I always have to reverse them.
Re: Ever Wondered What The Symbols On The PlayStation Controller Really Mean?
@nocdaes Yunno, I've always resented the square and circle being within the same color spectrum, because a pink circle and red square aren't dissimilar enough for my brain. This is probably a me thing, but also I am fairly capable person and still have to check. I wish the square was blue.
Re: Konami Once Held A Patent For Transparent Walls In Video Games
Wow, very interesting. That can go right at the top of the list with sonys slide out controller, and bamco's loading screen minigame. Too bad for them they can't stop invisible walls from happening because of glitches.
Re: Once Upon A Time, Konami And Namco Didn't Want People To Share Reviews Or Cheat Codes
Of course they didn't want hints and cheats, they wanted to run their 1-900 lines, that was one of their biggest sources of income. Remember though, all that Larry Flynt stuff, and Vanilla Ice stuff was still being decided back then, copyright law was in the wild west.
Re: Veritus Is A Game Boy-Style RPG Adventure With A Twist
This looks absolutely atrocious.
Re: "World's Most Accurate Game Boy Emulator" SameBoy Launches On iOS App Store
How do these run on apple watches? Or is that even a thing?
Re: Switch Remake Of Yuji Horii's 'Hokkaido Rensa Satsujin: Ohotsuku ni Kiyu' Will Have English Language Support
Remakes are cool, but I wish so many old Japanese horror/detective/adventure games would just get a translation, its probably the least translated genre from that era because of so much text, and a lot of Americans being lazy and illiterate.
Re: Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Is A Game Boy-Style RPG With Digital Pet Mechanics
This looks very well made, if not precisely my cup of tea.
Re: Cruis'n Blast Team's NBA Jam Spiritual Successor Is Called NBA Superstars
Verrrry interesting, a lot to unpack here. Hopefully it models itself more after showtime than any of the actual NBA Jam titles.
Re: New Short Film Shows How Video Games Can Connect Us Across Generations
That is one terrible short film. Sorry if it's someone's friend or something.
Re: Ephemeral Legend Is An Action-Adventure RPG Inspired By The Game Boy Zelda Titles
@killroy10 And the imitation is usually pale too, so worst of both worlds.
Re: Unreleased WWE 3DS Game Shown For The First Time Ever, And It's A Bit Like Power Stone
I basically hate wrestling and this still looks amazing. Too bad it never got releasd.
@gingerbeardman I believe the only exclusive powerstone clone for 3ds is Toriko Guru Mega Battle, I could be wrong of course, but that's the only one I know of.
Re: 'Mario Builder 64' Is Super Mario Maker For Mario 64
Very impressive stuff, though not really in the spirit of the original game at all since the best stars told unique environmental stories with non standard assets. But this is pretty damn cool.
Re: Campaign To Secure Refunds For Paprium Kickstarter Goes Live
I haven't know what anything about this story was about this whole time, but I love upset kickstarter backers so I'm along for the ride.
And in case anyone thinks that's mean. I've both been scammed, AND accused of being a burner account for a famous comic writer because I tried to help people make a cbz file. Kickstarter users are mostly awful and entitled.
Re: Workshop Of Retro Modder And Engineer Voultar Has Been "Ransacked"
@GhaleonUnlimited Buy a sealed copy of some dumb nes game get it wata graded and appraised for a million dollars, stage a break in, and profit.