Comments 26

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?

She was apparently first based on Winona Ryder?

I don't think this new design is that far from the in-game model in the first game (which also had some more sexualized/non-realistic outfits, the game was more james bond-esque and not as self serious), it's fine but not particularly appealing to me. We'll see about the character herself and the story/setting of the game, it seems a bit bland so far.

This article is disingenuous clickbait though, from the juxtaposition of full body sexualized/cartoony shots and the realistic portrait view in the new design, to the framing of the discussion and antagonizing part of your audience. I expected better from this site.

Re: Mega Drive / Genesis Metroid Port Becomes 'Space Hunter'


No but a bunch of the best MD games would suffer from it on SNES unless the coder is very talented and a fastROM is used.
Some of the slowdown in TFIV is actually built in, you can see this at the first boss of the cylinder (?) city level if you overclock it.

That hi-res mode puts severe limitations on color, so it can't really be used for gameplay if you want the games to look on par. See RPM racing.

It is muffled by comparison (around 32khz vs 53khz for FM synth on the MD), but it can sound relatively clear and punchy, sure. Youtube uploads (besides specified as real hardware) are based on emulation, removing the filtering so they're not a demonstration of its sound.

Re: ROM Hack For Treasure's Divisive Light Crusader Makes It Easier To Play


That actually wasn't much of an issue to me, the game also has a jump shadow. What I would do besides tightening up some of the hit detection:
-Fix the sometimes unresponsive sword swing when near a wall/object
-Change how movable objects can only be moved diagonally (makes puzzles more tedious overall)
-Mark Healing fountains and save points on the map as well

Besides improvement hacks it would be really cool to see a randomizer hack for this one, basically turning it into proto-Diablo!

Re: Best Sega Game Gear Games Of All Time


I would add:
Royal Stone
GG Aleste
Triple Trouble (although the 16-bit style fan remake is much better if you have a modern portable or want to play on a stationary PC)
Bubble Bobble (easier version of the game)
Kishin Douji Zenki
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers & The Movie
GG Shinobi 1
Land of Illusion (same as on SMS but looks a bit
Jurassic Park (same as on SMS but looks a bit
Star Wars: Super Return of the Jedi (better version of the GB game)

Re: Best Game Boy Games Of All Time


Good list!
Just a heads up - the YT video linked to for Gargoyle's Quest is actually the sequel, which was JP only on GB but has been fan translated.

Some other faves:
Chikyuu Kaihou Gun ZAS
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge
Mega Man IV-V
Bionic Commando
Duck Tales 2
Puzzle Boy/Kwirk
Kingdom Crusade/The Legend of Prince Valiant
Rolan's Curse 2