Looks really nice, but I have to say I don't know much about FPGA. I've got a RGB Dual for my CRT, a french hardware solution by the company Recalbox, and it's amazing how accurate these old games look on a CRT, it's very, very close to the real deal. How does FPGA compares to that? Because if Taki Udon releases this board for 99$ it'll right about what Recalbox's RGB Dual costs roughly (it runs on Raspberry Pi3b+, 4 and 5 as of now)
If you intend to play old game on a CRT, the best solution in my opinion is RGB Dual from the Recalbox team. This is incredible! and quite cheap as well
Comments 3
Re: Meet The Man Behind The $99 MiSTer Clone That's Changing FPGA Gaming Forever
Looks really nice, but I have to say I don't know much about FPGA. I've got a RGB Dual for my CRT, a french hardware solution by the company Recalbox, and it's amazing how accurate these old games look on a CRT, it's very, very close to the real deal. How does FPGA compares to that? Because if Taki Udon releases this board for 99$ it'll right about what Recalbox's RGB Dual costs roughly (it runs on Raspberry Pi3b+, 4 and 5 as of now)
Re: The Cost Of Owning A MiSTer FPGA Is About To Come Down Dramatically
If you intend to play old game on a CRT, the best solution in my opinion is RGB Dual from the Recalbox team. This is incredible! and quite cheap as well
Re: 'Goemon Oedo Daikaiten' English Fan Translation Is Now Available
This is EXTREMELY cool! Kudos to the amazing team behind this translation!