@RetroGames Tommy LIED to people in his investor pitches. He got their money by saying things that weren't true. Yes there are risks when you invest, but when someone LIES to you about things solely to get your money, that is not a fair investment opportunity or someone "trying a new business venture that ultimately failed", it's purposely misleading people to trick them out of money. This is not a rumour or anything that can be disputed, the information is all out there, Tommy deliberately lied to people over and over. This is a fact. Maybe you do not know much about the project, that's ok, but to say that he simply tried something and failed is just not true.
He didn't just do this with investors, he did it with customers as well, by lying about countless features and games that he pretended would be on Amico.
This is a trend with Tommy who has spent his whole career lying about his achievements and taking credit for things that others created. It's completely baffling why anyone would want to defend someone who has such a long history of exploiting and lying to people for his own selfish gain.
The modern Intellivision execs are some of the most embarrassing and scummiest people in the history of video games. Taking so many millions of dollars from investors by lying to them in the beginning, and then carrying on such a pathetic charade for so long it's just no longer funny.
Tommy Tallarico, Phil Adam, John Alvarado, Nich Richards etc... absolute pathetic scumbags.
Comments 3
Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend
@RetroGames Tommy LIED to people in his investor pitches. He got their money by saying things that weren't true. Yes there are risks when you invest, but when someone LIES to you about things solely to get your money, that is not a fair investment opportunity or someone "trying a new business venture that ultimately failed", it's purposely misleading people to trick them out of money. This is not a rumour or anything that can be disputed, the information is all out there, Tommy deliberately lied to people over and over. This is a fact. Maybe you do not know much about the project, that's ok, but to say that he simply tried something and failed is just not true.
He didn't just do this with investors, he did it with customers as well, by lying about countless features and games that he pretended would be on Amico.
This is a trend with Tommy who has spent his whole career lying about his achievements and taking credit for things that others created. It's completely baffling why anyone would want to defend someone who has such a long history of exploiting and lying to people for his own selfish gain.
Re: Musician Behind VGL's Zelda Medley Hints That Tommy Tallarico Is Selling Arrangements He Doesn't Own
Another addition to the already huge list of reasons why Tommy Tallarico is a huge scumbag.
Re: Intellivision Admits It Doesn't Have The Funds To Make The Amico
The modern Intellivision execs are some of the most embarrassing and scummiest people in the history of video games. Taking so many millions of dollars from investors by lying to them in the beginning, and then carrying on such a pathetic charade for so long it's just no longer funny.
Tommy Tallarico, Phil Adam, John Alvarado, Nich Richards etc... absolute pathetic scumbags.