Comments 8

Re: Grimace's Birthday Studio Teams Up With Nike For Air Jordan Game Boy Game


@Poodlestargenerica Depends how you define "basketball game." This looks and sounds like a quick and fun NES or Game Boy Color take on Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City, which is basketball-ish at best. The fact that the host site is designed like Space Jam's old Geocities site speaks to the attention to detail of every retro aspect. As "corporate jank nonsense" goes, this seems pretty charming!

Re: Flashback: When Nintendo Was Forced To Pull Its "Offensive" Game Boy Advert


@swankyone It's not a stretch in the slightest to claim 90s advertising in general, let alone video game advertising, was misogynistic. Whether that means a contempt for women or a simple bias, it all falls under misogyny. Games and their advertising catered largely to boys and men for a long, long time and there's little to suggest otherwise. Whether that's considered good or bad for society at large is in the eye of the beholder (though endless studies and anecdotal evidence suggest it's bad for both women AND men), but it's weird to just ignore the reality of it existing.

Re: Sega Files Altered Beast, Eternal Champions And Kid Chameleon Trademarks


Worth pointing out that Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side is a sequel, not "simply an enhanced" version of Eternal Champions, with new characters, levels, story, and it. Is. Bonkers! It's filled with wild visuals, secrets (play as a chicken AND an owl), and absurdly gory fatalities. Mortal Kombat had nothing on the visible viscera found in Challenge from the Dark Side. Plus the Redbook audio soundtrack was excellent.

Re: ClayFighter Fan Game Being Retooled Into Original Project After C&D From Interplay


@PinballBuzzbro Toonstruck, as I understand it, skews more adult with its humor. There's nothing inherently offensive about BDSM, certainly as presented in that game (a cow wearing leather...). The problem with Clayfighter 3 isn't the humor as a whole, juvenile as it is, but a few of the individual characters as conceived. A Chinese stereotype voiced by a white dude doesn't do anyone any favors these days. I'm not saying the game should be wiped from existence or anything (I've got a copy myself around here somewhere!). I just can't imagine Interplay would be champing at the bit to re-release it.

Re: ClayFighter Fan Game Being Retooled Into Original Project After C&D From Interplay


@PinballBuzzbro I never played Toonstruck and a quick search has me coming up empty on any controversies around the game. What are the issues with its content? And as far as I'm aware Doug TenNapel has nothing to do with more recent Earthworm Jim developments:

He was seemingly never truly involved with Earthworm Jim 4 per this very site:

And given that it was going to be an exclusive for the Amico, of all things...

Re: ClayFighter Fan Game Being Retooled Into Original Project After C&D From Interplay


@MysticX honestly, it may be less protective and more embarrassed by the IP, or at least that particular sequel. While the first couple games were gimmicky fighters thanks to their claymation origins, and their levels of parody were a cozy PG at most, the third game went to 90s-level EXTREMEZ to offend, with Kung Pow being a real bottom-of-the-barrel attempt at humor. Houngan doesn’t fare much better, leaning into voodoo tropes that were well past their sell-by date even in ‘97. And then there’s cut content like Hobo Cop. Not Interplay’s finest moment so I doubt they’d want to revisit it or have others remind the world that they exist.