Comments 6

Re: The Making Of: Virtuality, The 1990s Pioneer That Sold The World On VR


Oh God, I think I may have actually seen one of these live when I was a child, and thought I had maybe imagined it.

I honestly can't remember where I was (maybe some sort of arcade, it was kinda dark?), but there were I think maybe two stations with TVs hanging from the ceiling where everyone could see what was being played, and although I wasn't able to get too close it looked like whomever was playing it was going through some sort of maze.

Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?


I still think it's useful, as although lines have blurred in recent years, I think there is an important distinction, even though they have shared inspirations deriving from table top RPGs.

(W)RPGs are more about the individual (a blank slate you craft to your specific desire), and while they typically do have a core narrative, of equal or greater importance are the various side quests/activities (they're more about your own individual adventure rather than a pre-ordained one set out for you).

JRPGs are more about the group, a set of typically defined individuals who have a specific purpose (though this can vary) coming together to form a whole. While side activities usually play a part, the core narrative tends to be the main attraction.

It's a cultural difference (not a gameplay one "turn based" vs "action"). Western RPGs are an individualist power fantasy, while Japanese RPGs are about finding your place in society.