Comments 2

Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles


The only mini Saturn I'd ever buy would be a handheld Saturn system crammed into a 3D Saturn controller. I've even thought of a whole design for it. It would have a chargeable battery, a circular lid covering all of the buttons, a screen on the underside of that lid which even comes with simulated CRT shader setting, then lastly, a second release button below the start button that lifts up the whole front face plate, revealing an ODE disc drive. The catrige port would be on the back.

Re: Interview: "No One Is Doing Saturn" - How Parking Garage Rally Circuit Brings The Spirit Of Sega's 32-bit Console To PC


The Saturn also had a seemingly very unique way of using gourauds. For those who don't know, gourauds are an effect used to make polygons look smother and simulate lighting in many cases. But the way the Saturn did it was very strange.

The intensity of light reflections on the Saturn was far more dramatic than anything you'd see on the PS1 in a way that was almost comical. But it was also very cool. It's basically a film over a texture that lights up either partially or entirely based on the location of a light source. On PS1, this would usually just brighten up a texture. But on the Saturn? You'd better be wearing sunglasses. This does give Quake on the Saturn a really cool muzzle flash that lights up the whole room when firing. Interestingly, the Saturn's weird treatment of gourauds allowed it to simulate underwater light refraction unlike anything else at the time. Most notably seen in the Saturn ports of Tomb Raider and Quake.