Comments 6

Re: Best Of 2021: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster


Rare only starting waning after Microsoft purchased them. Before they were making hit after hit on the N64. Conker's Bad Fur Day, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, DK Country 64, Banjo Kazooie. Not a single bad game there. Rare's first few games on Xbox 360 (Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo) weren't particularly bad. Then Microsoft relagated Rare's studio to being a direct Wii competitor, only allowing them to make PG rated games. Viva Pinata, Kinect Sports etc. This was never Rare's forte. Rare were always about action and adult humour. Forcing them to make kiddie games and stifling their creativity caused a lot of devs to leave at that point. And many of the UK-based talent refused to relocate to the US and instead, left the company.