I loved this game too. It was extremely hard to part with. In my heart and in my eyes this game is like the N64 version of "Metroid" that never came to be. In fact if DMA had slapped an "Metroid" sticker on the game.
Honestly the game was extremly B-movie ( which is one of the reasons why I never parted with it ) an the game was also extremly "Resident Evil" at the same time. I was soooo afraid of playing this game, everytime you enter an house an find something off or creepy it just scares the living daylights out of you.
Like take the Roswell stage, where an home owner is ubducted by the federal government and pretend it never happen. The same with running into one of those "Bugs" in human form and having an verbal abusive conversation with them. That was so creepy. Then the ending when your clone ( Dark Samus ) transforms.
Also the bug homeworld was also insane. Honestly thank gosh the game had an bunch of cheats inside of it. Such as the "Make every enemy explode on screen cheat.
Playing this game fair and square is taxing on time. You could be standing in one position shooting down bugs for hours at end. It is insane.
What I love about the game ( in terms of Metroid which i will repeat ) is many features. The ability to call your ship. Your ship has an personal secretary on board you populate the human race with. The fact the Bugs/Metroids had little slime-balls that carries people.
Then you had the GTA values of the game. The NPC are killable and could be runned over. Some NPC fights back ( if I remember ). One episode had you rescue an NPC in specific to an key task. The game had children NPC ( something you rarely seen at all ). Then you could take control all of the different kinds of vehicles. Like GTA you are unable to swim for long periods of times ( but you can cross sections and bridges by swimming ).
I would probably never get rid of that game if it wasn't too cheap looking. I mean the game was creepy enough but originally I finished it with codes and stuff. That is how annoying the game is ( especially on hard mode ).
Also the bosses are gigantic beasts as well. Which makes this game some sorta monster shooter.
BH was so nice to play. Looking at Metroid Prime with the Black Samus, and Fusion as well it was amazing.
Again Body Harvest = Metroid N64. If DMA had gone to Metroid creator and said lets make this Metroid 3d, DMA might have turned into the new Rareware.
Comments 2
Re: Feature: The Making Of Body Harvest
I loved this game too. It was extremely hard to part with. In my heart and in my eyes this game is like the N64 version of "Metroid" that never came to be. In fact if DMA had slapped an "Metroid" sticker on the game.
Honestly the game was extremly B-movie ( which is one of the reasons why I never parted with it ) an the game was also extremly "Resident Evil" at the same time. I was soooo afraid of playing this game, everytime you enter an house an find something off or creepy it just scares the living daylights out of you.
Like take the Roswell stage, where an home owner is ubducted by the federal government and pretend it never happen. The same with running into one of those "Bugs" in human form and having an verbal abusive conversation with them. That was so creepy. Then the ending when your clone ( Dark Samus ) transforms.
Also the bug homeworld was also insane. Honestly thank gosh the game had an bunch of cheats inside of it. Such as the "Make every enemy explode on screen cheat.
Playing this game fair and square is taxing on time. You could be standing in one position shooting down bugs for hours at end. It is insane.
What I love about the game ( in terms of Metroid which i will repeat ) is many features.
The ability to call your ship. Your ship has an personal secretary on board you populate the human race with. The fact the Bugs/Metroids had little slime-balls that carries people.
Then you had the GTA values of the game.
The NPC are killable and could be runned over. Some NPC fights back ( if I remember ). One episode had you rescue an NPC in specific to an key task. The game had children NPC ( something you rarely seen at all ). Then you could take control all of the different kinds of vehicles. Like GTA you are unable to swim for long periods of times
( but you can cross sections and bridges by swimming ).
I would probably never get rid of that game if it wasn't too cheap looking. I mean the game was creepy enough but originally I finished it with codes and stuff. That is how annoying the game is ( especially on hard mode ).
Also the bosses are gigantic beasts as well. Which makes this game some sorta monster shooter.
BH was so nice to play. Looking at Metroid Prime with the Black Samus, and Fusion as well it was amazing.
Again Body Harvest = Metroid N64. If DMA had gone to Metroid creator and said lets make this Metroid 3d, DMA might have turned into the new Rareware.
Re: Feature: Say Hello To The CPS Changer, Capcom's First And Only Attempt At A Home Console
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