Comments 831

Re: Why Osaka's 61-Year-Old Kasuga Arcade Is Still Going Strong


I wish we still had more arcades like this in the UK. There's a couple random ones in Edinburgh, which is where I am from, but they're kinda crap for the most part. One has that terrible black walls with neon graffiti look, which is like something out of some bad '90s hacker movie, but not at all what these classic arcades actually looked like back in the day, at least not all the ones I ever visited. A nice almost "bingo hall" vibe place where all the family can go and just play a bunch of video games old and new is what I'm after.

Re: Punch-Out!! Is Getting A Fanmade SNES Port


Now this is cool, because once it's fully ported then some hackers could go in and update the visuals to proper SNES level of colours for a more 16-bit look if they like, and then the SNES would have basically a remaster of what many people still consider the best in the series to go along with Super Punch-Out!!. Two great boxing games for the system there, with or without the colour update. Sweet.

Re: How Modders Are Overcoming N64's Hardware Limitations


Yeah, this dude is doing some dang impressive work on the N64.

I can only imagine how good some of the best N64 games could have looked with all of this stuff applied back in the day and viewed on a real CRT where the image actually does the N64 far more justice than modern displays.

Re: Flashback: When Nintendo Was Forced To Pull Its "Offensive" Game Boy Advert


All of those ads are brilliant imo, just a bit edgy and actually pretty savvy, and much cooler than the everything-must-be-politically-correct, boring, generic, cookie-cutter, soulless and humourless crap we tend to see these days from most companies.

If it was just a request to remove it and not some legal mandate because it was breaking the law, which I doubt very much at all it was breaking any laws, I would have told that ASA to go find some actual problems to solve in the world.

Seriously, FOUR whole complaints . . .

PS. Here's a classic Sega example in the same vein (can't tell if using the word "vein" is great pun on my end here):

Classy stuff from the pages of [I think] Viz. LOL

Re: Best Ghostbusters Games Of All Time


Ghostbusters Wii is actually very good. Personally, I even think the art style and Wii motion controls are better and more fun than the PS3 equivalents too. I would love to see a slightly updated version of this release for VR.

Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?


Playing games like Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, A Link to the Past, Street Fighter II [and Turbo'], F-Zero, Star Fox, Super Smash TV, Contra III, Castlevania IV, Turtles in Time, Super Tennis, Super Mario Kart, Super Aleste, Super Punch-Out!!, Donkey Kong Country, U.N. Squadron, Killer Instinct, ActRaiser, PlayStation Doom, Super Mario 64, GoldenEye, Ocarina of Time, Halo, etc, are some of the most powerful and fondest memories from my youth. Playing these games as an adult very much recaptures that feeling again. So I definitely play these games for nostalgic reasons. But I also choose to play them because they're just simpler and purer than a lot of modern gaming is these days, with much more immediate satisfaction that's lacking all the faff and fuss and indeed pitfalls of our current gaming times, particularly regarding anything before we fully entered the Internet era, and I love all these old games and retro systems even more as I get older as a result. There's something very special that's worthy of cherishing with these old games. It was a golden age.

Re: The Making Of: Witchwood, Team17's Abandoned Zelda Rival


The pixel art looks really nice in the screenshots, but as soon as I watched the footage I could just see it was missing that "Nintendo" quality in the actual execution, at least in the unfinished state it was in. It's the little things like the way the character controls and moves, and especially the way the attacks look and feel that Nintendo nails with stuff like this, which is where I think they would have needed to up their game to make this a serious contender to A Link to the Past. Even in that footage their game has a stiffness and I can see awkwardness to the sword slashes, which instantly give the impression it wouldn't feel as nice to actually play as the Nintendo equivalent. Still, I think they should have actually finished it, and then we could all see what they were properly capable of with the final result.

Re: Does Your SNES Have A Ticking Time Bomb Inside?


Perfect solution imo: Nintendo re-releases the original SNES again for a modern audience to celebrate one of their most beloved systems of all time (maybe even a FPGA version of it or something), with re-releases of the physical cartridges again too (maybe even with some tweaks like all the once-SlowROM games now updated to FastROM versions for a start). I think it would sell a whole lot of units. Combine it with the in-built functionality of the recent SNES Classic Mini, meaning basically 20 or so digital games pre-installed and the like (maybe including the final version of the hitherto unreleased Killer Instinct 2 or something like that as the +1 game this time), and I think it would sell even more units.

Re: The Making Of: The Menacer - How Sega Rustled Up A Super Scope Rival In Just Six Months


"People seem to either forget or ignore, originally the Genesis/MD was released to compete with the NES not the SNES. Keeping proper perspective of the events of the time keeps things in perspective."


So, Nintendo released all the Color TV-Game systems for the home starting back in the '70s, then the home Famicom and home SG-1000 released on basically the same day (so says Wiki), then the home Genesis released as the follow to the Master System, then the home SNES released as the follow up to the NES, etc.

Then Sega with the Genesis specifically copied a whole lot of stuff that Nintendo did first with the SNES specifically.

And I'm sure Nintendo copied Sega a lot in the Genesis era and released a bunch of commercial SNES products that basically ripped off its ideas too, right?

But, Sega was doing stuff in the arcades before Nintendo was.

And Nintendo had been around for nearly a hundred years before Sega even existed, making playing cards originally and then a bunch of random toys and such.

And so on.

Personal opinions on controllers though: Well, my personal opinion is that the SNES controller was by far the best first party controller for any console of that generation and still stands as one of my favourite controllers ever made. I also loved the original PS1 controller, the N64 controller, the Xbox Controller S, and a few others. I probably would have really like the Saturn controller too if I'd played that back in the day, but I didn't.

Re: The Making Of: The Menacer - How Sega Rustled Up A Super Scope Rival In Just Six Months


I've noticed Sega did this quite lot between these two consoles back then: Copied the light gun, copied the 6-button controller, copied the Mode 7 effects as best it could, copied the enhancement chip in a cart that one time, copied the creation and use of a proper first party iconic mascot character in a platformer bundled to sell the system approach, copied using Silicon Graphics pre-rendered 3D visuals converted to sprites to get that Donkey Kong Country look in some games, etc.

It even copied Nintendo releasing the hugely successful Game Boy with its own Game Gear handheld at that time too.

Still, it did do some of those things quite well, even improving on Nintendo's own original efforts at times, so kudos there.

It's kinda similar to how Sony also basically just completely ripped off the SNES controller and added two additional shoulder buttons and slightly longer grips to get the similarly brilliant PlayStation controller, and then later ripped off the kinda revolutionary N64 controllers' analog stick and rumble support as well, doubling up on the sticks to get the Dual Shock design.

Nothing wrong with learning from others and even improving upon their efforts in some ways mind you, just like Nintendo eventually did when it ripped off Sony and added dual analog sticks that you can also click in, as well as having the two extra trigger buttons alongside the two shoulder buttons for example.

Now, I'm trying to think what commercially released SNES-related products/peripherals/approaches Nintendo copied from Sega at that time in the peak of the '90s 16-bit console war era similarly?

Re: Square Enix, Yuzo Koshiro Really Wants 'Illusion Of Gaia' And 'Terranigma' Remakes, Thanks


I'd rather not have them if they're just going to be on the same level as the ActRaiser remake, which I personally feel lost all of the charm and magic of the original with those particular new visuals. If it were done truly right, sure. But the odds are not high imo. I mean, Christ, imo the recent remake of Super Mario RPG fell victim to the same thing, and that was a first party Nintendo game. So, not a lot of optimism here to be honest.