Comments 6

Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures


@True_Hero Your right, never thought about it that way but thats one of the things I really liked about it. The whole beginning part where hes constantly griping about everything as if hes just been dumped into the wrong game.

I liked that we actually got to explore a planet in the Lylat system rather than just fly around one, even if it wasn't originally one. Reading the old Star Fox comics from NP always made me wonder what it would be like.

Also, you gotta wonder how Dinosaur Planet would have done compared to SFA, or if it was released today.

Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures


I always liked this game, found it really enjoyable (minus the test of fear of course). It was a great game in its own right, and they did a pretty darn good job considering they were turning an on-rails shooter into an adventure game.

Might have to fire this puppy up again myself.