@Shiryu It was available in France from 1990 on through a company called "Sodipeng". The name stood for "société distributrice de PC Engine". Interestingly, it was created by Yves Guillemot, who was already involved in running Ubisoft with his brothers.
Comments 2
Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything
You rock, Kevvylava.
Thank you for being more professional than the pros.
Re: Feature: The Making Of The PC Engine, The 8-Bit Wonder That Took On Nintendo
It was available in France from 1990 on through a company called "Sodipeng". The name stood for "société distributrice de PC Engine". Interestingly, it was created by Yves Guillemot, who was already involved in running Ubisoft with his brothers.