Comments 1

Re: Hardware Review: The Terraonion Mega SD Is A Truly Next-Gen Flash Cartridge


Oh man... All that black plastic, reminiscent of the 90s "T2" era...that's what SEGA was all about back in those days. Cyber razor cut anyone? πŸ˜‰
It'll only appeal mainly to those who grew up with Sega the first time round and who'll totally get that nostalgia hit. So far I'm happy with playing Sonic The Hedgehog 3D 1 & 2 and Streets of Rage II on my 3DSXL so far. Any other titles that i wish were available would be NHL Hockey 94, Sonic & Knuckles and Road Rage, but I'm in no rush. In the meantime I'll just fire up my Mega Drive theme hehe😎