Comments 51

Re: 8BitDo Has Announced The Successor To Its Ultimate Wireless Controller


I like the looks of this controller and would use it with my PC via Bluetooth however... I'm not sure rumble is supported over Bluetooth? I currently use an Xbox One controller with a Microsoft adaptor and rumble works with that but I seem to recall reading that it doesn't work with 3rd party pads.

That's a bit of a deal breaker as I play Sea of Thieves and the rumble feature is used on the steering wheel so you know when you're pointing in the right direction.

Re: Funstock Is Freezing The Price Of Evercade Carts For A Limited Time


Sounds like you've been unlucky there @Koekiemonster. I've had nothing but a brilliant time with my Evercade across the various formats and never experienced any freezes or crashes.

I think it's unfair to compare the Evercade to a Chinese handheld too because whilst they're fun, they are entirely based on illegal Roms.

Of course, I appreciate your position and I imagine I'd be singing a different tune if I'd experienced faulty carts and crashes but for now, I'm more than happy with the Evercade and am looking forward to what they release in 2025.

Re: Talking Point: With Sonic's Movie Series Set To Cross A Billion Dollars At The Box Office, It's A Shame His Creator Doesn't Get Credit


It's a tough one this. While it's a nice, romantic idea to acknowledge the creator, he was on the Sega payroll at the time so would have been financially reimbursed for his creation.

Also, I doubt that records would exist proving that he was the only person that had any input in the character design. What if someone comes out the woodwork saying that they inspired the character during a conversation during a break in a kitchen canteen?

I do agree that it would be really nice for Naoto Ohshima to have a credit but clearly a business decision has been made to possibly protect Sega and their IP which at the end of the day, they're free to do what they want with.

Re: Anniversary: 25 Years Ago, Sega Launched Dreamcast In Europe With One Of The Most Esoteric Campaigns Ever


I was working at GAME at the time this launched and I loved it. The Dreamcast was truly amazing and I remember seeing the bright colours and amazing visuals on all the TV screens in store and thinking that games wouldn't get any better. I'd marvel at Soul Calibur and be amazed by the way the Lizard man moved and rattled his jaw.

The warehouse was full of all the pre-orders we'd taken and we had stacks of games ready to go... with only a handful of broken boxes at the time too!

What a time to be a gamer. We didn't know how good we had it.

Re: Best Ridge Racer Games - Every Ridge Racer, Ranked


I can’t argue with any of this list but it must have been great fun to put together. I absolutely love Ridge Racer and keep going back to the original from time to time.

Also, spot on putting Type 4 in the number one spot but I would have expected a mention of the Jogcon. It takes some getting used to but it’s alright once it gets going… Not as good as a pad obviously, but still interesting.

Re: Strictly Limited Games Issues Statement On Lengthy Shipping Delays


How long have Strictly Limited been operating now and they still run into issues where things take 'way longer than expected'?

For me, the damage has been done. They have a poor business model that relies on customers bank rolling them for years before they receive a product. I'm sure that if they didn't have the year long pre order scheme, they'd go out of business pretty quick.

With these long lead times, extortionate prices and often a substandard product at the end of it, I'll never be using Strictly Limited again.

It's just a shame that so many people are happy to put up with them.

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