Comments 142

Re: Super Famicom Joins Grid Studio's Framed Nintendo Controllers


I mean, yeah it's specifically based on the NES version of Super Mario Bros 3, not the SNES version.

Taking a closer look at the Goomba and Mario sprites, they're not 1:1 to the actual sprites from the games but are weirdly re-drawn to closely resemble but not exactly match. This is possible for copyright reasons as to not outright copy Nintendo's works.

Re: The Making Of: Grimace's Birthday - The McDonald's Game Boy Adventure That Became A Viral Sensation


I love that the team are continuing to maintain the game with hotfixes and revisions, now up to a v1.5 release from what I can see.

Although the main mode is indeed on the short side, it's a genuinely enjoyable little game, though I'd say the time limit feels a bit strict for how open the second skateboarding level is, at least if you want to find all of the Grimace birthday shakes.

Re: McDonald's Just Released A Game Boy Color Game, In 2023


I downloaded the ROM directly from the website via DevTools, loaded it up on my Everdrive, and gave it a spin on my GBA.
And it works! Pretty cool stuff, looks well made too.

When you visit the website, the browser downloads this file:
When downloaded, it saves a 1024 KB .msi file, but when renamed to .gbc will work on GBC emulators and flashcarts.

Edit: The original link was removed and changed to, which also has a new hash meaning it's likely an updated ROM.

Re: Nintendo's Plan To Prevent 3DS Hackers Has Been Defeated Already


From a business perspective, a business will look to optimise sales of their current products however they can.

The Tears of the Kingdom blockbuster sales of a tentpole product isn't a fair comparison in this instance. I was referring to the grey market, which is an ongoing issue for big games publishers.
There are also different kinds of consumers; parents looking to get something to keep their child busy aren't necessarily going to look to be spending big, and would probably be happy setting them up with their own small 3DS to keep to themselves and be loaded with a bunch of games.

It's important to keep perspective in mind, it's not just us enthusiasts that anticipate the biggest releases of the year and have to have the hottest new thing.

Re: Nintendo's Plan To Prevent 3DS Hackers Has Been Defeated Already


The point I'm making is that buying old products on a secondary market, including getting free software for old hardware, will be eating out of sales for new products and software.

If Nintendo can exercise any amount of control over that by making it harder to get free games for a 3DS, they will.

Re: Nintendo's Plan To Prevent 3DS Hackers Has Been Defeated Already


It feels like a Disney vault situation; they dictate when you can buy their goods and services, as a way to build demand for a distant re-release of a game from a retired platform.

It also makes it harder to sell Mario Golf or Mario Tennis for the Switch, when people can get a 3DS for cheaper and then find ways to get Mario Golf or Mario Tennis for free.
The point being entries in a series of games can simply be an instance of the activity someone wants to do.

Re: I Just Fixed This Obscure Unlicensed NES Game


NES RAM initialization is very interesting to learn about, particularly that games will have behaviour that assumes the console boots with RAM in an uninitialized state.

Super Mario Bros makes use to this so that the A+Start trick to continue a world from game over does not persist when you turn the console on after being powered down.
Pressing the reset button for a warm start (aka soft reset) versus pressing the power button for a cold start (aka hard reset).

It turns out that the NES game Tennis writes to the same address in memory for SMB's A+Start trick, and that if you play SMB, then Tennis, then SMB, by physically swapping the cartridges whilst the console remains powered on, that you can tamper with RAM initalisation and get access to invalid world IDs.

So yeah, for Huang Di here, it sounds like an error in uninitialised RAM handling. It's entirely possible, likely even that the Taiwanese developers were using unofficial "Famiclone" hardware that did not handle uninitialized RAM in the same way as official NES or Famicom hardware.
Something like a Dendy, a Micro Genius, etc.
I would suspect that's the root of the issue, trying to play unofficial software developed on unofficial hardware, on official hardware or emulators targeting cycle accuracy of official hardware.

Re: Random: Fan Discovers Hidden Function For Ocarina Of Time's "Useless" Ice Arrows


It's admittedly something I hadn't known, and I'd learnt of trivia like "blue fire can break down bombable walls" before this.
It makes sense though, if the spike tracks are technically an enemy like any other, they can be frozen. They're encountered in later parts of the game too like in Spirit Temple or Ganondorf's Tower.

This goes to demonstrate that some features often go unused in games, since the player has plenty of means to tackle problems, especially if they don't consume resources like arrows or magic.
For example, in Link to the Past, were you aware that enemies frozen by using either the Ice Rod or the Ether Medalion can be picked up and thrown?

Re: Kirby's Dream Land 2 Gets The 'DX' Treatment


I'm loving this trend of colorization of Game Boy games that otherwise never got an official "DX" release, especially when they refactor the game to perform better on the GBC hardware too.
There's been quite the few as of late!

Re: Archivists Rescan Ken Sugimori's Pokémon Artwork, And The Difference Is Incredible


It's honestly fascinating how the early circulation of lower quality images with excessive contrast and over-saturation actually shaped perception of that era of artwork.
Ken Sugimori's late 90s watercolor artwork is famous for its exposed whites as lighting, but that detail was greatly exaggerated and it has been reflected both in official media and fan works inspired by the poor quality scans and prints.

Re: Anniversary: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Is 15 Today


To this day, the Smash Bros Dojo site and the development blog is still accessible!

Checking this site daily for updates was a ritual and got me the most excited for a game launch that I'd ever been.

I even have a small mark on the site, back then I was playing the Japanese version of the game on an imported Wii system, and submit one of my own screenshots that was featured on the Japanese side of the site.
"Top Score!(RUPEE)".

Re: Hands On: Anbernic's RG300X Is A Beefed-Up Game Boy Micro That Runs Emulators


What you're looking at here is mostly an old model in new clothes.

The RG350M is an Ingenic JZ4770 powered device, which is an old chip being used in handhelds like these since the GCW Zero in 2013!
It's highly likely that they are looking to use up remaining chips to help fund the development of their future systems, which will likely feature Rockchip RK3326 like the RG351P and RG351M.

Personally, I would find a device like this too small to enjoy playing on, that form factor was never intended for a device with so many buttons after all. The Game Boy Micro only had two face buttons and two shoulder buttons!

Re: Hands On: Retro Handheld Face-Off - Anbernic R351 Vs Retroid Pocket 2


Yes, the RG351V suffers from lacking a right analogue, though not by much. There aren't too many systems that it's capable of playing that actually make use of a second analogue, outside of the couple dozen PS1 games that supported them.

With the shoulder buttons, I can understand why they're laid out that way though as a two-row design might make the system thicker than it already is.

The 640x480 screen was the main reason I got the RG351V to compliment my RG351P.
That said, if they were to make a RG351P with a 720x480 screen, that would remain perfect for GBA games and keep all the benefits of a 480p screen.

Re: Hands On: Retro Handheld Face-Off - Anbernic R351 Vs Retroid Pocket 2


@BloodNinja @HamatoYoshi
On the subject of being pre-loaded with ROMs, this seems to depend on who you buy it from.

The stock microSD for firmware is only supposed to have the firmware, and it might have a few public domain things on there.
When I received my RG351P back in December it was loaded with ROMs, and of particularly poor quality.
They were pre-patched with cheat codes for example which could ruin the experience.
But the RG351V I received a few months ago was not pre-loaded with ROMs, which I preferred.

Re: Hands On: Retro Handheld Face-Off - Anbernic R351 Vs Retroid Pocket 2


I have an RG351P and it's one of my favourite devices, it's perfect for playing GBA games, but the screen makes it less desirable for the other types of systems it's capable of emulating.
That unusual 480x320 resolution means home console and arcade games will have some scaling filters applied, which I find unpleasant to look at.

There's a sister device called the RG351V which has a classic DMG Game Boy design, and sports a 640x480 screen. It's absolutely perfect for home console games, Game Boy games, and more. GBA games take a small hit as you need to scale them, but they scale better than you'd expect.

It's nice to see Nintendo Life covering Anbernic's more recent devices though! They really are excellent little devices.

Re: The PocketGo S30 Is Basically A SNES Pad That Plays Retro Games


This device looks like it is very, very similar to the RG351P.
There's a chance that it is using the same processor and general firmware, especially since they seem to share a 480x320 IPS screen.

With that in mind, you guys should check if you can flash a custom firmware to the microSD card.
The stock firmware for the RG351P is terrible, if you flash a custom one such as 351Elec the experience is greatly improved: Default shaders and scaling on a per-system basis are better, and can still be fixed up.

The main draw of the 480x320 resolution screen is that Game Boy / Color / Advance games will look perfect on it! That's why I got an RG351P.
The drawback however, is that most other systems you'll need RGA scaling to get them to look decent.

Edit: Looked up the processors for these devices and they aren't the same, I'm not sure which one has superior specs.