Comments 142

Re: This $75 Handheld Could Be The Best Way To Emulate Nintendo DS In 2025


The screen resolution is a bit unfortunate. 480 width is going to be less than 2x scale for the DS's 256px wide screens.
That'll be an awkward 187.5% scale, and Drastic as a standalone emulator doesn't have the nice scaling/shading options that Retroarch does.

Taki Udon mentioned that one of his projects is replacement Nintendo DS screens, in his recent video for the Switch Lite replacement screens. That's something I'd like to see come to fruition since DS Lite and DSi screens have not aged particularly well; they're known to yellow due to the use of adhesives within the screen.

Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community


What happened with their 3DO D release and Rugrats + PioPow NES releases, is by their own admission evidence that their QA processes are lacking at least as new releases or changes in process are concerned. I do hope that they learn from that.

It's not just QA issues with physical media, their Carbon Engine games developed in-house are known to have a few issues.
The 1.0 release of Ninja Five-O that they shipped (weeks ahead of the digital release) has strange bugs like the intro video failing to play in Docked mode, or the gallery failing to display box art or game manuals.

LRG will be fulfilling the GBA physical release of Shantae Advance Risky Revolution soon, and I believe this is their first ever GBA release? Aftermarket GBA releases are rare so I'm keen to see if they get this right, especially as they just announced they're doing a GBA physical for Sigma Star DX, which I'm also interested in as a WayForward fan.

In terms of just fulfilling physical releases for modern systems, I do feel that LRG have turned it around and are back on track with made-to-order fulfilments, but the stigma of items instantly selling out and unfortunately long waiting times has stuck around.
There's also that LRG doesn't seem to be a fully preservationist as they used to be, if they're willing to ship Switch physicals ahead of or in-line with digital launches so that they're not fully patched and updated, or may not have full DLC on-cart like with the Switch release of Rain World.

Re: Superdeluxe Is Giving Us Serious FOMO With These Castlevania Deluxe Editions


There's a good chance that they'll support English language when you plug them in anyway.
A lot of digital releases are true multi-region and set a language based on your Switch system.

I imported the SuperDeluxe release of Chicory, and it has full English language support.
It also had the surprising advantage of being much cheaper to order from versus the Limited Run Games release, so something to consider.

Re: This Week's Arcade Archives Game May Be Worth Skipping


I think the most notable thing about this release is probably the licensing involved.
Othello is a trademarked brand and not something you can just use freely like with Reversi. Capcom had run into trouble with this as the original release of Breath of Fire II makes specific references to Othello, and subsequent releases had to remove the reference entirely.

Re: "This Cartridge Is A Tiny Time Bomb" - Limited Run Accused Of Selling Carts Which Can Damage Your NES


LRG used to really genuinely push for preservation in their releases and printing cards with the latest and most-likely final updates, but as of late they've opted to print physicals as pre-orders for upcoming digital releases.
I had this with Ninja Five-O and Glover, where the physicals arrived much earlier than their digital launches.

Like you say, QA issues too. Ninja Five-O has pretty shocking issues in the v1.0 build where the animated video intro after the splash screens doesn't play on Switch when in docked mode, and where the box art and manual sections of the gallery fail to display images. These aren't small things, and for a project of this scope these sorts of issues shouldn't be here.
Specifically mentioning this because this was an LRG published and developed release under their "Carbon Engine".

Re: Someone Is Making New Games For The GBA's Unpopular E-Reader Add-On


The fact you needed two GBA systems and a link cable for any of the add-on content was also prohibitively expensive.
It was a novel means of distributing content that could be played even without a GBA, like loading NES games into memory by swiping cards.
The technical specification on e-Reader itself and the reverse engineering that's been performed to make decoding and encoding your own scannable bar codes is really cool though, Hunter R who does deep dives into Animal Crossing has a couple of great videos on them.

My brother has an e-Reader and the Analogue Pocket, and as you suspect it's impossible to plug the e-Reader into the Pocket since the EXT port isn't in the correct location.
The e-Reader was only ever compatible with the original Game Boy Advance model and the Game Boy Player add-on for the GameCube; on the GBA-SP the EXT port was in a different location relative to the cartridge slot, and on the Game Boy Micro the EXT port was a smaller form factor that needed a converter.

Re: 8BitDo's C64 & NES-Style Retro Mechanical Keyboards Are Getting European Layouts


Cool, so they do have an offering! I might wanna consider it, though my current mechanical keyboard of 8 years is still doing really well. It's a HyperX with cherry blue switches; more of a typist's keyboard despite being marketed as gaming.

Edit: Unfortunately the Amazon UK link is for the US layout keyboard, and with a small enter key, that's no good.
I hope they consider international 108 numpad keyboards in the future since they've all looked nice.

Re: Anbernic's New GBA Clone Plays PSP, Dreamcast And More


Yeah, that looks straight up like a super-sized GBA, the bezel is a bit weird though, it just looks off.
That said, 720x480 screen? That's actually perfect for GBA games, you can integer scale the 240x160 GBA games 3x with that. They'll look flawless and have nice shader options with a 3x3 area detailing one GBA pixel.

Re: Saturn Cult Classic Princess Crown Is Getting An Uncensored Translation


It's a matter of interpretation, in two ways.
Interpreting the author's meaning, and interpreting the choice or use of language then how to translate them, which is especially challenging for the Japanese language which operates far differently from the English language.

Even so, whether the choice of specific words is up to interpreting author's meaning or author's language are separate, and choosing to alter the language is the translator's choice to infer their interpretation, rather than preserve the author's intention.
Even your assertion of the author's "intent is to get players immersed" itself is an interpretation or assumption of what the original author wanted to achieve. What if the author had perhaps intended to disrupt immersion in a moment, or was perhaps not particularly talented as a scenario or script writer?

So, yes I can see that particular example being at odds with world building. There's examples of that in Nintendo's own games, like the infamous "I'm on your side, Einstein" line in Star Fox 64, or "Who do you think you are, Bruce Lee?" in Super Mario RPG.
These were both altered in later re-releases Star Fox 64 3D, and Super Mario RPG (Switch), since they reference real people who should be unknown to these fantasy worlds unrelated to our own (though they may've also been removed as to avoid potential legal issues such as intellectual property rights under Bruce Lee's estate).
These world-breaking shattering examples however, may've not existed in the original Japan releases and could've been inventions in the localisation processes (though I've not checked). Ted Woolsey was known for doing this sort of thing though because it made for very engaging scripts that broader audiences could get into.

In any case, if there are narrative choices, gaffs and mistakes in the work being translated, I'd prefer to see those preserved in fan translations which aim to be authentic, versus those looking to localise like the famous Mother 3 translation. Tomato's blog provides great insight and rationale into why he chose a localisation approach.

Re: Saturn Cult Classic Princess Crown Is Getting An Uncensored Translation


Yeah, fan-lead translation efforts usually take the effort to preserve the original intent from the original releases, which is to take an effort to better understand a foreign culture versus adapting a work to better fit another market. This is especially prevalent when it comes to older works as it provides a better understanding of the state of things from a given time period.
What you're advocating for is definitely localisation and adaptation, versus translation, which does less for historical preservation and study.

If the original work was a fantasy setting period that happened to have significant profanity, I wouldn't object to retaining that if that's simply what the author wanted to do.

It reminds me of the unfortunate incident of the Goemon 3 fan translation, where the original game did have an unfortunate and possibly intentionally demeaning choice of words for a trans woman (sometimes referred to as "newhalf" in Japan).
The first translation patch that the translator released chose to retain that sentiment, but didn't disclose their rationale or that this was reflective of the original Japanese release, and this didn't go over well.

It's a meaningful case study of the role of the translator; are they providing direct translation to preserve meaning and wider context beyond the work, or are they editorialising to make for a more palettable product? Usually for publishers releasing commercial consumer products, they will opt for the latter.
This was already the case for Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, where the recurring villains in the localised release are frequently called "weirdos", but in the original release a derogatory term was used instead.

Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement


No, absolutely not.
The cover is an important part of the software package as a whole, whether if it's just a packet cover, a launcher icon, a title screen, etc.
That the developer or publisher in this case were content to generate some AI imagery that vaguely resembles the near-vintage game, is telling that they were unwilling to commission an actual artist to do the game some justice.
Or in the case of the Duke Nukem 1+2 Remastered for Evercade, that the artist they commissioned did not disclose that they were going to use AI in their processes. Blaze Entertainment were deceived and the fans were not happy, and they ultimately rejected this artwork and got a new artist.

These days, the use of AI generated imagery is openly broadcasting that you're cheap and do not care about your product, your employees, or your customers. Or at least, that's the sentiment so many people have, very understandably so.

Re: Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time"


Played on original hardware with no modifications.
Whilst the speedrun community for SM64 does allow people to play on emulators, they're maintained as separate categories from N64, and also Virtual Console, with N64 being the preferred method for conventional play.

What you're referring to with people playing frame by frame in an emulator, is what's known as a Tool-Assisted Speedrun and are instead a demonstration of in-depth knowledge and execution of a game as software, rather than player skill.
Research into TAS runs however inform strategies in conventional speedruns and are a big part of why they've progressed so far, as many human-viable techniques are learnt from them.

If you've got 8 minutes to spare, you can watch Suigi's 0 star run of SM64 in 6 minutes 16 seconds:
This record was set October 26th 2023 and has stood for over a year.

Re: Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time"


It's something that's unreasonable to explain every time there's a news article about an ongoing subject, however considering the special nature of SM64 and its multiple categories, yeah I think it would really add value to the article in this case.

SM64 world records are rarely broken these days, as there are fewer and fewer discoveries made to break minute barriers that runners strives for.

Re: Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time"


To give a bit of context.
70 stars is the normal requirement to reach the final level and complete the game, whilst all 120 stars would be the 100% goal.
Historically though, players figured out ways to beat the game collecting only 30 stars, and then later 16 stars. Eventually, ways to beat the game collecting only a single star, or no stars at all were figured out too.

The 30 star run was due to how access to the second Bowser level required 30 stars, which in turns unlocks the upstairs portion. Use of the backwards long jump glitch then makes it possible to skip the 50 star and 70 star requirements.

The 30 star requirement itself was also then skipped because they discovered that you can perform wall-clips through doorways using Mips the Rabbit, a character that appears in the basement when you've collected 16 stars.
That 16 star requirement too eventually fell.

What the 0 star run still needs to do is defeat Bowser in all three Bowser stages. That part is unskippable because defeating Bowser gives you the keys needed to access the basement and the upper floor. Those keys are hard requirements as the doors to each part of Peach's Castle are what loads each new area, as opposed to having loading zones behind the door.

Re: Review: ModRetro Chromatic Is So Close To The Real Thing You'd Think Nintendo Made It


I think they missed a beat by not offering a purple Chromatic, considering that's what most people think of with the Game Boy Color.
Although it looks like they're trying to strike out their own visual identity instead of just aping the established aesthetics and colour schemes of original systems like so many modern handhelds do.

Of what's on offer, yeah the black one is the one that I'd want.
News that the d-pad and buttons feel much nicer than on the Analogue Pocket is also welcome news.

Re: Original Super Mario Bros. Gets Upgraded Game Boy Color Port, Complete With Yoshi And Wario


I gave it a quick spin and it's a really impressive effort.
It's not 1:1 though, which is to be expected when the scale had to change, but there's pretty significant differences from the NES original that will throw you off.
Things like air momentum is completely different, Mario will drop all horizontal speed quickly if you let go.
You can't just run through World 4-1 like you used to, Lakitu throws spinys in a way that will probably hit you, and you can't clear the piranha plants with a tight jump either.
Mushrooms emerging from ?-blocks are also much faster, which gives you less time to react to them to successfully collect them when they start moving (the hidden 1up in the ceiling of World 1-2, for example).

I reckon I'll give this a proper go on my Analogue Pocket later, nuanced differences aside this was still really cool.

Re: 20 Years In The Making, Mario Adventure 3 Is The Ultimate Mario 3 ROM Hack


Yeah, I had some issues with the mandatory tutorial stage too.

The constant helper text overlaying your normal UI doesn't remind you that the super leaf power-up lets you fly (it assumes you know), and it doesn't communicate that your "double tap and hold B" powers that come with the super-super leaf and the frog-suit have a cooldown timer.
That one bottleneck section where you have to swim through jellyfish twice is a problem when you don't know about the cooldown.

You can skip the section where you're expected to douse flames and freeze water to get through, by taking damage and just running through as small Mario.

Something like sign-posts you stand in-front of to show the text boxes would've been much better, but when the opening level of your hack features level design weaker than on Super Mario Maker, that isn't promising.

Re: 20 Years In The Making, Mario Adventure 3 Is The Ultimate Mario 3 ROM Hack


The NES and SNES minis are basically just ARM devices running Linux with a small storage space (less than 512MB), but they can access USB storage with a special adapter.

They can run Retroarch just fine and can actually run all kinds of systems, they're good at PlayStation games as I recall though will work best with a Wii Classic Controller instead of the bundled NES/SNES controller.

Re: 20 Years In The Making, Mario Adventure 3 Is The Ultimate Mario 3 ROM Hack


Mario Adventure was an old favourite of mine to be sure, but like the authors admit it wasn't the most accessible hack, as there was lot of that classic "ROM hack" difficulty where just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should (e.g. put Boom Boom at the end of every single level).

I will absolutely have to check this one out.

Re: SMB Arena Aims To Be A New Home For Super Mario Bros. ROM Hacking


RHDN's downfall was just because the site admin had enough after two decades, and that they couldn't hand over the site to anyone because it shares infrastructure with other commercial sites they apparently maintain.

More sites popping up to pick up the slack is cool, but the Mario hacking scene is strangely fractured with different sites for Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, and now Super Mario Bros.

Re: RHDO Changes Ownership, Rebrands As RomHack Plaza


ROM hacking and "do it yourself" patching can operate cleanly; requiring users to provide their own dumps instead of illegally downloading ROMs unpatched OR pre-patched.

This is why it was necessary for Spike as the operator of CDRomance to step aside from operating a patches-only site.
You can't really say the patches-only site is clean under that management, and we need a clean site for the practice of ROM hacking to keep going unabated.