Oblivion was my start. One of my first 360 games (and VF5C/Online) it also made me serious about PC gaming as the first of many 360 issues was it eating a coaster into my game. I was so fortunate to be working for GS at the time as me nearly bursting into tears over my new system malfunctioning (I had been a full Nintendo gamer until then and had never had a broken console before) prompted my manager to do me a solid with the sku.
Anyway loved the game on PC so much I became a lifelong fan and went back and played the old ones. I had only played JRPGs up until then and hadn’t even realized they made games like TES. And Skyrim… I saved for months at my terrible job to buy the CE. Still one of my favorite games to play. I am patiently awaiting the new one and plan on building a new PC around it. The Bethesda magic got me into fallout (even though I enjoy it much less) as well.
I would say yes. It’s a warning no different than the religious ones in Assassin’s Creed (I still feel that series self censors so certain religious groups don’t go off). It’s not like the content is being removed but it does what all warnings do…warn people. Just because it doesn’t offend one person doesn’t mean that others should be dismissed. If the warning itself offends then perhaps some self reflection is in order.
I feel like he would have been better served not using copyrighted material then.I know that fan works/spiritual sequels are handled in various ways but obviously he was concerned about licensing so I would have avoided that all together by just making an original game.
Hadn’t realized Rare made so many games. I have played more of their catalog than I thought. That being said for me their best game is Jet Force Gemini (which I would love to see remade). It had a lot of novel ideas at the time and was just a really fun adventure. Also much love to Solar Jetman. I hated it when I was little but I think it contributed to my love of physics games and playing it again as an adult was fun.
Mostly I'm trying to play games I didn't have as a child. I only have a few games that I go back to for nostalgia and honestly as I have aged and my disposable income has increased, I go back to those less and less. Too many other games to beat. I am just chasing fun.
I don’t care what anyone says I love this movie. The OST, the animation at the time was very good and it stars Ming Na Wen. I enjoyed the healing the world theme as well. Love this movie. Have it on VHS and BluRay.
I mean he can make money from this (the PR alone of he manipulates it correctly) so I don’t see the problem. The point of success is to first be able to support yourself and your family if you have one or want one, then second to give back to society. If he can do that using tetris as a springboard who has the right to tell him he is wrong?
I don’t think what he did is healthy but after seeing all the esports kiddos making bank, I feel maybe I didn’t play video games enough as a child lol.
There were very few kids in my neighborhood and I was the only girl so they were all bullies so I gamed alone. However games were tied to christmases and birthdays or Kwanzaa celebrations or bonding with my mom so they are fond childhood memories. My mom and I still tell the N64 story to this day.
Honestly it was a good year for wiiu for me. I picked up Mario and Zelda and had gotten the Link between worlds 3ds and game. I was riding pretty high.
@KingMike someone has to be born first. Pretty sure mortality rates would spike (and they are bad enough as is) if twins tried to all be born at the same time.
I swear sega loves to stress me out. Just make a new one. We've been begging for years. That being said for me VF5FS/US is still the best fighting game ever made, it just feels really good to play.
If they had done that Nintendo would have sued Atari into oblivion. Not cool risking the livelihood of everyone around you to try to “stick it” to Nintendo. Perhaps he should have just tried to make a creative franchise?
Still the best game in the series for me. The soundtrack alone makes the game amazing but I had so much fun and frustration with this one. Really hated that ubisoft started trend chasing with the second game and imo didn’t recover in the third. Plus female characters really got the crap end of the stick. I think the 360 reboot and the wii movie tie in were ok though.
So not fair that I can’t get/couldn’t find the Sam Kerr cover in my region. Really wish EA would start doing double sided covers with Female players. Or make it that you can print one for your region.
Personally I would like to see Shenmue finished. Games are released too slowly to mimic Like a Dragon. Granted I consider Like a dragon to be the spiritual successor to shenmue so I can wait. What I need is for Suzuki-san to convince SEGA to make a new Virtua Fighter.
My old tv is dying (I am replacing parts but that really lets me know that I am running out of time) so I’m looking at replacing my old hardware. Will start buying some of these next year I think. I do have the Nintendo, SEGA and Sony mini systems so I will start with this N64 replacement.
@ferryb001 just one person. I’d rather donate to help everyone.
@Porco Insurance isn’t going to fully cover rebuilding. Especially since many homes of the locals were very old, and the lots have to be cleared of debris, many need basic aid immediately (food, water , shelter, clothes) because they lost everything, building materials and labor costs will out pace what they get from insurance and it will take time to get the money and many people have to now plan multiple funerals on top of that. Also many lost their place of business so no way to generate income right now. Plus tourists are taking up space /clogging the area as well. Insurance is only a bandaid. And that of course is if they even get paid and the insurance companies don’t require additional clauses for fire. Which many residents may not have gotten because it wasn’t a common issue.
I’ve lived through a few hurricanes (my family was fortunate no no significant damage) but others even with home insurance were financially wiped out. Happens all the time sadly.
For me the Barbie games were such a mixed bag. I had barbies (or rather Christies as those were the Black models in the Barbie line up) and other brands when I couldn’t find a Christie and I respect that they (eventually) represent so many different girls/women and different interests (I had all the doctor/skateboarder accessories ) but at the same time that representation was uneven in other media so all you got was regular Barbie. Granted that is why people are freaking out about the Barbie movie because they think it’s one thing (from the 1950’s) and that’s it. Most girls that grew up in the 80’s and 90’s and actually played with them knows that the Barbie range is way more varied (and arguably feminist). But games were so far behind the actual toy line. Which was off putting as heck if that wasn’t the Barbie you grew up with and if you didn’t like a color used for stomach medication (pepto bismal). Yet it got real boring real fast either playing as dudes all the time or darn near every game making a woman kidnap or cutscene death fodder. So as always I respect the influence Barbie games had, especially for the girls that had more restrictive childhoods than I did or that honestly just love Barbie and pink. I do think they have improved in some ways but haven’t been elevated out of the pink ghetto. Barbie has literally had every job. There should be more genres with her doing stuff. Where is my trauma center game licensed by Mattel? Where is my tomb raider expy game? For the love off all that is good can I get a ninja game with Barbie (or any woman really that isn’t a DOA spin off)?
Personally I was grateful for the sailor moon licensed games as they covered a large swath of genres and due to the nature of the franchise had different archetypes for female characters so you could play the character that interested or inspired you most.
I get both sides of the argument but for me and some others in my age group JRPG meant a genre to look for and it was a style that only the Japanese could make because it went through their cultural lens. I grew up on JRPGs and hate seeing western or non Japanese made rpgs given the moniker because they might be turned based or something. Because there is a certain identity and essence that an actual JRPG has that no matter who tries to mimic it, imo they can’t. RPG for me is the overall genre but subgenres are used to help people find what they are looking for specifically and that imo should never go away. It’s no different than searching for a book in a library. You go to the history section but if you don’t know the subgenre you will be there all day. JRPG has always been positive for me but it sucks that small minded people tried to use the nationality and cultural viewpoints of the devs as a negative.
90's kid. I always felt like a crook asking for a new system or game and while I didn't have a lot, my parents did what they could to accommodate my big requests (and took me to blockbuster for what they couldn't afford). I used to walk into k-mart and just stare at the games shocked at the prices or just look at neogeo ads because I wouldn't dare put that kind of guilt on my folks. Even with inflation I make more than both of my parents combined (not as much of a gap as I would like but still) and they had good, stable jobs, and people have to also know that just like games, utilities weren't flat across the board. My city gouged residents in heating and electric bills so my folks were paying 300-500 a month in utilities and it wasn't until a lawsuit a few years ago that such prices lessened but the damage was done. People didn't necessarily have more disposable income back then and for some that already high price of a luxury was way worse. So yeah buying power was greater but that didn't mean disposable income was higher for all.
Now my gaming library is like 1000% bigger than what I had growing up including saving up during my broke college years. While nobody likes price increases, you can't stop inflation (and deflation is not really good for the economy...you don't want hyper inflation which is what has been going on either) and we have been fortunate that gaming has been stable in a way that most other things (especially wants not needs) are not. Especially after the 90's when there were less games with outlier prices and more of a flat price rate. At the end of the day this is a luxury hobby. And it's one with multiple price points and sales. Companies have to maintain profitability to invest in new projects and maintain investor confidence. Stock Market may be a casino but companies use that valuation to function. It is a permanent tug of war because both sides want the same thing. More money. Consumers want more product for less money and companies want to have less costs with higher profit.
I bought the CE of TotK without blinking. Can't wait!!!
Comments 163
Re: Anniversary: The Elder Scrolls Series Is 30 Years Old
Oblivion was my start. One of my first 360 games (and VF5C/Online) it also made me serious about PC gaming as the first of many 360 issues was it eating a coaster into my game. I was so fortunate to be working for GS at the time as me nearly bursting into tears over my new system malfunctioning (I had been a full Nintendo gamer until then and had never had a broken console before) prompted my manager to do me a solid with the sku.
Anyway loved the game on PC so much I became a lifelong fan and went back and played the old ones. I had only played JRPGs up until then and hadn’t even realized they made games like TES. And Skyrim… I saved for months at my terrible job to buy the CE. Still one of my favorite games to play. I am patiently awaiting the new one and plan on building a new PC around it. The Bethesda magic got me into fallout (even though I enjoy it much less) as well.
Re: Jack Thompson, The Man Who Tried To Ban GTA, Thinks Video Games Can Be Good, Actually
Sure now that there is no money in the video game equivalent of ambulance chasing.
That being said media doesn’t exist in a vacuum and we should be mindful of what we consume as it does have an effect.
Re: Princess Peach: Showtime! Marks Return Of Goemon Director After 27 Years
Ok so now i have to buy it.
Re: You Won't Believe How Little Ocean Paid For RoboCop's Global Video Game Rights
Ocean made a lot of licensed games back in the day so this isn’t surprising.
Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection Is Being Delisted In Japan
Must be due to licensing entanglement. I was always shocked the collection came out at all in the first place.
Re: Poll: Should Retro Game Remasters Carry Warnings About "Offensive" Content?
I would say yes. It’s a warning no different than the religious ones in Assassin’s Creed (I still feel that series self censors so certain religious groups don’t go off). It’s not like the content is being removed but it does what all warnings do…warn people. Just because it doesn’t offend one person doesn’t mean that others should be dismissed. If the warning itself offends then perhaps some self reflection is in order.
Re: Arcade1UP Accidentally Leaks X-Men 97 'Marvel VS. Capcom 2' Cabinet
Ugh Storm is mohawked again?! I had hoped that would remain in the comics. If it had the 2 player version of X-Men, I would be interested.
Re: SNK Working On Art Of Fighting Reboot And "Action RPG" Samurai Shodown
Just make a sequel to the Samsho fighting game reboot. That game was fun.
Re: Legendary Composer Yoko Shimomura To Be Given Lifetime Achievement Award
Aww that is amazing and well earned. Pretty sure she is responsible for at least half the OST of my childhood.
Re: SNES Dev Explains Why He Spent 600 Hours And $2370 Just To Give His Game Away For Free
I feel like he would have been better served not using copyrighted material then.I know that fan works/spiritual sequels are handled in various ways but obviously he was concerned about licensing so I would have avoided that all together by just making an original game.
Re: Sonic Tubbz Are Back, But This Time They're Minature
I have way too many of these things. But they are great bathroom decorations.
Re: Poll: What Is Rare's Best Game?
Hadn’t realized Rare made so many games. I have played more of their catalog than I thought. That being said for me their best game is Jet Force Gemini (which I would love to see remade). It had a lot of novel ideas at the time and was just a really fun adventure. Also much love to Solar Jetman. I hated it when I was little but I think it contributed to my love of physics games and playing it again as an adult was fun.
Re: Best Nintendo DS Games Of All Time
I really can't wait until NSO includes DS/3DS games.
Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?
Mostly I'm trying to play games I didn't have as a child. I only have a few games that I go back to for nostalgia and honestly as I have aged and my disposable income has increased, I go back to those less and less. Too many other games to beat. I am just chasing fun.
Re: The Making Of: Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within, Square's Groundbreaking Box Office Bomb
I don’t care what anyone says I love this movie. The OST, the animation at the time was very good and it stars Ming Na Wen. I enjoyed the healing the world theme as well. Love this movie. Have it on VHS and BluRay.
Re: Random: Wonder Woman "Will Outshred You All" At Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Lynda Carter is so awesome.
Re: Hands On: Octopus Arcade Stick - A One-Stop Solution For Fighting Fans
This just makes me miss shoryuken.com. So many of the best custom stick builders swapping info.
Re: Teen Who "Beat" Tetris Told To "Go Outside And Get Some Fresh Air"
I mean he can make money from this (the PR alone of he manipulates it correctly) so I don’t see the problem. The point of success is to first be able to support yourself and your family if you have one or want one, then second to give back to society. If he can do that using tetris as a springboard who has the right to tell him he is wrong?
I don’t think what he did is healthy but after seeing all the esports kiddos making bank, I feel maybe I didn’t play video games enough as a child lol.
Re: Talking Point: Are Video Games Linked To Physical Places In Your Memory?
There were very few kids in my neighborhood and I was the only girl so they were all bullies so I gamed alone. However games were tied to christmases and birthdays or Kwanzaa celebrations or bonding with my mom so they are fond childhood memories. My mom and I still tell the N64 story to this day.
Re: Streets Of Rage 2, ActRaiser And Story Of Thor - Ayano Koshiro On Her Career In Games
That is so cool. I’m sad that I hadn’t heard of her before but have played the games she worked on. Love hearing from women in the industry.
Re: Random: Why Not Download One Of The Worst SNES Games Ever This Festive Season?
There is a lot going on with that.
Re: Konami's Arcade Classic 'Mystic Warriors' Finally Arrives On Consoles This Week
This looks awesome! Will have to get.
Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2013?
Honestly it was a good year for wiiu for me. I picked up Mario and Zelda and had gotten the Link between worlds 3ds and game. I was riding pretty high.
Re: Rare Japanese TV Footage Emerges Of Luigi In Super Mario 64
@KingMike someone has to be born first. Pretty sure mortality rates would spike (and they are bad enough as is) if twins tried to all be born at the same time.
Re: Random: Mario Mascot Costume Photo Recreated 34 Years Later
Hope she sent it to her mom!
Re: Review: Retro-Bit Sega Saturn 2.4GHz Wireless Pro Controller
Saturn is my smallest game library but I will have to get this controller.
Re: Sega Is "Evaluating" A New Virtua Fighter
I swear sega loves to stress me out. Just make a new one. We've been begging for years. That being said for me VF5FS/US is still the best fighting game ever made, it just feels really good to play.
Re: Fable Developer Finds Missing Plaque On Ebay Years After It Was Presumed Stolen
Who tf steals a plaque with someone else’s name on it? People are pathetic.
Re: "I Didn't Want Mario Lemieux Hockey, I Wanted Super Mario Hockey"
If they had done that Nintendo would have sued Atari into oblivion. Not cool risking the livelihood of everyone around you to try to “stick it” to Nintendo. Perhaps he should have just tried to make a creative franchise?
Re: Good-Feel's Spiritual Successor To Goemon Is Out Now In Japan
I will be getting this next month. Been anxiously awaiting release.
Edit: It’s so good!
Re: CeX Retro Watch: November 2023
This is why I stopped buying retro. Just hope for remakes or accept I won’t play certain games. My game collection is large enough as is.
Re: Yep, More Analogue Pocket Limited Editions Are On The Way
Got my green and a dock. Time to catch up on some GBA games.
Re: Yep, More Analogue Pocket Limited Editions Are On The Way
Ooo I will try for the green to match my GBC.
Re: Anniversary: Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Is 20 Today
Still the best game in the series for me. The soundtrack alone makes the game amazing but I had so much fun and frustration with this one. Really hated that ubisoft started trend chasing with the second game and imo didn’t recover in the third. Plus female characters really got the crap end of the stick. I think the 360 reboot and the wii movie tie in were ok though.
Re: FIFA Cover Stars - Every Athlete From 1993 To 2022
So not fair that I can’t get/couldn’t find the Sam Kerr cover in my region. Really wish EA would start doing double sided covers with Female players. Or make it that you can print one for your region.
Re: Yu Suzuki Would Love To Make A Yakuza 0-Style Shenmue Prequel
Personally I would like to see Shenmue finished. Games are released too slowly to mimic Like a Dragon. Granted I consider Like a dragon to be the spiritual successor to shenmue so I can wait. What I need is for Suzuki-san to convince SEGA to make a new Virtua Fighter.
Re: Analogue 3D Is An FPGA-Based N64 With 4K Output
My old tv is dying (I am replacing parts but that really lets me know that I am running out of time) so I’m looking at replacing my old hardware. Will start buying some of these next year I think. I do have the Nintendo, SEGA and Sony mini systems so I will start with this N64 replacement.
Re: Best Nintendo 3DS RPGs Of All Time
Cool, I have all of these.
Re: ToeJam & Earl Creator Greg Johnson Needs Your Help To Rebuild His Home
@ferryb001 just one person. I’d rather donate to help everyone.
@Porco Insurance isn’t going to fully cover rebuilding. Especially since many homes of the locals were very old, and the lots have to be cleared of debris, many need basic aid immediately (food, water , shelter, clothes) because they lost everything, building materials and labor costs will out pace what they get from insurance and it will take time to get the money and many people have to now plan multiple funerals on top of that. Also many lost their place of business so no way to generate income right now. Plus tourists are taking up space /clogging the area as well. Insurance is only a bandaid. And that of course is if they even get paid and the insurance companies don’t require additional clauses for fire. Which many residents may not have gotten because it wasn’t a common issue.
I’ve lived through a few hurricanes (my family was fortunate no no significant damage) but others even with home insurance were financially wiped out. Happens all the time sadly.
Re: If You Love The NES, You'll Want 8BitDo's Retro Mechanical Keyboard
Famicom looks cool but I have a ton of keyboards.
Re: The Making Of: Barbie (1991), The Doll's Debut On Nintendo Consoles
For me the Barbie games were such a mixed bag. I had barbies (or rather Christies as those were the Black models in the Barbie line up) and other brands when I couldn’t find a Christie and I respect that they (eventually) represent so many different girls/women and different interests (I had all the doctor/skateboarder accessories ) but at the same time that representation was uneven in other media so all you got was regular Barbie. Granted that is why people are freaking out about the Barbie movie because they think it’s one thing (from the 1950’s) and that’s it. Most girls that grew up in the 80’s and 90’s and actually played with them knows that the Barbie range is way more varied (and arguably feminist). But games were so far behind the actual toy line. Which was off putting as heck if that wasn’t the Barbie you grew up with and if you didn’t like a color used for stomach medication (pepto bismal). Yet it got real boring real fast either playing as dudes all the time or darn near every game making a woman kidnap or cutscene death fodder. So as always I respect the influence Barbie games had, especially for the girls that had more restrictive childhoods than I did or that honestly just love Barbie and pink. I do think they have improved in some ways but haven’t been elevated out of the pink ghetto. Barbie has literally had every job. There should be more genres with her doing stuff. Where is my trauma center game licensed by Mattel? Where is my tomb raider expy game? For the love off all that is good can I get a ninja game with Barbie (or any woman really that isn’t a DOA spin off)?
Personally I was grateful for the sailor moon licensed games as they covered a large swath of genres and due to the nature of the franchise had different archetypes for female characters so you could play the character that interested or inspired you most.
Re: Analogue Pocket Supply Is Finally Catching Up With Demand
I will have to put in an order soon then.
Re: Anniversary: Sega's Shinobi III Is 30 Years Old
Still my favorite genesis game.
Re: The Making Of: John Romero's Daikatana, The Game Boy Color Zelda Clone That Outscored Its Big Brother
Wait. There is a good version of daikatana?
Re: Wii U And 3DS eShop Closure Is Removing Access To The Wider Goemon Series
To the eshop!
Re: Anniversary: WarioWare Is Now 20 Years Old
And still super fun. Just ran through a run on NSO and I was still entertained.
Re: Sega Legend Yu Suzuki Is Working On Virtua Fighter NFTs
Nooo, I just want VF 6!
Re: Not Used Your Wii U In A While? It Might Be Dead
I will have to check all 3 of mine.
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
I get both sides of the argument but for me and some others in my age group JRPG meant a genre to look for and it was a style that only the Japanese could make because it went through their cultural lens. I grew up on JRPGs and hate seeing western or non Japanese made rpgs given the moniker because they might be turned based or something. Because there is a certain identity and essence that an actual JRPG has that no matter who tries to mimic it, imo they can’t. RPG for me is the overall genre but subgenres are used to help people find what they are looking for specifically and that imo should never go away. It’s no different than searching for a book in a library. You go to the history section but if you don’t know the subgenre you will be there all day. JRPG has always been positive for me but it sucks that small minded people tried to use the nationality and cultural viewpoints of the devs as a negative.
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
90's kid. I always felt like a crook asking for a new system or game and while I didn't have a lot, my parents did what they could to accommodate my big requests (and took me to blockbuster for what they couldn't afford). I used to walk into k-mart and just stare at the games shocked at the prices or just look at neogeo ads because I wouldn't dare put that kind of guilt on my folks. Even with inflation I make more than both of my parents combined (not as much of a gap as I would like but still) and they had good, stable jobs, and people have to also know that just like games, utilities weren't flat across the board. My city gouged residents in heating and electric bills so my folks were paying 300-500 a month in utilities and it wasn't until a lawsuit a few years ago that such prices lessened but the damage was done. People didn't necessarily have more disposable income back then and for some that already high price of a luxury was way worse. So yeah buying power was greater but that didn't mean disposable income was higher for all.
Now my gaming library is like 1000% bigger than what I had growing up including saving up during my broke college years. While nobody likes price increases, you can't stop inflation (and deflation is not really good for the economy...you don't want hyper inflation which is what has been going on either) and we have been fortunate that gaming has been stable in a way that most other things (especially wants not needs) are not. Especially after the 90's when there were less games with outlier prices and more of a flat price rate. At the end of the day this is a luxury hobby. And it's one with multiple price points and sales. Companies have to maintain profitability to invest in new projects and maintain investor confidence. Stock Market may be a casino but companies use that valuation to function. It is a permanent tug of war because both sides want the same thing. More money. Consumers want more product for less money and companies want to have less costs with higher profit.
I bought the CE of TotK without blinking. Can't wait!!!