

Astrophysics. Perfume. Taiko. =Life

Comments 163

Re: Talking Point: Are Nintendo's Legal "Ninjas" Stifling The Creativity Of Tomorrow's Game Makers?


@Sketcz ok that’s a lot to read and I have a bit of tonal whiplash from your replies. So this is a preface response. I am gonna read what you wrote and respond but will need a few days because this is not a site I visit often, I feel I let myself get baited (not because you questioned me but due to the tone and flippancy of your initial comment to me which was unnecessary. Passion is nice, but manners cost nothing) but I responded to you and feel obligated to see this through at least one last interaction. That being said I will likely once we are done with this not respond to you again because like I said your initial tone was unnecessarily antagonistic and unprovoked and that is just not an interaction I would like to maintain. Ok so now that has been said give me a few days to read through this and give my final response. Thank you.

Re: Talking Point: Are Nintendo's Legal "Ninjas" Stifling The Creativity Of Tomorrow's Game Makers?


No. If people are making games banking on an association with a well known product, that isn’t creative and yes imo they deserve to be sued. There are plenty of indie monster catching games and industry competitors like Digimon. Plenty of similar but not games like Ninjala or Foamstars to Splatoon.

Just like rom hacks, “PC versions” and “unity remasters” folks that do this know you will see the franchise you are familiar with and purchase. People make Disney porn too, doesn’t mean that should be the next version of a Disney movie because some folks want to see the characters like that. These indies just want a shortcut because they don’t want to eat the costs if they fail. And many just wanna do “what they want” to existing products. The devs (and artists and musicians and other staff) at Nintendo and Game Freak work hard on their games and just because they create in the umbrella of a company doesn’t mean you can steal from them.

Stop stealing from others and you won’t get sued. Games and patents are publicly accessible and it isn’t hard to do a little research to make sure you aren’t infringing. Companies don’t like frivolous lawsuits either. They file what they think they can win.

Make your own games and make them unique. I’m still pretty frustrated with gaming so you can’t tell me every idea ever has been exhausted.

Re: Remember When Dragon Quest III's Launch Triggered Arrests In Japan?


@Sketcz Both. Gaming is an embarrassment of riches now from backlogs in the thousands to relatively instant delivery via download or same day delivery via online retail. Also imo people have ruined the hype/anticipation with leaks, internet wars and nitpicking every pixel. Gaming isn’t magical anymore. To me at least. (I say this as I grin ear to ear playing Zelda EOW or wait for Amazon to drop off DQ 3 even though I have beaten it a few times).

Re: This Is Why You Should Never Store Your Retro Game Collection In A Shed


Sucks but sometimes you don’t have space or money for good storage. I had mine in an outdoor storage unit for years because the housing market is arse where I live and I couldn’t afford a big enough place or ac storage at the time. I’ve gotten most of my stuff out but haven’t tested everything so I am sure I may have an unforeseen surprise or two. I have already had to replace non gaming items. I had gaming memorabilia get damaged in a hurricane as well (roof damage). Sucks but life is life.

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


For me Nintendo focused gaming. I didn’t really feel a sense of console wars until the PlayStation came out (which had the effect of pushing me further towards Nintendo) because Nintendo marketed itself as for everyone. People like to demeaningly distill that down to “kiddy” but it made gaming popular because everyone had something they could talk about for gaming. Also why I liked the licensed game era even if some of them were bad.

Once gaming became “cool” and more targeted I watched more and more of my friends fall off the wagon or feel that it was designed to not appeal to them. Plight of being a girl gamer in the 90’s. But for most of my friends that are lapsed gamers, they remember Nintendo fondly and not really for the games but for the experience and how it made them feel. That was important.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?


It’s always so weird watching folks have a meltdown about what a woman looks like. Dark looks like a woman who according to the franchise lore is gonna go shoot a bunch of bad guys. Works for me. The only time people should be up in arms is a dating sim as that is the point. And even then mildly so because beauty standards aren’t universal. Otherwise go outside. Women come in various shapes and sizes and appearances.

Re: 10 Forgotten Gaming Magazines That Are Worth Remembering


I read EGM and Nintendo Power but since I got into Japan only games and my parents couldn’t afford to buy a lot of games for me, I mostly read game guides for the games I owned and would sometimes see game articles in Disney Adventures. I put most of my magazine allowance into Astronomy Magazine and Sport Rider.

Re: Former Nintendo World Champ Jeff Hansen On Teaming Up With Nintendo Again, 30 Years Later


That’s cool. I know people like to complain about the evil corporations but it is really something else to have something like Nintendo (or Disney) remain a part of your personal and collective culture for so long. Especially when despite being so formative you don’t make it your personality, which is where I think a lot of people fail. Culture connects people, be it something manufactured and cultivated by a company or something that is brewed organically by one’s upbringing. And it something we should always value.

Re: Tamagotchi Boom Cost Bandai $38 Million And Unsold Stock Was Buried, Atari-Style


@MontyCircus they have their uses. A lot of figures that get a funko don’t get any other type of figure, they are smaller than most figures and easier to store since most keep them in box and they are often the cheaper option as well. Also some folks do like their style. I have about 50 of them and shudder to think how much they would have cost if I bought standard collectibles instead. Would have tripled the cost at the very least.

Re: Playing 3DS Games On The Big Screen Is Cool, But It Takes Effort


Still bitter that Nintendo never came up with some sort of tv out. I still believe they had plans for the wiiu for that. I would love to do this capture card but I don’t have a New3dsxl I can sacrifice. I do have a 2dsxl. I may have to email them and see if it is possible on that system.

The 3ds was always too small for me to use with any comfort even when I was younger so I fear I will never really work through my 3DS library.

Re: Hands On: Anicorn's $800 Sega Mega Drive / Genesis Watch Is Utterly Gorgeous


If it had been a pocket watch I would have been all over it. But imo a lot of these novelty watches are just brand junk. You don’t really hear collectors in the high end watch space talking about them. These are billboard products where you pay to advertise the brand but it doesn’t really function as a stable investment or buy you social clout. In comparison to say an expensive rolex. So if I would spend that much but don’t get a high return/investment I would rather just buy a stainless steel apple watch. (Actually that is more than what I paid for my series 9).

Re: All Is Not Well In The World Of FPGA Retro Gaming


This is why I stick with analogue. They are slow to make product and expensive but they function correctly as a business. Usually when you get a bunch of people freelancing there is no real project management and products go to heck more readily. Sometimes a standard business model is what stands between product with support and vaporware.

Re: Obsidian Wanted To Create A Fallout: New Vegas-Style Elder Scrolls Spin-Off


I’m sure that’s what avowed would be but honestly I don’t think it would have worked. Obsidian benefited from having old Interplay members and the essentially retooled Van Buren/Original Fall 3 to make new vegas. They understand that world and its tone.

However I don’t feel they are a strong enough dev even with full Bethesda support to make a good TES game. The lore is so important in that series and I don’t think Obsidian does environment storytelling as well as Bethesda. Their solo effort with the Outer Worlds demonstrates that. They could have made a game with the property but I don’t think it would have mimicked the tone well enough (so they can’t pull a reverse Bethesda Fallout imo).