Comments 5

Re: Feature: Dave "The Games Animal" Perry On Picking Sega Over Nintendo And Returning To Mario 64


Still bitter about Mario 64 I see.

I remember watching the Christmas special and laughing at him for being such a sore loser. He said he hadn't played it before but then why was he trying to go for the secret tunnel?

Either way I was so hyped for Mario 64 and watching them play it just got me more hyped. When I finally played the game it was magical. No other game has had quite the same impact since. To hear his view on the game just confirms I won't be going anyhwere near his youtube channel.

Edit: And his views on other more important things like the opposite sex is another big reason I won't go near his channel

Edit 2: He was not going for the tunnel has was going for the more audacious and difficult shortcut where he cuts out half the slope.