"Pokhilko's actions have no doubt resulted in his contributions to video games being airbrushed from history. Tetris is, after all, the perfect rages-to-riches tale which proves the endurance of the human spirit."
Freudian slip. And I don't know that it is the "perfect rags-to-riches tale " and doesn't "prove the endurance of the human spirit."
It's a very sad end and it was unfair that he was denied the profits and success of his co-creation. Interesting read, but also deeply tragic and disturbing. I never knew this before.
@QBertFarnsworth Sorry, I hadn't got to that awful bit. If you look at the weapons he used, hammer and knife. Were they symbolic? Hammer and sickle of Russia? His home country that had robbed him.
"According to the GDRI, between 8,000 and 20,000 printed circuit boards were made by Ikegami and sold to Nintendo, but it is believed that Nintendo copied an additional 80,000 boards without permission. No formal contract appears to have existed between the two companies for this job, so Ikegami retained the source code for Donkey Kong – it was never handed over to Nintendo."
I remember playing some of the Strike games as a kid. Can't remember what I played them on, I didn't own them personally. I like them. I wouldn't mind seeing the series get a reboot.
I was thinking to myself why is this story being resurrected from the dead, then I remembered May 4th. How sad is it that this is all we've to talk about? Reminiscing on the past rather than looking forward to any new title on Nintendo hardware.
It was a great game but let me remind you that this is the only Metal Gear game we've had since the NES. And Nintendo had to pay Silicon Knights to make it, Konami for the right to do so and I'm sure a hefty chunk of the profits. And if that's not good enough, it wasn't an original game but a remake.
Comments 15
Re: Feature: The Tragic Story Behind The Man Who Helped Create Tetris
@RETRO_J I see now how it was intended to come across, I read it in the literal sense.
Re: Feature: The Tragic Story Behind The Man Who Helped Create Tetris
@Damo One more.
"Pokhilko's actions have no doubt resulted in his contributions to video games being airbrushed from history. Tetris is, after all, the perfect rages-to-riches tale which proves the endurance of the human spirit."
Freudian slip. And I don't know that it is the "perfect rags-to-riches tale " and doesn't "prove the endurance of the human spirit."
It's a very sad end and it was unfair that he was denied the profits and success of his co-creation. Interesting read, but also deeply tragic and disturbing. I never knew this before.
Re: Feature: The Tragic Story Behind The Man Who Helped Create Tetris
@QBertFarnsworth Sorry, I hadn't got to that awful bit. If you look at the weapons he used, hammer and knife. Were they symbolic? Hammer and sickle of Russia? His home country that had robbed him.
Re: Feature: The Tragic Story Behind The Man Who Helped Create Tetris
Scratch that.
Re: Feature: Shining A Light On Ikegami Tsushinki, The Company That Developed Donkey Kong
"According to the GDRI, between 8,000 and 20,000 printed circuit boards were made by Ikegami and sold to Nintendo, but it is believed that Nintendo copied an additional 80,000 boards without permission. No formal contract appears to have existed between the two companies for this job, so Ikegami retained the source code for Donkey Kong – it was never handed over to Nintendo."
Nintendo, the king of piracy.
Re: Legendary Cover Artist Bob Wakelin Passes Away
I'd never heard of him before but I'm very familiar with his artwork. He was clearly a very talented artist. My condolences to his family and friends.
Re: Feature: Take A Tour Of The UK's Most Incredible Retro Game Store
That is some collection. Hefty prices too.
Re: Mega CD Super Strike Trilogy Prototype Reaches A Playable State
I remember playing some of the Strike games as a kid. Can't remember what I played them on, I didn't own them personally. I like them. I wouldn't mind seeing the series get a reboot.
Re: RetroBlox Becomes Polymega, Joypad And User Interface Get Shown Off
Their logo reminds me a bit of the BMW M series.
The "A new challenger approaches" line suggests maybe Nintendo related. Gamecube? Though probably not. More likely Saturn or Dreamcast.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
I was thinking to myself why is this story being resurrected from the dead, then I remembered May 4th. How sad is it that this is all we've to talk about? Reminiscing on the past rather than looking forward to any new title on Nintendo hardware.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Amazing game. Even, what is it now, 15 years later, its graphics are still fantastic.
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Generations
Doesn't sound very good at all from that review.
Re: Video: This Animated Homage To R-Type Makes Us Sad The Series Is Dead
Cool video.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
@dronesplitter @rushiosan GBC isn't a "console". My apologies, I should have put that word in, I usually do when discussing this topic.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
It was a great game but let me remind you that this is the only Metal Gear game we've had since the NES. And Nintendo had to pay Silicon Knights to make it, Konami for the right to do so and I'm sure a hefty chunk of the profits. And if that's not good enough, it wasn't an original game but a remake.