I actually am on the Sega Rally Discord he started, I Really want this game to appeal to Sega especially since they want to reboot Crazy Taxi and Golden Axe, Kenji Sasaki, the original Director of Sega Rally has given it his blessing, and so has the original co-driver of Sega Rally, Kenneth Ibrahim. I'm hoping that
If Sega pick it up Sasaki could work on it as I actually discovered that even if he doesn't really work for Sega anymore, Sasaki has a company called Bitster which worked on "Sega World Drivers Championship 2019" which uses Unreal Engine albeit an earlier version than Over Jumps.
I really want this game to become real and I hope Sega approves of it, I'll be very sad if they don't but I'm hoping we get a new Sega Rally, as I said Bitster is another company I hope works on a new Sega Rally.
New Generations need to see this game as this game was my Childhood, I remember playing it in my parents bedroom of my Grandparents old house and I also played it as a Child, don't let this game die Sega!
Comments 1
Re: Meet The Solo Dev Whose Sega Rally Tribute Could Become An Official Sequel
I actually am on the Sega Rally Discord he started, I Really want this game to appeal to Sega especially since they want to reboot Crazy Taxi and Golden Axe, Kenji Sasaki, the original Director of Sega Rally has given it his blessing, and so has the original co-driver of Sega Rally, Kenneth Ibrahim. I'm hoping that
If Sega pick it up Sasaki could work on it as I actually discovered that even if he doesn't really work for Sega anymore, Sasaki has a company called Bitster which worked on "Sega World Drivers Championship 2019" which uses Unreal Engine albeit an earlier version than Over Jumps.
I really want this game to become real and I hope Sega approves of it, I'll be very sad if they don't but I'm hoping we get a new Sega Rally, as I said Bitster is another company I hope works on a new Sega Rally.
New Generations need to see this game as this game was my Childhood, I remember playing it in my parents bedroom of my Grandparents old house and I also played it as a Child, don't let this game die Sega!