Comments 451

Re: Sega Wanted Phantasy Star IV To Flop In The West, Hence The Sky-High $100 Price


@wiiware It is the right move for console if you're Sony (and not everyone else) cause with Sony they are the ones that makes the disc themselves so if any company makes games for them they get licensing fee and royalty fee from every game sold of every disc sold. That's different from Sega (Sega CD, Sega Saturn Sega Dreamcast), Hudson (PC Engine CD, Turbo CD), SNK (NeoGeo CD), and Atari (Jaguar CD), all which had their disc media license from other third party companies so the royalty fee doesn't come to them but to the disc makers (Sony's competitors) instead.

This is why Sega doesn't want to make RPGs as much during the Sega CD and Sega Saturn era cause making RPGs especially the larger ones for those platforms meant requiring multiple discs which means they had to pay their disc media manufacturer a ton of money just to get those multiple discs for one game so in those era Sega try to make smaller RPGs as to avoid doing that or just none at all. This is also why games like Shining Force III which had multiple discs entry were not release in the west cause it would be too expensive for Sega to handle since they not only had to pay for the discs but also pay for the localization as well hence why only Scenario 1 made it worldwide but not the other two.

Sony on the other hand had no issue cause Sony themselves made their own disc, earn more money and was able to use those disc for larger games that requires them which is why SquareSoft go to them instead of Sega cause with Sony Square could get easy access to those discs for money on the cheap whereas if they go to Sega then they will had to pay Sega just to get disc from Sega's own manufacturer which doesn't guaranteed them if they get enough bulk of those disc for development of their games.

Disc licensing is also the reason why the Turbo CD, NeoGeo CD, and the Jaguar CD all failed, Hudson, SNK, and Atari are small companies by that point, they are bleeding money and can't afford to pay royalty to the disc manufacturer so they just went under instead or just remain a 3rd party software dev instead. This also apply to the 3DO as well, heck the 3DO didn't even make it to next gen cause they too are bleeding money way more than any other company even getting betray by their brother company, EA as well. This is also why Nintendo didn't embrace disc until the GameCube era where Nintendo could get cheaper deal on smaller disc that not only they could afford but able to work with.

Re: Sega Wanted Phantasy Star IV To Flop In The West, Hence The Sky-High $100 Price


@axelhander A sci-fi RPG where you play as a bunch of no name characters who could only walk in 4 directions and you could only see their backs in battle with stiff animations. That's suppose to be better than Chrono Trigger? Don't make me laugh. While the story of Phantasy Star IV is decent, it's nothing unique or engaging compare Chrono Trigger. Perhaps the only few RPGs that it is better than is Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, one of the SaGa game on Game Boy, and maybe Ys III. It could also be better than the first four Dragon Quest games so that's something too.

Re: 29 Years Later, A New Donkey Kong Country 2 Cheat Code Has Been Discovered


@ChromaticDracula Reason for that was cause these codes were never suppose to be given to the gamers to begin with as they are just debug codes. They are given to game debuggers and testers to test the game which is why it allows the player to exit the level even when it's not completed yet. This is also why they gave player the START + SELECT exit code instead. Because it was not meant to be a cheat code it was never made aware to the general public until now due to the crack.

It's the same deal with the Shin Akuma code for the Super NES version of Street Fighter Alpha 2. Shin Akuma on that verison was never suppose to be playable but a playable version of the character was in the source code for that game so when it was crack it could be unlock but originally Shin Akuma himself was suppose to just be a test character in the game for debuggers to test and debug the character and its AI, not originally meant to be playable.

Re: Polymega Gets Classic Arcade Games Via Physical "Polymega Collection" Series


For those getting the physical copies for their Polymega, better cross your hands and hope those are not just cheap burn disc. I know Playmaji is not like Limited Run Games but remember that these are the same people that originally claim Polymega was gonna used FPGA and then years later they cheap out by using emulation instead. I wouldn't trust these guys with their physical disc media game collections.

Re: SuperSega Boss Rocks Up In His Lamborghini To Beg For Your Pre-Order Cash


I don't get it, if he's not trying to hide anything then why did he change the perspective of his camera video?

You can tell the first 4 minutes was film in third person meaning he had a camera man filming him driving the lambo onto the parking lot and while he's talking to the camera with the so call prototype in his hands but immediately once he's indoor the perspective change to a first person perspective meaning he now film the footage himself.

Perhaps his camera man left after the 4 minutes or he didn't pay him enough to film longer than that. Whatever the case, this doesn't change much from the rest of his other videos, it seems he's trying to hide something and is doing a not so good job of it.

Re: Random: Here's The Story Of Why Capcom's SNES Aladdin Game Didn't Feature A Sword


@ImmortalJim My guess is once the game got ported to the west, Disney mistakenly put the Mega Drive boxart on it for promotional purposes. Western boxart back then are also usually very lazy cause most publishers tend to think they are the same game for example Link's Awakening on Game Boy had the same boxart as A Link to the Past resulting in most consumers buying either one or the other and not both as they think both are just the same game when really they're not.

Re: The Making Of: The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, Capcom's SNES Classic


At the time I didn't even know there was a second and third Mickey's Magical Quest games, I thought the first was its only game. Later after playing that one, the only other two I play on Super NES was Mickey Mania and Mickey's Ultimate Challenge, both which are okay game but nothing like Mickey's Magical Quest or the Illusion games and both are not made by either Capcom or Nintendo.

Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated


Tbh I was surprise it took that long for Nintendo to actually get that guy. Still the fact that Nintendo only put a strike and not a block on his account is generous enough. Though I like getting free games through emulation myself I would never show someone or anyone how to do it online. If they want to do it they could research and find that for themselves. It's like stealing from a grocery store without getting caught, if I could steal from a grocery store without getting caught I ain't gonna show you a tutorial about it online, you research and find out how to do that yourself. The only thing I could tell you is that it could be done, that is all.

Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series


@Blast16 Double Dragon IV's issues was that it had no qol features otherwise people wouldn't be so harsh on it. The game plays just like the NES games in that if you get a Game Over, you start back from the very beginning losing your entire progress. There's no quick save, no rewind or fast forward options, no filter options, no save states, no cheat codes or bonuses for extra lives, and no new moves or levels to play except the main arcade mode. It's no surprise the newer audience didn't like it unlike Super Double Dragon which they do love it.

Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series


He talks like he doesn't want the series to evolve. Nobody wants to play Double Dragon in pixeled form forever. In hindsight the series needs to evolve or it gets stale and falls under. The only guilty pleasure of this game is that it's not coming to the Nintendo Switch, a platform known for retro re-releases since no one from the PlayStation and Xbox platforms would ever buy or play these kind of games.

Re: SuperSega FPGA Team Understands Why You Think Its Console Is "Vapourware"


@Taikuaile In this age and time you don't even need a disc drive to play those games anymore. There are ODE mod for disc based systems like the 3DO, Sega Saturn, PS1, PS2, PS3, Sega Dreamcast, GameCube, Xbox, Wii, and Wii U that will allow you to play the complete library of games on those system via microSD card instead of disc. For cartridge based games like Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Atari Lynx, Arcade, Atari Jaguar, Turbo Grafx-16, Super Grafx, NES, Super NES, N64, Sega Genesis, Sega Master System, Sega 32X, SG-1000, Game Boy, Game Gear, GBC, GBA, PS Vita, Nintendo DS, NeoGeo, NeoGeo Pocket Color, and Wonder Swan, there are EverDrive and flash cartridge that gives you the same privilege.

Re: Want To Know The Real Scale Of The Virtual Boy's Failure? Visit A Japanese Game Shop


The Virtual Boy was a unique console with its own unique library of game. It was one of Gunpei Yokoi's masterpiece hardware and it showcase what virtual 3D would be like straight in your face that you could take anywhere with you. I don't think there are any company nowadays had ever invent or done what the Virtual Boy had done or outclass it better in any ways. It was its own kind of innovation and spectacle despite having its own flaws to deal with.

Re: "We Are Waiting For A Reply From Sega" - SuperSega FPGA Console Team Talk Price, Release Date And More


This like the Sega Spartan are just Sega fanboy wet dream consoles. They rely too much on Sega and will probably get ignore. They don't build up a reputation first and then go from there but instead thought that cause they had a website from 2002 ago they count themselves as been in the game for a long time. Nope that's not how it works, existing for that long is nothing but actually had a product and a reputation for that long would definitely interest Sega.

They only exist, they did not had a good reputation or products to show or prove to Sega that they could be a legit partner. Yes Sega support companies like Retro-Bit, Blaze and AtGames but these companies already built and had good reputation to prove to Sega that they could be trusted partners in their relationship, these guys are a bunch of nobodies creating an idea and had not proven anything yet.

Re: Taki Udon's $99 MiSTer FPGA Clone Won't Be $99 - It Will Be Even Cheaper


@aegis_autumn Remember that the price you pay for this is just for the board alone, not the actual kit, accessories, or shell. Once you got the board, you still need the kit to put everything together, then a custom shell to close up entire thing in a neat package. By the time you got all those together and setup, you had already spend more than what you would had on any of Analogue's products.

If you made one mistake that screw everything up then you've just wasted your money. Even if you finished building the thing you still had to go online to find the latest up to date operating system, programs, software, compatible cores, and roms to get it working. Note that not every operating systems for MiSTer or likewise its clone are the same. Some may function on your built and some may not and could brick your system. Some will also had better compatibility than others meaning you could play some games better on one os over the others, this applies to features as well. You really had to know what you're doing when building and setting these up to be able to make good use of em.

With Analogue you bought the complete console with everything setup, built, install, and ready to be use, that's why it cost a premium whereas these don't since you're buying parts to make one yourself. You can't compare a finish product to a set of parts that may likely fall apart.

Re: Meet The Solo Dev Whose Sega Rally Tribute Could Become An Official Sequel


Incredible game, still I don't get why it needs to have the Sega brand attach to it when he could just release it without one. Just finished the game and release it as your own original work, that way you don't have to worry about license conflict. Chances are Sega is likely gonna say no. Also while Sonic Mania was made official from a fan game, Streets of Rage 4 is not. That game is fully license by Sega themselves and is made by an indie dev, not a fan.

Re: Did The Stampers Really Think Miyamoto Copied Sabre Wulf With Zelda?


Miyamoto clearly said the Legend of Zelda was not based on any of those awful games, it was a game he made based from his experience as a kid who loves exploring into caves and ruins and finding lost treasures and stuffs. These games that are accusing him of that aren't even that, there's no cave, there's no exploring, it's a character swinging his weapon with no rhyme or reasons across different part of the jungle. That's it. Link is not a depiction of Miyamoto but an avatar for the player to play the game so they would experience the same childhood memory that he did but in digital form. Back at the time the only way you could make an action adventure game that offer the same level of exploration and depth is through a bird eye perspective. Just cause they exist first doesn't necessarily mean Zelda is a ripoff of them and even if it is it doesn't share their ideology, gameplay, or mechanics.

Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It


My only issue with them was their long wait for their shipping since they only shipped in batch. Other than that I don't had that much of an issue with them and a lot of their releases got reprint via Best Buy so even if you miss their pre-order period you could still get the reprint versions at retailer. Now the bad news is that Best Buy doesn't carry physical games anymore making them Worst Buy now so the only way to get their games is either through pre-orders or finding some use copies on ebay.

Re: Grand Theft Auto III Likely Wouldn't Exist Without The Sega Dreamcast


@no_donatello The thing is even though the PS2 had the advantage in storage space via bigger DVD size disc, its processor is a bit slower than the GameCube. Resident Evil 4 may be on one full disc on PS2 and 2 discs on GameCube but the GameCube version not only look better but runs smoother at 60fps whereas the PS2 version despite having the full game and extra contents look a bit too jagged and only runs at 30fps.