Comments 451

Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment


Fortunately back in the early 2000s I didn't buy any of the third party controllers for Dreamcast fighting games cause I feel like those are just gonna be a waste of money. Instead I just buy dongles that would allow me to use either my PS1, Super NES, or Sega Saturn controllers that I already own for play on the Dreamcast which works much better with fighting games. Playing Street Fighter III: Third Strikes, Soul Calibur, and Marvel vs. Capcom 1 & 2 with my Super NES controller works like a dream on the Dreamcast way more than those awful Dreamcast controllers.

Re: Fan-Made 3DO Port Of Mortal Kombat II Is Now Available


The gameplay still feels too janky, the graphics look okay but is at time very buggy. Special moves seem like they don't connect very well and wtf why do they said finish him on Kintaro? The 3DO controller also doesn't work very well with this game having a very imprecise d-pad. Also adding some MK Trilogy moves to some characters feels off and makes no sense. It's a fun game to play for a few minutes but the fun wares off too soon. For now I give it a 6/10 but if more improvements are made the score could rise. It's not the better port that I thought it to be.

Re: Golden Axe Is Getting An Unofficial Neo Geo Port, And It Looks Fantastic


I don't get the point of why this even needs to be ported to the NeoGeo, all it did was moving the game from the Sega cabinet to the SNK cabinet. If you're going to port a Golden Axe game to NeoGeo though why not just port the Revenge of Death Adder which is a much better game and would benefit from NeoGeo's bigger sprite and vibrant colors?

Re: Oops, This Open Source N64 Expansion Pak Is Frying Consoles


@N64-ROX Nintendo didn't give it away, Donkey Kong 64 just cost more to make up for it. Technically you buying DK64 brand new means you already pay for both the game and the expansion pak. Also you could always buy the game used, that way it won't come with the expansion pak and cost cheaper.

Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever


The capacitive touch pad would be great for 3D fighters on the more higher end consoles at the time such as those on the Sega Saturn, PlayStation, and N64 but it will never work great with 2D fighting games. The direction to which you want to control your characters could be hit or miss on 2D games but on 3D ones it may actually flows real well and smooth. This controller is like the predecessor to the Steam controller which also had capacitive touch pad that are use for 360 directional movements and as alternative to mouse control.

Re: Oops, This Open Source N64 Expansion Pak Is Frying Consoles


It's not excellent if all it does is destroy your gaming system. Just use the real one instead. There's a reason why the real one doesn't destroy your Nintendo 64, cause it's made by Nintendo themselves. It's in the name already. Stop buying garbage from third party manufacturer unless they got a good track record of making reliable high quality product.

Re: IP Owners, Hamster Wants To Release Your Classic Games To "Future Generations"


Hear that Sega, now give HAMSTER all your console and arcade game rights so that you get money for doing nothing and so that we get something. Scud Race, Virtua Fighter 2, OutRunner, The Last Bronx, Fighting Vipers, Sega Rally, Daytona USA, ASTAL, NiGHTS Into Dreams, Dragon Force, Burning Rangers, SEGA Sonic the Hedgehog Arcade, Sonic R, Knuckles Chaotix, Kolibri, Tempo, Legend of Oasis, Baku Baku Animals, Virtual On, Golden Axe Warrior, Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder, Golden Axe: The Duel, Crusader of Centy, Skies of Arcadia, Shining Force III, Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side, Power Drift, Clockwork Knight, Bug!, etc., all should not be stuck in the 90s and early 2000s.

Re: After What Feels Like A Lifetime, Amazon Is Cancelling Mighty No. 9 3DS And Vita Pre-Orders


I'm surprise they didn't just take any one of IntiCreate's Mega Man clone and just turn those into Mighty No. 9 for 3DS and PS Vita just like how Nintendo turn Doki Doki Panic and Panel de Pon into Super Mario Bros. 2 and Tetris Attack respectively. Would had been something good rather than nothing, it'll be lazy but would still be good. Even if this is a dead IP, at least Beck lives on with more successful games in Mighty Gunvolt and Mighty Gunvolt Burst.

Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles


This is why they had a gold mine of classic IPs and hardly do anything with those. Took forever for us to get Virtua Fighter again. I doubt the series will return to its former glory though, this VF6 that they are planning to make feels like it'll just be a one time thing. This guy sounds like he could be the next Yuji Naka though if he manage to keep an attitude like this going forward. There's nothing wrong about bringing back some retro classics while also catering to the modern gamers.

Re: "Only Zombies Buy Physical Games" Says Digital Code Retailer CDKeys


@Crabbitsteve Yes it's just a joke but you see joke will get people offended and those people had the right to be offended, not everyone online had the same mentality as that thing that made the joke. That's the point and yes they should be. Also that nonsense you spoke of doesn't applie to every physical game out there.

Re: Fan-Made Doom 64 Dreamcast Port Now The "Definitive" Version Of The Game


If this came out in 1999 when the Dreamcast was still active then it'll be impressive and definitive but nowadays this game is everywhere now. You could already play a definitive version of this on any modern system whether PC, console or handheld rendering this late port as pointless. Unless you absolutely do not want to play the modern platforms and still living in a pretend world of the past then I guess you could try this modern take of the game in your dead system.

Re: Evercade And SNK Are Joining Forces To Celebrate "The Artistry And Legacy Of Neo Geo"


While playing NeoGeo games on the go is nice especially if Evercade got the go ahead on this, without a clicky stick it just doesn't feel like a portable NeoGeo to me. If Evercade is smart they could make a NeoGeo version of the Evercade with clicky stick and color buttons akin to the NeoGeo CD control pad. I would only buy the Evercade versions of NeoGeo games and an Evercade system if they released it like that.

Re: To The Shock Of Absolutely Nobody, Sega Is Trying To Shut Down The SuperSega FPGA Project


If Alejandro Martín is smart he could make a name change to the final console and then fight Sega at their own game pointing to the upcoming delisting of Sega games as a reason to forego this project.

The court will ask, "Why you make this you know it's illegal to use the Sega name to make a new console right?" He could answered by just saying, "The name of the console is not final and will be change. As to why I am making this FPGA clone console, it's cause Sega is known for delisting their classic titles from legit digital storefront that I can't legitimately buy my games anymore so I went ahead to making an FPGA console as a mean to play and preserve my Sega classic games."

It's not surprising that Sega is coming after him but if he could fight them and win he may be able to keep the project going. Taking advantage of the Sega mass delisting coming up this week as evident of his ambition to make this will surely help him in preventing Sega from shutting down his project. If he refuse to fight them and choose to shutdown then that's that and whoever pre-order this thing is screwed.

Re: Bleem, The Company That Took On Sony And Won, Is Crowdfunding For The "Largest Retro Gaming Project" Ever


This is just Piko Interactive who bought the brand name, they're not the same people or company who went one on one with Sony in court back then. Heck I'll bet if this is the same company back then, they wouldn't even be able to fight Sony. Instead they would had just surrender and lose. The Bleem, Atari, Activision, Sega, Intellivision, Crystal Dynamic, Coleco, Rare, and SNK of today are not the same company they were back then. A majority of their original staff are gone, their focus when it comes to gaming are not like before, most are operate under a bigger entity such as Microsoft, QUByte, Embracer, Playmore, and Sammy. The fact people still believe these companies are the same probably didn't know the history of how they got here. Still though even if they are not the same company, most of these reboot company did do a great job of continuing the legacy of the brand they revive.

Re: More Classic PS1 RPGs Could Be Coming To PS5


Instead of getting those games for PS5, how bout get those for PC and Switch instead. I don't think Sony care about any of their past game library that much. Get those on PC and Switch so a larger install base of audience could get a chance to try those games.