Comments 11

Re: Retro-Bit Accused Of Plagiarising Existing Fan-Translations


The translators should setup a Patreon site to get some donations if people like their work, as the MiSTer creators do. Eventually everyone enjoys it, even those who don't pay. These guys have found a niche market making physical carts for Retro consoles, pity they have not paid attention to the person doing the translation, who has taken someone else's effort and slightly modified it. I guess my favourite is Panel Du Pon, on the SNES, even the NSO version is still in Japanese. Some of the comments by the PdP characters are a bit strong.

Re: The Company Behind The X68000 Z Is Teasing A Mysterious New Model


I have played with the MiSTer Core, people say it's not developed, but it seems to work on many titles, and you can run it on an RGB CRT monitor. I would possibly be interested in the new release, but if it's crazy expensive, then I would probably let it pass. I did 3D print a case, with a view to putting a Pi3B in it, but I haven't got there yet.

Re: Random: This Daytona USA Cabinet Is Hiding A Sinister Secret


@notreallyhere TRUE. Plenty of bad stuff going down In Alice. We have some nice old forests down south towards Albany, the timber has been exploited for decades, but still some big trees exist. I think I tried Daytona USA a few times, those types of games don't really interest me now. The Retro Arcade games, like Galaga, Pacman, Joust, Robotron and Tetris keep me enthralled for my fun, spend more time reading about games now than playing them.

Re: Random: This Daytona USA Cabinet Is Hiding A Sinister Secret


@notreallyhere We got a healthy black market economy in WA, plenty of tradies doing well, and like to buy some drugs on the side. The mining of Iron Ore and Natural Gas, Gold, makes WA quite a bit better off than the east coast. Anyone coping the Yanks would likely be the younger Tik-Tok generation, the rest of us oldies barely can understand what they are talking about...

Re: Random: This Daytona USA Cabinet Is Hiding A Sinister Secret


Hey I live in Landsdale WA, this is no real surprise. There are a lot of bikies in the suburb, so drugs is often traded for cash. I wonder if my wife would let me take this off their hands, without the cash inside, presumably. We had a few murders as well, this is what you get when society deterioriates.