Comments 4

Re: The Making Of: BMX XXX - "We Were Building This Beautiful Skate Park And Ended Up With A Strip Club"


Story time. I was a late teenager when this came out. I was so ashamed to buy it at my local Blockbuster video used, but I loved bmx games and I was horny all the time. Seemed a natural match.
I got it home and my dumb teenager self expected to be blown away by all the hot nudity in a video game. Instead the videos were much tamer than what you would get on a 56k modem connection at the time.
What stood out was the game play. It was legitimately a great playing game. You’d expect from something with this kind of hook to be all glitches. Instead it was a pretty tight bmx game.
I remember playing until you got the ultimate unlock. Playing as a topless lady. Hahahaha. It essentially didn’t show nipples on the game model in GameCube. I think they even called that unlock “almost” or “ very close”.
Hilarious when I think back how I and my live has changed in the last 20 years. For that to be even a concern in my life is hysterical. To be young with no worries in life…

Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures


I never understood the bashing. It was a great game! He is right though, the arwing sequences were tacked on and felt out of place. The ending boss of andross was sill to have there. I wonder what cool final battle would have occurred if it had simply stayed "dinosaur planet"? It was still a great game and I would reccomend it to anyone.