

The clan tell tales of him...

Comments 4

Re: Review: Playdate - Picking Things Up Where The Game Boy Left Off?


'Few could have seriously predicted the impact the original Game Boy would have when it was released way back in 1989 [...] and arguably represents one of the most significant developments in the realm of handheld gaming.'

It is not 'arguable', it is an objective fact that the Game Boy is the most significant and paradigm shaping handheld in the history of gaming.

Re: We're Getting A New Shining Force Game, But Of Course There's A Catch


idk, i just don't rate SEGA games much. Everytime i play a SEGA game it is like, meh. Original sonics are not that great and dont hold up weld compared with original Mario's. I reckon one of the best SEGA franchises (i understand they own Technosoft in general) is Thunder Force - which is a totally neglected franchise and could do with some attention.