@slider1983 Yes, they delivered Paprium (I received mine in 2020 as well - great game). But the fact is they have several projects that are still unfulfilled - so until they send people those games (or a refund), they only deliver some of the time.
@DirtyCasual There's a retail version you can easily buy. The limited editions were for people who preordered and helped fund the project (just a different cover IIRC)
@AJB83 Wow!! I’m surprised they didn’t advertise this more. That Power Drift design is what got them funded in the first place - really strange decision to make it a hidden feature when that seemed to be one of the reasons they were so successful.
@bring_on_branstons Same - I backed the PS4 version. They did refund me after asking a few times - so there’s that. I wouldn’t hold my breath for the later versions - doesn’t seem like a priority for them at all.
I backed this when it was originally shown to have Power Drift style tracks. Somewhere along the lines (after it was funded), it was changed to flat style tracks. Then they announced PS4/Xbox versions were on hold.
Glad the game came out in good shape - but I was pretty disappointed tbh.
This game was selling at Software Etc. in the U.S. for $99 on release. I waited a week or so, and the cashier sold it to me for $50 (not sure if that was an error on his end, or if he was pocketing the sale)
Comments 118
Re: Xeno Crisis Developer Bitmap Bureau Is Working On A Terminator Game
Awesome news - hope I can save Wolfy and create an alternate timeline where he lives.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro Already Has Plans For His Next Game, But It Depends On Earthion Sales
@Steel76 Im hoping the Japan Megadrive cart releases before the Limited Run version
Re: Steel Assault Devs Drop Steam Demo For New Wild Guns-Inspired Shooting Gallery 'Neon Inferno'
God daaaaamn - this looks good!
Re: WaterMelon Insists Its Terminally Delayed Brawler Paprium Isn't Dead
I received my 2017 preorder, but made the mistake of backing another project of theirs, + the game gear version of Paprium.
Live and learn i guess.
Re: Hands On: Tokyo Xtreme Racer - The Welcome Return Of An Arcade Racing Classic
Has this been announced for consoles, or Steam only?
Re: Konami's Bizarre Arcade Racing Game 'Escape Kids' Is Heading To PS4 & Switch
Weird Konami is the best Konami.
Re: Sega Appears To Be Reviving Ecco The Dolphin After 25 Years
So strange they would request Ecco to be removed on a reprinted history book.
Why even bother?
Re: This New Final Fight 2 Strength Hack Rebalances The SNES Beat 'Em Up
A hack where Guy is playable would be awesome.
Re: After What Feels Like A Lifetime, Amazon Is Cancelling Mighty No. 9 3DS And Vita Pre-Orders
God - this game was AWFUL. Easily the biggest KS disappointment I've ever backed.
Re: The Founder of Nihon Falcom Masayuki Kato Has Passed Away, Aged 78
Ys was such a big moment for me as a SMS kid. Phantasy Star was my gateway into the genre, but Ys showed me how different the genre could be.
Was always fascinated with Falcom since seeing their logo on the back of the SMS case.
Re: An MSX Core Has Just Been Released For The Analogue Pocket
Hmm - bummed this requires a cartridge to work. Wonder if it will get an update that allows it to read ROMs off the SD card like other cores.
Re: We Now Have Our First Images Of M2's New 'Night Striker' Game
God I hope this comes to consoles.
Re: SuperSega Explains Why It Produces Such "Crappy" Videos, Says It's Afraid Analogue Will Steal Its Ideas
Yes, they delivered Paprium (I received mine in 2020 as well - great game). But the fact is they have several projects that are still unfulfilled - so until they send people those games (or a refund), they only deliver some of the time.
Re: SuperSega Explains Why It Produces Such "Crappy" Videos, Says It's Afraid Analogue Will Steal Its Ideas
@slider1983 LOL Did they?
They have $150 of mine for a "Mystery Game" since 2020, and have gotten nothing but complete radio silence from them since.
They still owe people projects they started WAY before that Paprium Kickstarter.
Re: SuperSega Explains Why It Produces Such "Crappy" Videos, Says It's Afraid Analogue Will Steal Its Ideas
This reminds me of Watermelon Games and their bullsh** excuses.
Re: Copies Of WipEout: Futurism Are Arriving With Customers Now
@DirtyCasual There's a retail version you can easily buy. The limited editions were for people who preordered and helped fund the project (just a different cover IIRC)
Re: Review: Victory Heat Rally (Steam) - A Fun But Shallow Tribute To Sega's "Super Scaler" Classics
@AJB83 Wow!! I’m surprised they didn’t advertise this more. That Power Drift design is what got them funded in the first place - really strange decision to make it a hidden feature when that seemed to be one of the reasons they were so successful.
Re: Review: Victory Heat Rally (Steam) - A Fun But Shallow Tribute To Sega's "Super Scaler" Classics
@bring_on_branstons Same - I backed the PS4 version. They did refund me after asking a few times - so there’s that. I wouldn’t hold my breath for the later versions - doesn’t seem like a priority for them at all.
Re: Review: Victory Heat Rally (Steam) - A Fun But Shallow Tribute To Sega's "Super Scaler" Classics
I backed this when it was originally shown to have Power Drift style tracks. Somewhere along the lines (after it was funded), it was changed to flat style tracks. Then they announced PS4/Xbox versions were on hold.
Glad the game came out in good shape - but I was pretty disappointed tbh.
Re: The Volleyball Game 'Power Spikes' Is This Week's Arcade Archives Release
Always loved the look of this game - didnt it also come out on the PC Engine/Turbo 16?
Re: Square Enix Announces Sega Genesis, Saturn And Dreamcast Die-Cast Miniatures
Sad there's no Master System.
These are up on Amazon.jp now
Re: Think PS5 Pro Is Too Much At $700? The 3DO Would Like A Word
3DO had a disc drive. And ...Gex!
Re: Read Only Memory Gives Sneak Peek At Upcoming 'WipEout: Futurism' Book
@VVLVmusic Team Pirahnha all the way.
Re: Read Only Memory Gives Sneak Peek At Upcoming 'WipEout: Futurism' Book
Really looking forward to getting the copy. In case you're interested, here's a breakdown of the Limited Edition cover variants going out:
AG Systems: 231
Goteki 45: 163
Piranha: 100
Auricom: 97
Qirex: 60
Assegai Developments: 28
Icaras: 22
Re: Konami's 1985 Vertical Scroller 'Finalizer' Is This Week's Arcade Archives Release
That is some sweet ass cover art.
Re: Best Sega Master System Games Of All Time
LTTP, but how is Zillion and Kung Fu Kid not on this list??
Re: Donut Dodo Devs' Next Game 'Looney Landers' Is A Homage To Nintendo's Sky Skipper
would kill for a JAMMA board that has all these games.
Re: Namco's 1993 Fighting Game 'Knuckle Heads' Is Coming To Switch & PS4
This is a game begging for online play - gives me Yu Yu Hakusho on the Megadrive vibes with that 4 players chaos!
Re: Interview: "Wizardry Just Had A Kind Of Soul" - How Digital Eclipse Brought The RPG Classic Into The Modern-Age
Still need to pick this one up!
Re: Review: Japansoft's New Printing Brings A Masterpiece To The Masses
Great book - definitely pick this up if you
missed it the first time!
Re: Adidas And Nice Kicks Have Revived The 16-Bit Console War, But With Sneakers
The SNES/Super Fami versions look nice - but those colors are not it lol.
Grey and purple, or grey and RGBY - only thing they got right was the font. 👟
Re: Genesis Virtua Racing Port Almost Cost As Much As The Console Itself, Thanks To The SVP Chip
This game was selling at Software Etc. in the U.S. for $99 on release. I waited a week or so, and the cashier sold it to me for $50 (not sure if that was an error on his end, or if he was pocketing the sale)
Re: Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup 'ZPF' Smashes Kickstarter Goal In Just 19 Minutes
This one had zero problems reaching it's goal. Hopefully it comes out on time!
Re: 30 Years On, And Capcom Is Still Making "Millions" From Van Damme's Live-Action Street Fighter Movie
Re-release the (awful) game on modern consoles then!
Re: Random: Who Designed Konami's Famous "Bacon Strips" Logo?
Amazing work Time Extension!
Re: Unseen Raw Footage Of E3 2001 Shows Why The Defunct Event Was Such A Huge Deal
I was at this one - such a great time.
Re: Aleste Branch "Nearly Complete" According To Developer M2
In my veins!
Would love to get a home port of Senjin, but i imagine thats now looking like 2028 at this point.
Re: Impressive Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup 'ZPF' Takes To Crowdfunding Soon
@retrokid104 If it's even close to Thunderforce 3 (my favorite in the series), I'll be more than happy!
My standard for a winner is quite lower - Whip Rush
Re: This Playdate Mod Solves The Handheld's Biggest Failing
I'd be more interested in an external light solution tbh. Where's my WORMLIGHT PD!
Re: Impressive Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup 'ZPF' Takes To Crowdfunding Soon
@retrokid104 That's some high standards! lol
Re: "A Ton Of Money" Has Been Spent On ModRetro's Chromatic Screen To Ensure Accuracy
Wonder how this will compare to Analogue's Pocket screen.
Re: Analogue Pocket Is Getting An MSX FPGA Core
Any updates on this core? i just discovered Aleste Gaiden!
Re: Sega's Shadow Dancer Comes To Analogue Pocket And MiSTer
Love me some Shadow Dancer!
Re: On-Rails Shooter 'Bat Galaxy' Is A Colourful Take On Star Fox And Panzer Dragoon
I see the Burning Rangers inspiration... but ThunderForce IV??? Unless he means ThunderForce V, in which case is probably not a good idea
Game looks awesome BTW!
Re: Multiple Copies Of Delayed Mega Drive Game Paprium Discovered In French Warehouse
I'm still waiting for that AAA Mega Drive mystery game (??? LIMITED(U)) I paid for in 2020.
The lack of any sort of communication is baffling.
But you know, #LOCUSTS or whatever the *****...
Re: Sega's Turn-Based Strategy Sim 'The Hybrid Front' Is Getting An English Fan Translation
Wow - never even heard of this until just now. Looks right up my alley!
Re: Sega Saturn Is Getting A Fan-Made Remake Of Revenge Of Shinobi
wow - easily one of my all time favorite games! Great news - just don't mess with the soundtrack though!
Re: Missile Dancer Dev Announces 'Crystal Breaker' For Switch & Steam
Terrarin doesn't miss! Looking forward to this one.
Re: The Processor Used In Pac-Man Is Being Discontinued, 48 Years After It Launched
Is this the same Z80 used in the Sega Master System (and later in the Genesis for sound iirc)?
Re: Golden Axe Is Getting A 10-Episode Animated TV Series From Comedy Central
So I'm assuming this will be a comedy...yikes.