It's not my place to judge what games others like or feel nostalgic for. Someone could feel nostalgic for Bubsy 3D or Superman 64, and you know what? Cool, good on them. Glad they managed to make good memories with those games. Who am I to call their nostalgia bad?
It's good that Jedi Power Battles is being re-released, for preservation's sake at the very least. A game being perceived as "bad" shouldn't prevent it from being experienced, so I appreciate when companies are willing to rerelease even the less-liked games rather than just the ones everyone loves.
DKC3's soundtrack is criminally underrated and I'd even put it over the first game's, I love the dark atmospheric vibe it had. It really only suffered from following up DKC2's score and even by those standards, Novakovic did a fantastic job.
Fascinating how even though the games got a bit less expensive over time, the price of the consoles themselves shot up dramatically, probably because of how much more tech goes into them. Nowadays consoles are around $300-500 dollars, but these pages are showing consoles priced at $100-150 with games packed in.
Comments 4
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
It's not my place to judge what games others like or feel nostalgic for. Someone could feel nostalgic for Bubsy 3D or Superman 64, and you know what? Cool, good on them. Glad they managed to make good memories with those games. Who am I to call their nostalgia bad?
It's good that Jedi Power Battles is being re-released, for preservation's sake at the very least. A game being perceived as "bad" shouldn't prevent it from being experienced, so I appreciate when companies are willing to rerelease even the less-liked games rather than just the ones everyone loves.
Re: Princess Peach: Showtime! Marks Return Of Goemon Director After 27 Years
Just wait until you get to the ninja level, the music is pure Goemon bliss
Re: The Tale of Rare’s Unsung Virtuoso And Voice Of Perfect Dark, Eveline Novakovic
DKC3's soundtrack is criminally underrated and I'd even put it over the first game's, I love the dark atmospheric vibe it had. It really only suffered from following up DKC2's score and even by those standards, Novakovic did a fantastic job.
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
Fascinating how even though the games got a bit less expensive over time, the price of the consoles themselves shot up dramatically, probably because of how much more tech goes into them. Nowadays consoles are around $300-500 dollars, but these pages are showing consoles priced at $100-150 with games packed in.