@N64-ROX Retropie works fine on pi4 for N64. Clock the pi to 2.1Ghz and cool it correctly. Also make sure you are using the correct emulator and settings. No need to run an N64 game at 4k.
I suspect you would be better served by one of these premade handhelds as you didn't bother to even google your issues or you would have already found the solutions.
Nintendo brought this on itself. It could easily have sold a portable game system that even used original cartridges and made a fortune on reprints. It could have easily sold each game in the switch store, for the ones they made themselves.
Nintendo made this choice and now can live with it.
Why Nintendo won't release handhelds that take the old carts makes no sense to me. Those old carts already exist, collectors are a thing and rereleasing the carts would be very lucrative.
It would be simple to sell it with a 3 in 1 cart to start and go from there.
@Heavyarms55 Sketch adapters? You think this thing has anything else inbedded in a chunk of plastic? Why would there be suspicious sites to isntall emulators? apt-get install nameofemulator. That is how they are probably doing it too, reselling existing opensource software.
This company already did a bait and switch, from FPGAs to software emulator. You think they can really be trusted after that?
@Heavyarms55 Those are already supported by PC emulators. You can get your own USB to cart connector even, so you are using the real carts. Why pay for this?
It's never going to be released in the way they claimed.
It's already gone from an FPGA to emulation, expect that to get worse.
This will end up being an ARM SoC or a really cheap x86 part, a USB to game card adapter in a crappy plastic case and the implementation will be terrible. It will just use already existing emulators.
Comments 20
Re: Pre-Ordered A Polymega With Walmart? We've Got Bad News For You
@Clyde_Radcliffe So can any PC with a CD drive. That's what this thing is.
Mind you at this point I bet it never releases.
Re: The PocketGo S30 Is Basically A SNES Pad That Plays Retro Games
@Curbie They still sell some of them! What would you call sunshine?
Re: The PocketGo S30 Is Basically A SNES Pad That Plays Retro Games
@Retro_Player_77 They could avoid these clones and make even more money if they served the market.
Re: The PocketGo S30 Is Basically A SNES Pad That Plays Retro Games
@N64-ROX Retropie works fine on pi4 for N64. Clock the pi to 2.1Ghz and cool it correctly. Also make sure you are using the correct emulator and settings. No need to run an N64 game at 4k.
I suspect you would be better served by one of these premade handhelds as you didn't bother to even google your issues or you would have already found the solutions.
Re: The PocketGo S30 Is Basically A SNES Pad That Plays Retro Games
Nintendo brought this on itself.
It could easily have sold a portable game system that even used original cartridges and made a fortune on reprints.
It could have easily sold each game in the switch store, for the ones they made themselves.
Nintendo made this choice and now can live with it.
Re: Analogue's Next FPGA Console Tackles Kanye West's Favourite System: The PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16
This is how these mini consoles should be.
If they are just going to be emulators no reason to buy them at all.
Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk
I don't understand selling these retro consoles that can't take cartridges. So stupid.
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
How did they get the licenses to all that cover art?
Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything
@Fido007 It's software emulation.
Re: The RK2020 Is Another Chinese Handheld Which Aims To Play Absolutely Everything
Why Nintendo won't release handhelds that take the old carts makes no sense to me. Those old carts already exist, collectors are a thing and rereleasing the carts would be very lucrative.
It would be simple to sell it with a 3 in 1 cart to start and go from there.
Re: All-In-One Retro System Polymega Will Also Support "Current-Gen" Cloud Gaming Services
If you want to play streaming games you will be buying a $99 or less box to stream games with. No one would spend this kind of money for that.
Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive
@YANDMAN Software emulation is good? That's some weak trolling.
Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive
@Heavyarms55 Sketch adapters? You think this thing has anything else inbedded in a chunk of plastic? Why would there be suspicious sites to isntall emulators? apt-get install nameofemulator.
That is how they are probably doing it too, reselling existing opensource software.
This company already did a bait and switch, from FPGAs to software emulator. You think they can really be trusted after that?
Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive
@Morph And I might grow a third arm. Who knows.
Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive
@Heavyarms55 Those are already supported by PC emulators. You can get your own USB to cart connector even, so you are using the real carts. Why pay for this?
Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive
Why do you keep covering this scam?
Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive
It's just a PC with emulators, right?
Re: You Could Get Your Hands On A Polymega Early Thanks To Its Upcoming Beta Test
Or you could just get a raspberry pi and build your own.
Re: Polymega Slips Into Early 2020, But It's Bringing Some Cool Stuff With It
It's never going to be released in the way they claimed.
It's already gone from an FPGA to emulation, expect that to get worse.
This will end up being an ARM SoC or a really cheap x86 part, a USB to game card adapter in a crappy plastic case and the implementation will be terrible. It will just use already existing emulators.
Re: Atari's Attempt To Relaunch The VCS Has Just Hit Another Brick Wall
Very old?
Kiddo, one day you too will be old. However no one is very old in their 50s, let's hope by then you learn subtraction.