All you haters and losers are gonna feel silly when Mr. Tallarico rolls up in his Lambo to show off the totally real console. And who's that riding shotgun? Well thats an NFT of a 3 frame Earthworm Jim run cycle, my dude. Read 'em and weep.
This game, man. I love it for what it is, especially in the midst of Homecoming being the worst thing ever, but I'm iffy on the way it reinterpreted the original. I just wish it had been a totally new character with his own story. Other than that, awesome. I'm going to play it again right now after reading this.
To me, this was the second finest Gamecube game of all behind only REmake. I couldn't even guess how many hours I spent with it, both alone and with friends. Despite being single player it was always a party game for us at the time.
Comments 4
Re: Intellivision Admits Its Wii-Like Amico Console May Never See Release
All you haters and losers are gonna feel silly when Mr. Tallarico rolls up in his Lambo to show off the totally real console. And who's that riding shotgun? Well thats an NFT of a 3 frame Earthworm Jim run cycle, my dude. Read 'em and weep.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
This game, man. I love it for what it is, especially in the midst of Homecoming being the worst thing ever, but I'm iffy on the way it reinterpreted the original. I just wish it had been a totally new character with his own story. Other than that, awesome. I'm going to play it again right now after reading this.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
To me, this was the second finest Gamecube game of all behind only REmake. I couldn't even guess how many hours I spent with it, both alone and with friends. Despite being single player it was always a party game for us at the time.
Re: Coleco Chameleon's Future In Doubt Following Claims That SNES Hardware Was Used In Prototype
@NIN10DOXD Pat and Ian's podcast coverage of this debacle has been solid gold entertainment.