Comments 6

Re: Random: Remember When Pokémon Wanted To "Spit-Roast Your Best Friend"?


Back then I didn't realize just how much of a gamble Pokemon was for Nintendo. Sure it was guaranteed to do well in Japan, but the idea of a game focused on collecting and battling monsters was untested in NA. Nintendo really pulled out all the stops to sell the "idea" of Pokemon first (remember those cringey live-action infomercials before the anime, like "Hi I'm Ash's aunt"). But it definitely paid off cause now all they have to do is be like "New Pokemon game y'all" and people lose their mind.

Re: Best Mini Classic Consoles


Not surprised the SNES Classic and Genesis Mini are at the top. But no mention of the completely-superfluous-yet-utterly-amazing Tower of Power add-on for the Genesis?

Re: The Making Of Split/Second


A new site with a Split/Second feature? You got my bookmark right there.

This game is still great to play to this day. There really hasn't been anything like it. Even the PSP version did a commendable job.