The seller has 162 sealed items listed but hasn't sold anything in the last 90 days. Turns out people don't want to pay £13k for this, and they don't want to fork out £30,000 for a sealed red Wii, either.
Yeah, well...I'm gonna make a console called the SuperSonyXboxPlayStationCube64 and it's gonna have support for all the controllers and all the memory cards and all the discs and cartridges...and...and...and I spoke to Nintendo and they said they might let me put some Mario ROMs on it and I can't show it to you yet but...but look at this drawing I done and my dad worked at IBM and designed stuff for ages and this is what it'll look like and I reckon it'll be no more than £250. My target for launch is December 2025 but I just formed a band with three of my friends last week and we'll probably be playing Wembley Stadium in the November, so it might get delayed slightly.
Alternatively, a couple small foam furniture pads stacked (like £5 for 100 of the things) will do the same job. And then you have 98 foam furniture pads left over to do other things with.
I can confirm that my local store is no different. It's almost like 90% of the people who turn up to trade stuff think that the first step of the process is to wet yourself and then go for a 5-mile run.
If Hyperkin could just come out with a modern wireless controller for the original Dreamcast, I'd be down for that.
Especially given that Retro-Bit seem to have all but given up on the idea of producing the ones they announced and showed off three years ago, despite multiple promises that they were still in production.
@abdias And all you write about this product sounds like you work for Abernic or Powkiddy. So, what now?
If every outlet that likes the Polymega is crooked or somehow being bribed, I can tell you that I bought one with my own money and am perfectly happy with it. The controller isn't great, so I use a different one. Aside from that, it does a nice job of playing my original PSX, Saturn, Mega CD and Neo Geo CD games without me having to have those four systems and an upscaler hooked up.
If there's another system that can play my original discs for those four platforms and which has a lightgun on the way that will apparently let me play the copies of Point Blank, Virtua Cop, and Lethal Enforcers that I already own on my modern-day TV, please point me in the right direction and I'll check it out.
You don't like a thing. That's fine and is entirely your right. But it doesn't mean that everybody who does is being paid to think differently to you.
@Damo Got one in my DC and it makes the experience that much more pleasurable when you aren't listening to the WHEEEEEEE WEH-WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WHEEEEEEEE of the disc drive every four seconds.
Whole lot of "the lady doth protest too much, methinks" going on in this comment section, huh?
What's the line, here? You all pirates who don't want to look like pirates? Or are you eBay sellers who don't want prices to fall?
Surely you can't seriously be this upset that large corporations wouldn't suffer the slightest bit of financial inconvenience if every person who still owns a Gamecube installed one of these?
I'll get one and rip my copy of Aggressive Inline onto an SD card.
Does that somehow cross your moral line? That I'll take a copy of a game that I own and then - oh no! - I'll play it? A game that I bought at retail on the day of release? A game that I can't purchase from anywhere other than eBay? A game that I can't pay the original publisher for (again) as they don't exist anymore?
Would you rather I rinse my console until the drive fails and I then can't play that game at all? Or do you just want me to keep buying Gamecubes until there are none left? What happens then? What happens if the disc wears out? Should I just keeping buying copies of Aggressive Inline, just so I don't upset anyone?
Letting art die just to please a bunch of pearl-clutchers who are desperate to look as if they're the best friends of a multi-national corporation seems to be a weird way to appreciate it, but OK.
My issue with it is that I can't see why anybody would have paid to back the thing anyway. They've been SO ridiculously shady about the product since it was announced. No specs. No game list. No price (until very recently.) No launch date. Until very recently, nobody even had any idea whether it's supposed to be JUST a console to play old-school Atari games, or if it's a media box that happens to play Atari games.
Now it turns out that it's essentially a Linux box that will play some emulated Atari games, and whatever else they can manage to force it to run. Oh, and it'll play movies. Because they somehow think that's a USP in today's market where most people own 894 devices that can play movies.
Yet people are throwing money at it. Raspberry Pi 3 plus an 8bitdo controller will play the full Atari library (plus tons more), set you back £80, and you can have it delivered tomorrow. But no, they'll just pony up the extra £100 and wait for never. Then complain loudly about how they never ever imagined that they'd get ripped off.
Comments 27
Re: Got A Spare $13,000? You Could Own This "One-Off Dream" Copy Of Harry Potter On PS1
The seller has 162 sealed items listed but hasn't sold anything in the last 90 days. Turns out people don't want to pay £13k for this, and they don't want to fork out £30,000 for a sealed red Wii, either.
Weird, that.
Re: It's A Christmas Miracle, SuperSega Now Claims Sega Is Totally OK With Its FPGA Console
Please stop giving him airtime. He’s clearly an absolute lunatic, or five years old.
Re: You'll Be Able To Pre-Order The SuperSega FPGA Console For Just Three Bucks
I will happily preorder one for $3. Then I'll get a nice surprise in 2032 when I get an email reminding me that I can preorder for 30% off.
Re: Sega's Spirit Is Alive And Well In DDI Rally And Super Retro GP
Yes. I am present for these. Extremely so.
Re: The 'Kawaii' Is A Nintendo Wii The Size Of A Keychain
"The back will be laser-etched with the project logo and dope-looking fake compliance markings."
As if having the actual Nintendo logo on the thing wasn't going to get them a lawusit.
Re: Fresh 'Tokyo Xtreme Racer' Trademark Appears In Japan
Yes, please and thank you.
Re: "We Are Waiting For A Reply From Sega" - SuperSega FPGA Console Team Talk Price, Release Date And More
Yeah, well...I'm gonna make a console called the SuperSonyXboxPlayStationCube64 and it's gonna have support for all the controllers and all the memory cards and all the discs and cartridges...and...and...and I spoke to Nintendo and they said they might let me put some Mario ROMs on it and I can't show it to you yet but...but look at this drawing I done and my dad worked at IBM and designed stuff for ages and this is what it'll look like and I reckon it'll be no more than £250. My target for launch is December 2025 but I just formed a band with three of my friends last week and we'll probably be playing Wembley Stadium in the November, so it might get delayed slightly.
Re: Is Your PS2 Suffering From A Sagging AV Cable? Check Out This Handy "Strain Relief" Support
Alternatively, a couple small foam furniture pads stacked (like £5 for 100 of the things) will do the same job. And then you have 98 foam furniture pads left over to do other things with.
Or just fold up a piece of cardboard or summat.
Re: Random: Former CeX Staffer Holds Reddit AMA, And The First Question Is A Doozy
I can confirm that my local store is no different. It's almost like 90% of the people who turn up to trade stuff think that the first step of the process is to wet yourself and then go for a 5-mile run.
And to then wet yourself again.
Re: Three Years On, PS1 ODE PSIO Gets An Update - Along With Some Terrifying DRM
So you just shove this thing in the back, right?
That's handy, since after introducing that ridiculous DRM, Cybdyn are more than welcome to do exactly that with them.
Re: Under Defeat HD Is Getting An Expanded Version For Modern Consoles
Re: English Rock Band Static Dress Has Created A Game Boy Color Game
This is too cool. Cracking band, too. The album is killer.
Re: Random: Hyperkin Wants To Make The Sega Dreamcast 2
If Hyperkin could just come out with a modern wireless controller for the original Dreamcast, I'd be down for that.
Especially given that Retro-Bit seem to have all but given up on the idea of producing the ones they announced and showed off three years ago, despite multiple promises that they were still in production.
Re: Hands On: Evercade NXT - Now Packed With Capcom Goodness
Yeeeeeep, that'll do for me. Get Bionic Commando into my veins.
Re: Best Commodore C64 Games
Good list, although Emlyn Hughes International Soccer and Matchday II are absolute leagues ahead of Microprose Soccer, for my money.
Re: Final Fight Ultimate Brings Arcade Classic To Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, 30 Years Later
This looks epic. I'm all about it.
Re: The Making Of Split/Second
A genuinely enjoyable game that holds up very nicely. I'd have interest in a sequel, that's for darned sure.
Re: Welcome To Time Extension
Well done, peoples!
Re: Polymega's Next Update Brings More SNES And Super Famicom Support
@abdias And all you write about this product sounds like you work for Abernic or Powkiddy. So, what now?
If every outlet that likes the Polymega is crooked or somehow being bribed, I can tell you that I bought one with my own money and am perfectly happy with it. The controller isn't great, so I use a different one. Aside from that, it does a nice job of playing my original PSX, Saturn, Mega CD and Neo Geo CD games without me having to have those four systems and an upscaler hooked up.
If there's another system that can play my original discs for those four platforms and which has a lightgun on the way that will apparently let me play the copies of Point Blank, Virtua Cop, and Lethal Enforcers that I already own on my modern-day TV, please point me in the right direction and I'll check it out.
You don't like a thing. That's fine and is entirely your right. But it doesn't mean that everybody who does is being paid to think differently to you.
Re: The SNK Neo Geo MVSX Home Arcade Is Packed With 50 Games, Costs 500 Bucks
@MeowMeowKins There are guides for putting new games on a machine that isn't even up for pre-order yet?
I mean, I'm sure it'll happen, but...
Re: The SNK Neo Geo MVSX Home Arcade Is Packed With 50 Games, Costs 500 Bucks
@JayJ I really like the look of the cabinet and it's a decent price for a two-player standing cab.
I'm kinda hoping there's a way of getting other stuff on there.
Re: The SNK Neo Geo MVSX Home Arcade Is Packed With 50 Games, Costs 500 Bucks
I like it. I want it. I'll be getting it.
Then I'll be crying in 6 months when it blows up or falls apart or they release a new model that has not-the-worst-version-of-Super-Sidekicks on it.
Re: Hardware Review: Should You Ditch Your GameCube Discs For The GC Loader?
@Damo Got one in my DC and it makes the experience that much more pleasurable when you aren't listening to the WHEEEEEEE WEH-WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WHEEEEEEEE of the disc drive every four seconds.
Re: Hardware Review: Should You Ditch Your GameCube Discs For The GC Loader?
Whole lot of "the lady doth protest too much, methinks" going on in this comment section, huh?
What's the line, here? You all pirates who don't want to look like pirates? Or are you eBay sellers who don't want prices to fall?
Surely you can't seriously be this upset that large corporations wouldn't suffer the slightest bit of financial inconvenience if every person who still owns a Gamecube installed one of these?
I'll get one and rip my copy of Aggressive Inline onto an SD card.
Does that somehow cross your moral line? That I'll take a copy of a game that I own and then - oh no! - I'll play it? A game that I bought at retail on the day of release? A game that I can't purchase from anywhere other than eBay? A game that I can't pay the original publisher for (again) as they don't exist anymore?
Would you rather I rinse my console until the drive fails and I then can't play that game at all? Or do you just want me to keep buying Gamecubes until there are none left? What happens then? What happens if the disc wears out? Should I just keeping buying copies of Aggressive Inline, just so I don't upset anyone?
Letting art die just to please a bunch of pearl-clutchers who are desperate to look as if they're the best friends of a multi-national corporation seems to be a weird way to appreciate it, but OK.
Re: Polymega's Getting A "Next Generation" Light Gun Controller
And just like that, I'm interested in the Polymega.
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
My issue with it is that I can't see why anybody would have paid to back the thing anyway. They've been SO ridiculously shady about the product since it was announced. No specs. No game list. No price (until very recently.) No launch date. Until very recently, nobody even had any idea whether it's supposed to be JUST a console to play old-school Atari games, or if it's a media box that happens to play Atari games.
Now it turns out that it's essentially a Linux box that will play some emulated Atari games, and whatever else they can manage to force it to run. Oh, and it'll play movies. Because they somehow think that's a USP in today's market where most people own 894 devices that can play movies.
Yet people are throwing money at it. Raspberry Pi 3 plus an 8bitdo controller will play the full Atari library (plus tons more), set you back £80, and you can have it delivered tomorrow. But no, they'll just pony up the extra £100 and wait for never. Then complain loudly about how they never ever imagined that they'd get ripped off.
Re: Feature: The Making Of The PC Engine
Good work, that man!